Parts of A Whole As An Emerging Pattern
Parts of A Whole As An Emerging Pattern
Parts of A Whole As An Emerging Pattern
as an emerging
Trend is a movement or behavior geared
towards a certain direction.
Furthermore, a trend also implies change.
Patterns can occur within
Patterns can be identified Pattern is a series of
a downward or upward
in the history of the asset data that repeats in a trend, or they can mark
being evaluated or other the beginning of a new
recognizable way trend..
assets with similar
Emerging Patterns
Emerging Patterns are sets They are useful as a means of
of items whose frequency discovering distinctions inherently
changes significantly present amongst a collection dataset
from one dataset to and have been shown to be a powerful
another. method for construction accurate
Time is a moment, hour, day or year as indicated by a clock
or calendar. It is the most important factor which ensures
success in a business. It’s difficult to keep up with the speed
of time.
Time Series
Time Series Forecasting is used to
predict future values based on
previously observed values.
Parts that
Emerge a
• The parts, as products of the total division,
can only be understood through
understanding of the whole.
• The classical German philosophers F. Von Schelling and G.
Hegel introduced the distinction between the inorganic and
the inorganic (self-developing) whole; the organic whole,
however, was associated with nonmaterial development
only, and not with matter.
of Trends
The capacity to recognize emerging trends
is engrained in our capacity to distinguish
According to Locke,
Experience is contained of
awareness and reflection.
Quiz Time
Identification. Identify the following words describe
in each sentence. Write your answer on a
separate sheet.