1. Explain the importance of qualitative research
across fields
Prepared by:
Analyn L. Tribiana
How does qualitative research impacts
communities and lifts the marginalized groups or
Is it important in your chosen career path?
Big YES! Discovering the unknown,
understanding phenomena, and improving
underlying conditions is undeniable to qualitative
Qualitative research has been found to be effective
method in finding answers to phenomena in the
context of different disciplines like
education, technical communication, business,
social and behavioral sciences, advertising, and
social work.
It can be viewed that schools, hospitals,
businesses, social media, media (radio and
television), and the marginalized communities
are among the beneficiaries of qualitative
Realizing the importance of qualitative research in daily life
necessary as you get nearer to choosing the field of research
you will focus on.
Importance of Qualitative Research across
Different Fields
Qualitative Research in An advertising artist
Advertising. conducted a survey
Researchers in advertising comes with open-ended
along from an understanding of responses to the
consumer’s preferred styles and executives in his
techniques, wants and needs. It is company on their
conducted to know how customers insights of using 3D
respond to a particular ad or integrated
advertising campaign. holographic system.
Qualitative Research in
International Business A group of
Methods such as businessmen studied
participant observation, content the international
analysis, focus groups, narrative business strategies
interviews and "hidden" methods by its institution-
such as archival study are used based view of the
by business establishments. In emerging economies
this way, business
establishments are able to obtain
reliable data and decide to
develop their strategies and
Qualitative Research in
Marketing Researchers in a US
It is influenced by social automobile
research and has embedded manufacturing
projective devices within the explored the
approach of in-depth interview. customers' desired
The more modern qualitative value change in a
marketing studies use the Business-to-Business
grounded theory approach. By Context at different
thorough investigation through levels.
research, marketing strategies are
improved for better return of
Qualitative Research in Education
Ethnography being used in education Matching
seeks to understand social and cultural teaching styles
dynamics of a school or classroom and and the
understand what counts as education for learning styles
members of a particular group. of students.
Researchers pursue following agenda: Student
research, educational agenda and social, reaction to the
cultural and instructional change. evaluation of
Qualitative research is important as it their academic
navigates towards improvement of performance.
performance in education.
Qualitative Research in Psychologists
Psychology seek to
It seeks to understand and understand why
determine an observable, some students
objective psychological reality. lack motivation
Understanding the psychological to go to school
processes and how they affect the and why some
society is the contribution of students resort to
qualitative research. bullying and the
Qualitative Research in Social Work A group of social
Conducting a research under social work workers studied the
means studying about people’s experiences court room
especially what they found traumatic and professionals which
painful. This can be done by analyzing focuses on parental
interview data and narratives which has alienation (when
four broad categories: one parent
1. Knowledge-direct discredits the other
remembering and reliving, with complete parent to a child or
details of the events children the two
2. Awareness of share) and explores
mental process: awareness of emotions and women’s
of cognitive processes experiences as well
3. Awareness of as legal and social
identity- awareness of values and the services’ practices in
construction of personal characteristics of child custody cases.
each partner and of the couple as a unit
Alienation-refusal to observe, reflect or
Qualitative Research in the Natural
Sciences Scientists use qualitative The
research as a foundation study such as in Palawan council for
environmental sciences. Qualitative sustainable development
research responded to many questions in (PCSD) gathered data
environmental investigations and on the statement and
professional reports. Qualitative research recommendations of
approaches may be used to respond to experts and community
the questions arisen in preparation of leaders on the issues on
professional reports such as edible bird’s nest
Environmental Impact Statements, harvesting
Strategic Environmental Assessment
reports and Protected Area Management
Qualitative Research in Technical
Communication Qualitative A student conducted a
research can also be used in case study of
studying the effective use of Engineering
technology in the workplace to ensure Professionals reading
smooth flow of communication. This White Papers A
can be conducted using focus groups. researcher studied
Technical communications under study lessons learned from
can be in the forms of e-mail, fax Museum Exhibit
messaging, video and voice Design: Modeling
conferencing, intranet and extranet, Information for Three-
jargons and graphics. The dimensional Space
advancement in technical
communication is a product of
exploration using qualitative research.
(Source: Nelia G, Prieto, Victoria C. Naval, and Teresita G.
Carey, Project WRITE (Writing Resources for Innovative
Teacher Education). Philippines: Philippine Association for
Teachers and Educators, 2006)