AGRO-industrial Attachment - II (AIA 414)

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Presentation By: Pawandeep Kaur
Roll No.: 17101166
Class : B.Sc. Agriculture(Hons.) Sem – 8th
PRESENTED TO : Prof. Gurbax Singh
P.G. Department of Agriculture
Khalsa College Amritsar
• The Ajnala Cooperative Sugar Mills Ltd was registered on 4 th April 1977.
• Started its first crushing season in the year 1990-91.
• This mill was built by company by the name of SUMAC and they planned the layout and constructed the
building with proper space for each station kept in mind Particulars Details

1. Plant/ factory name The Ajnala co-op Sugar Mills Ltd.

2. Location Village Bhala Pind, Tehsil Ajnala, Distt.


3. Factory nature Co-operative

4. Total expenditure during installation Rs 27 Crore

5. Total area 125 acres

• Origin of sugar industry and sugar itself is not quite cleared yet as many believes that sugar industry originated
from Persia in 7th century while other believes it was founded by Europeans during the crusades in 11th
•  Sugarcane – 75-80% of the global supply and it is mainly grown in tropical countries.
• Sugarbeet – 25-30% of the global supply and it is grown in temperate countries.
AREA COVERED BY MILL Land Distribution Acres
1. Plant Machinery
2. Cane Yard 1. Plant & Machinery 25.0

2. Cane Yard 11.6

3. Cane Seed Farm 3. Cane seed Farm 60.0

4. Office/Admimistration 4. Office/ Administration 2.4

5. Residence Colony 22.2

5. Residential colony 6. Surplus Land 13.4

6. Surplus Land   Total 125.0

Area distribution by different units of the mill

• Mill processing unit- the mill processing unit includes a large
building inside which all the processes of making sugar from
the cane are carried out-

• Kissan Aaram ghar- Kissan aaram ghar is the infrastructural
facility provided to the farmers by the mill for staying at night or for the rest of the farmers as itakes a long time,
to the mill unloading unit from the token gate itself.
Storage shed for sulphur- Storage Godowns for sugar Store
It was a shed for the storage of These godowns were large storage The store was built close to the
houses built for the storage of sugar workshop and contains smaller
chemical sulphur which is used in the bags. Thegodowns were built with machinery parts, nuts, bolts, bearings
sulphitation of juice and syrup. cemented floor to avoid the storage loss and such other things.
of the sugar.
Dispensary Gurudwara Cooperative bank
There was also the provision of Gurudwara was also built at the one The mill also had the bank facility
dispensary to face any mishappening side ofthe mill premises for the workers available inside.
which could occur in the mill area. It or men who stay permanently in the
had allthe necessary First-Aid and mill for years.
medicine facility for the treatment of
any patient, who got hurt inside the mill
• In survey process surveyor go the different villages (alotted to particular person) and note down the area and
details of farmers growing sugarcane crop.
• There after he provide this whole data to the sugar industry and sugar industry provide him all the documentation
for preparing official bond between farmer and industry.
• In bond surveyor prepare an agreement between farmer and the
industry the farmer will bring the particular amount of the sugarcane to
the mill and mill will purchase its produce for sure.
• If any farmer later on break the bond he have to pay penalty for it.
• On the behalf of bond surveyor provide the parchi to the farmer to
bring produce to the mill
Sugarcane to be delivered was entered in the mill
through Token Gate, whose’ in-charge was CDI
(CaneDevelopment Inspector). There were two CDI
Harpal Singh andAnuraj Singh who worked in shifts(day
and night).

Cane yard –
Tractors of the farmer carrying the canes for crushing
waits for their turn in this area. There is also a canteen,
washroom and waiting room for the facilitation of the
Cane weighment:- When the farmer’s turn arrives, he took his tractor to the cane weighment area.At
this area a platform was built which recorded the weight of
the canes along with the tractor and trolley.

Picture –weighment area

Cane Unloading: Cane is unloaded here at .
unloading dock and dropped over conveyor
belt to send it to the manyfacturing unit

Chopping and Cutting:

Conveyor belt pass through cutter and chopper
during this interval the cane is cut into small
pieces and chopped so that it can be processed
easily and the maximum amount of use can be
Cane Milling: .
• Juice is extracted from the cane by passing it into three mills
• Each mill perform same function but main aim is to extract 98-99% of juice from the cane
and not more than 2% of juice should be left in the bagasse (leftover of the cane after
extracting juice)

Mill no. 1 Mill no.2 Mill no.3

• Boiler Attendant – Avatar Singh
The bagasse obtained after the extraction of juice from the mill tandem was transferred to boiler
department through bagasse carriers.

Boilers are used for the generation of high-pressure
steam from the burning of bagasse.
The boilers are cleaned twice, every 8 hours to remove the
burnt over residues or ash, left in the combustion region.
 Juice filtering:
• The juice collected from mill station 1 and 2 is then transfer to the juice filter machine.
• At this machine the juice is passed through a mesh of steel which filtered the juice and separated the
bagasse and transferred to the rang carrier of fir mill station.
• After the filtration of juice the juice was then send to the juice weighment tank.
Juice weighment and heating:(65-72 degree Celsius) .
• After extraction juice is sent to collection cum weighment tank
• This tank capacity is fixed at 6.5 tonnes litres of juice in single filling.
• After completion of 6.5 tonnes juice it is sent to heater for heating the juice to 70 degree
Juice sulphitation and heating: 80 degree Celsius, pH 6.9-7 maintained
• In this unit milk of lime is added to the use to clear it
• Along with the milk of lime ,sulphur dioxide gas is also added to maintain the pH level at 6.9-
7.0 .
• pH is checking is mandatory at this point for further processing.
Juice Clarification:
• Juice clarification process is done in the DAAR it is a large tank in which juice is heated and the clear
juice is separated.
• The leftover settle at bottom of the daar and it is called MUD.
• Bagasse is added to mud and press mud is made of it which is sold to other industries (it is used as fuel)
• Once the juice is clarified it is processed in the semigation and vapour cells to remove the water from the
clear juice.
• Here the temperature of the clear juice reach to
the 120 degree Celsius
• Now the juice left after evaporating 70% of the
water (Syrup) is sent for crystal formation of the sugar.
• These bodies work on the basis of vacuum process. The vapour from the last cell goes into
a condenser.
Syrup- At this stage the juice after evaporation process gets transformed into syrup
• Syrup sulphiter- the syrup is Sulphited using SO2 & also the pH is maintained in the sulphiter
and the Sulphited syrup goes into Pan Station
• At this stage the syrup should have 60°C temperature
Crystallization Process .
• In crystallization process syrup (juice left after removing 70% of water) is processed in PAN
– A(3 pans), B(1 pan) and C(1 pan)
• In these pans seed(sugar powder) is added to the syrup and heated at 55-60 degree Celsius.
• In approximate 2 hrs a single lot of 400 bags is prepared per pan(pans of A)
• After crystallisation at every pan the sugar molasses syrup is then transferred to the
centrifugal machine for separation of molasses from the sugar crystals.
• For this the sugar molasses syrup was transferred to the centrifugal tub inside the centrifugal
• After the transfer the centrifugal tube was then rotated at very high RPM in order to
separate the molasses from the sugar crystals.

A top-down view of centrifugal station with 5 centrifuges installed for each Pan .
Bagging And Storage: .
• After finishing of the crystallization sugar is firstly separated from the molasses and then
separated sugar is dried with the help of large fans.
• Thereafter dried sugar is graded and small and large size sugar is packed in the bags.
• Large size sugar is sent back to the pans for quality improvement purpose.
 Strength:
• Location
• Well setup up plant
• Good Facilities for farmers
• Proper infrastructure
• Farmers Trust
 Weakness:
• Lack of innovation
• Out dated staff
• Out dated machinery
• No proper maintainance
• Delay payments
 Opportunities:
• Demand
• Supply
• New technology introduction soon
• Molasses
 Threats:
• Less market price for sugar
• Competition with private mills
• Political influence
• Ground water depeletion
• At last I would like to conclude that I have learnt many valuable things in this agro-industrial training along with the
practical knowledge of sugar processing. In this training along with practical knowledge I had learnt some moral values
too as there are few senior employees too in the industry who taught some moral values along with the technical/practical
knowledge in the industry. I have learnt in detail process of sugar manufacturing during my whole training in Ajnala
cooperative sugar mill. Thereafter the current status of economics is not too good ,mill is in debt of the 300 crores. Major
reason for this debt is the higher production cost and less selling price. Production cost is high because due to political
pressure the any quality sugarcane is accepted in the mill which do not have required brix level i.e. 18 brix.

• Finally I would suggest government should take some strict action to cover up this problem otherwise mill can go to more
high debt. Which can cause various problem in future. Payments of the farmers should be done on the time otherwise the
farmers can stop cane farming and can shift to other crops which is a big threat for the mill.

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