Occupied House Property: Computation of Income From A Self
Occupied House Property: Computation of Income From A Self
Occupied House Property: Computation of Income From A Self
Houses - Own Benefit only
Residence to Individual
and HUF
No Other
Conditions derived
Computation of Income from a Self –
Occupied House Property
Particulars Rs
Gross Annual Value xxxxx
Less: Municipal Taxes -------
Net Annual Value xxxxx
Less: Specific Deductions u/s 24 As NAV is
1. Standard Deduction ------
2. Interest on Borrowed Capital ------
Income from House Property xxxxx
Deduction of Interest on Borrowed Capital in Case of
Self Occupied Property
Deduction of Interest on Borrowed Capital in Case of
Self Occupied Property
Interest on
Loan taken
Loan taken
after 1.4.1999
Purchase, Repairs,
Construction, Purchase and Renewals,
Repairs, Renewals, Construction Reconstructio
Reconstruction n
House 1 House 2
Municipal Valuation 60,000 30,000
Fair rent 85,000 32,000
Standard Rent 65,000 36,000
Municipal taxes paid 10% 10%
Fire Insurance 600 360
Interest on capital borrowed 1,40,000 170000
for construction
Determine his taxable income for A.Y 2021-22
Income from House Property House I (SO) House II (SO)
Step 1: RER
Step 2: Actual Rent
Step 3: Step 1 or Step 2 w.i.h
Step 4: Loss of vacancy
Step 5: GAV (3-4) Actual -170000
Restricted to Rs.60,000 as
Less: Municipal Taxes total interest cannot be
(10% of Municipal Valuation) more than Rs.2,00,000 p.a.
Net Annual Value (NAV) NIL NIl
Less: Specific Deductions : NIL NIL
1. Standard Deduction (30% of (As NAV is NIL) (As NAV is NIL)
2. Interest on Capital 1,40,000 60,000
INCOME/LOSS FROM HOUSE (1,40,000) (60,000)
Self Occupied Property : Case 2: Annual Value of one /two
house properties which is not actually occupied by the owner
owing to employment or business/ profession carried on at
any other place
Reason being
Residing in another
house not owned by him
Self Occupied Property : Case 3: Annual Value of a house
property which is partly self – occupied and partly let out
Income from House Property Rent @14,000 Rent @19,000
Step 1: RER 1,80,000 1,80,000 10
Step 2: Actual Rent 1,40,000 1,90,000
Step 3: Step 1 or Step 2 w.i.h 1,80,000 1,90,000
Step 4: Loss of vacancy NIL NIL
Step 5: GAV (3-4) 1,80,000 1,90,000
Less: Municipal Taxes 6,000 6,000
• No- Mr. X can own two houses for self residential purposes
and will not be taxed on the annual value of these
Case- Benefit of Self Occupation to
• Can benefit of self-occupation of house property
under the section 23(2) be denied to a HUF on the
grounds that it, being a fictional entity, cannot
occupy a house property?
• Yes you can avail deduction of interest paid on loan to father from
house property income
• Interest income will be taxable in the hands of the father- but he
can avail tax benefits of a senior citizen
Best of Both – HRA and Interest Deduction
My basic salary and DA amount to RS.8,00,000 p.a. I am having my
self owned house at my native place at Rajkot, which is lying
vacant on account of my recent posting at Baroda. Since am
staying at a rented house at Baroda paying an annual rent of
Rs.72,000 and I am receiving HRA of Rs.40,000 my questions are as
Can I continue to avail the benefit of deduction of Rs. 60,000 p.a.
in respect of interest paid by me on housing loan for my self
owned house at Rajkot, though I am not physically occupying the
• Yes interest deduction can claimed from the income of self
occupied house in Rajkot
Can I also claim the benefit of exemption in respect of exemption
the HRA received by me, although I am the owner of one
residential accommodation?
• Yes HRA exemption can also be claimed from salary income in
respect of the house in Baroda