Normal Spontaneous Vagina Delivery: Group 11: Case Presentation
Normal Spontaneous Vagina Delivery: Group 11: Case Presentation
Normal Spontaneous Vagina Delivery: Group 11: Case Presentation
Vagina Delivery
Group 11: Case Presentation
Clinical Scenario/Actual Case
Name: Villanueva, Ariene Boongaling
Age: 26 years old
Weight: 54 kg
Address: D. I. Calihan San Francisco S.P.C.
Gender: Female
Marital Status: Single
Date of Admission: December 6, 2022
Time of Admission: 7:50am
Definition of Disease/Clinical Situation
Formation of
Trophoblast Fetal Development
Chorionic Villi
Stages of Labor
Process of Labor
Normal Spontaneous
A. Physical B. System
Assessment Assessment
D. Diagnostic
C. Laboratories Procedures
Generic/Brand Name Classification / Side Effects / Adverse Nursing Consideration Patient Teaching
Indication Reaction
Oxytocin Pharmacologic class: CNS: seizures, coma, neonatal * Continuously monitor * Inform the patient about the
Posterior brain damage, subarachnoid contractions, fetal and risks and benefits of
(Pitocin, Syntocinon, pituitary hormone hemorrhage maternal heart rate, oxytocin-induced labor.
Syntometrine) and maternal blood pressure
Therapeutic class: Uterine- CV: premature ventricular and ECG. * Teach patient to recognize
active agent contractions, arrhythmias, Discontinue infusion if and
neonatal bradycardia uterine hyperactivity occurs. immediately report adverse
drug effects
GI: nausea, vomiting * Monitor the patient
extremely closely
GU: post-partal hemorrhage; during the first and second
pelvic stages of labor because of
hematoma; uterine hypertonicity, the risk of cervical laceration,
spasm, or tetanic contraction; uterine rupture, and maternal
abruptio placentae; uterine and fetal
rupture (with death.
excessive doses)
* When giving drugs to
Hematologic: afibrinogenemia control post
partal bleeding, monitor and
Hepatic: neonatal jaundice record
Other: hypersensitivity reactions vaginal bleeding.
including anaphylaxis, low 5-
Apgar score (neonate), * Assess fluid intake and
output. Watch
for signs and symptoms of
VI. Treatment (Pre Natal Medication)
Ferrous Sulfate
Hemarate FA (Antianemic)
Calcium Supplement
Assessment Diagnosis Goals and Interventions Evaluation
Continued uterine Laboring To deliver the Assessed the vital The patient does not
contraction patient fetus signs of the patient. experience any head
successfully ache, visual
Irritability Performed internal disturbances and does
examination (IE) not show any swelling
V/S taken as on the face nor hands.
follows Assisted the patient
everything she needed
o T: 36.5 to go to the comfort
o P: 95 room ex. Putting on
o R:19 diapers.
o BP: 100/60
Established rapport.
Teach the patient the
proper way of
Massaged the
abdomen to help the
placenta detach.
November 28, 2022 • Ms. Boongaling lab result shows that her • Patient is prescribed with Hemarate FA and take it 3 times daily. • By November 29, 2022, her latest
Hypotension hemoglobin is 9.6 that is below in the normal range. To ensure that she will increase her hemoglobin and can have hemoglobin is 9.9. it shows that
December 06, 2022 • Ms. Boongaling is alert, awake, and oriented to • Patient is encouraged to ambulate. Perform a back rub to apply • The patient ‘s face grimaced. Pain
2:00pm person, time, and place. Her chief complaint of counter pressure and help ease back pain. Demonstrate proper persists and increases when
Labor Pain labor pain is characterized by radiating pain from breathing techniques. Encourage the patient to express her ambulating.
the lower back to the abdomen, which is relieved emotions and offer support throughout the labor process.
December 06, 2022 •In from delivery room, 26 years old, G4P3 in active • Placed on DR table in lithotomy position • • Procedure well tolerated
For normal delivery •With IV fluid of D5Lrs infused with oxytocin. •Episiotomy done by Ma'am Nerie thru local anesthesia