Risk Assessment
Risk Assessment
Risk Assessment
To identify the significant risks that could impact
the selected feature and find ways to minimize
1. Decide what matters most
Think about which areas of your business it will refer to.
For example, you might only be interested in hazard-based risks. Some of the internal and external
things to think about when creating your plan are:
● employees/staffs
● clients, customers and suppliers
● business financiers, investors and insurers
● your local communities and local media
● government agencies.
● work out what your business considers as high and low risk
● get support for your risk management plan
● bring together different views and areas of expertise
● keep your risk framework up to date
● respond to unexpected risks.
Risk Assessment Approach
1. Top-down risk assessment
- By the board of directors
1. Combination of both
- Collecting information from as many stakeholders as possible
Top-down risk assessment
Advantages Disadvantages
The most significant strategic risks can be Limited awareness of internal operational
captured quickly risks
Acceptance of risk management activities Danger that the approach becomes too
at all levels superficial, because senior managers
believe they can manage crises
Significant buy-in at all levels of the Little focus on external risks or strategic
organization should be achieved risks
Giving more awareness towards local risks Too detailed and blinkered, resulting in a
and causes faced by organization silo approach to risk assessment
Variety of methodology according to local New risks emerging might not be reported
norms and culture (useful for a by operational staff
multinational organization)
The organization should decide the risk assessment protocols and
procedures that are most suitable.
- Consistent structure
- Greater involvement
- Rigid approach may result in some risks being missed
- Questions will be based on historical knowledge
Risk Assessment Techniques
2. Workshops and Brainstorming
Collection and sharing of ideas to discuss the events that could impact the objectives, core
processes or key dependencies
- Consolidated opinions from all interested parties
- Greeted interaction produces more ideas
- Senior management tends to dominate
- Issues will be missed if incorrect people involved
Risk Assessment Techniques
3. Inspections and audits
Physical inspections of premises and activities and audits of compliance with established
systems and procedures.
- Physical evidence forms the basis of opinion
- Audit approach results in good structure
- Inspections are most suitable for hazard risks
- Audit approach tends to focus on historical experience
Risk Assessment Techniques
4. Flow Charts and Dependency Analysis
Analysis of the processes and operations within the organization to identify critical
components that are key to success.
- Useful output that may be used elsewhere
- Analysis produces better understanding of processes
- Difficult to use for strategic risks
- May be very detailed and time-consuming
A convenient and simple way of analysing risks is to identify the key
dependencies faced by the organization.
Key Dependencies can be further analysed by asking what could impact each of
“What events or circumstances would enhance the status of each of the key
The most common of the qualitative brainstorming structures are the SWOT
and PESTLE analysis.
One of the strengths of the SWOT analysis is that it can PESTLE risk classification system has more
be linked to strategic decisions because SWOT detail.
evaluating both internal and external environment
PESTLE is a well-established structure with
However, because it is not a structured risk proven results for undertaking brainstorming
classification system, there is a possibility that not all sessions during risk assessment workshops.
of the risks will be identified.
4. Analyze the Risks
After identifying the risks to your business, it’s time to work out which ones are
The risk matrix can be used to record the outcome of the risk rating exercise
and this will provide a simple visual presentation of the significant risks that
have been recognized or identified.
5. Evaluate the Risks
To evaluate risk, compare the level of risk for various events against your risk criteria. You
should also check if your existing risk management methods are enough to accept the risk.
Sometimes businesses choose to accept risks and not spend any resources on avoiding them. You
might decide to accept a level of risk for the following reasons:
● The cost of treatment is much higher than the potential results of the risk.
● The risk level works out to be very low.
● The benefits of taking the risk greatly outweighs the possible damage.
6. Treat Risk to Your Business
Your evaluation will have helped you to identify any risks that need to be treated. Develop a
plan to treat risks, so you can:
● identify each risk type and the level of risk to your business
● suggest strategies to treat each risk
● create timeframes for each strategy
● decide who's responsible for specific parts of the plan
● work out resources required such as money, staff and external help
● schedule future action such as regular checking and updating of risks, if needed.
7. Commit to Reducing Risks
Committing to quality risk management can help you create a stable business that prepares for
unexpected events.
● make sure your business aims link to your risk management plan
● clearly describe your risk management plan to everyone in your business
● show support for risk management
● set up a way of measuring the success of your risk management plan
● regularly check that your way of measuring is giving you useful information
● make it clear who's responsible for what
● provide enough resources at all levels of your business
● ask for feedback from everyone in your business, including customers and suppliers
● use feedback to update your plan
● explain risk management to new employees and in training programs.
Risk Mitigation
Risk mitigation is the practice of reducing the
impact of potential risks by developing a plan to
manage, eliminate, or limit setbacks as much as
possible. After management creates and carries
out the plan, they’ll monitor progress and assess
whether or not they need to modify any actions if