Abnormal Psych CH 3 & 4 Assessment
Abnormal Psych CH 3 & 4 Assessment
Abnormal Psych CH 3 & 4 Assessment
Psychological Assessment: refers to a procedure by which clinicians
provide a formal evaluation using psychological tests, observation and
interviews which provide scorable information of the client’s
psychological functioning.
Psychoanalysis: Unconscious
Psychodynamic: Unconscious plus conscious wishes
Behavioral perspective: mental disorders are the result of maladaptive
Studied direct, observable behavior and offer explanations for explaining
and treating maladaptive behavior.
Treatment: psychotherapy
Change maladaptive thinking”
Stable to temporary
Global to specific
Internal to external
Cognitive Behavioral Perspective: focuses on how thoughts and
information processing can become distorted and lead to maladaptive
emotions and behavior.
Combined behavioral and cognitive methods.
Humanistic Perspective: known as the 3rd force in psychology, people
are motived to strive for self fulfillment and meaning in life.
Emphasizes that disorders arise when people are unable to experience
living in the moment, to fully appreciate each moment as it occurs.