Health 10
Health 10
Health 10
1. Price and tax measures to reduce the demand for tobacco and
2. Non price measures to reduce the demand for tobacco, namely:
• Protection from exposure to tobacco smoke;
• Regulation of the contents of tobacco products;
• Regulation of tobacco products;
• New packaging and labeling of tobacco products;
• Education communication, training and public awareness;
• Demand reduction measures concerning tobacco dependence
and cessation and
• Tobacco advertising, promotion and sponsorship.
Global Strategy to Reduce
the Harmful Use of Alcohol
recognizes the close ties between the
harmful use of alcohol and the socio-
economic development of a nation. Likewise,
this strategy builds and supports other global
health initiatives like the global strategy for
the prevention and control of non-
communicable diseases.
Global Strategy for the Prevention
And Control of Non-Communicable
is a global action plan to prevent and
control the following non-communicable
diseases: cardiovascular diseases, chronic
respiratory diseases, cancers and diabetes and
the four shared risk factors: unhealthy eating,
physical inactivity, tobacco use and alcohol