Motion Information AND Media
Motion Information AND Media
Motion Information AND Media
Motion media
Form of media that the has the appearance of moving text and
graphics on a display. Its purpose is to communicate information
in multiple ways (Roblyer,2006)
An integrated sight-and-sound kinetic media (Shelton, 2004)
Motion Media
Sight + Sound + Movement
Film – Also called a movie or motion picture, is a series of still or moving image.
- Animation
- Motion pictures movies, Film and Video
- Interactive Videos
- Streaming media
- Internet
- Studios
- Broadcast Channels
- Video Channels
- Libraries
MOTION: Better mastery of procedures, as opposed to stagnant
PROCESSES: Operations where sequential movement is needed can
be shown.
SAFE OBSERVATION: Observing phenomena that might be
dangerous to view directly.
SKILL LEARNING: Videos can be viewed over and over, so
repeated observation of skills is possible.
DRAMATIZATION: Recreations of history and personalities;
Observing and analyzing human relation problems.
AFFECTIVE LEARNING: Films for shaping personal and social
attitudes to affect attitudes.
PROBLEM SOLVING: Open-ended dramatizations can leave
viewers to solve problems themselves.
CULTURAL UNDERSTANDING: Appreciation for other
cultures by seeing video depictions of them.
FIXED PACE: Cannot be interrupted
COST: Equipment and materials are expensive. Using gadgets for motion
media makes the presentation phone to technical problems.
EASE IN/EASE OUT – Work by adjusting frames in order to give the impression of something
moving slowly then rapidly.
ANTICIPATION – Prepares the viewer for something to happen. This gives the screen more energy
as it begins to develop and move.
STAGING – Is the process of arranging al element in a scene so that the eye of viewer is directed
towards the focal point.
ARCS – Can help make transition look smoother. In moving objects, arcs can make motion more realistic.