Diffie Hellman
Diffie Hellman
Diffie Hellman
Suppose Mr. Jones and Ms. Clara need to exchange their official
information which is more sensitive between each other for an
emergency purpose.
04/11/2023 Diffie Hellman Key Exchange / CS8792 - Cryptography and Network Security / A.Kowshika / IT 2/11
Actual Problem with the network
04/11/2023 Diffie Hellman Key Exchange / CS8792 - Cryptography and Network Security / A.Kowshika / IT 3/11
Diffie Hellman Key Exchange
• A public-key distribution scheme.
• Securely Exchange Keys- Establish
a common known only to
• Security relies on the difficulty of
computing discrete logarithms Whitfield Martin
(similar to factoring) – hard Diffie Hellman
04/11/2023 Diffie Hellman Key Exchange / CS8792 - Cryptography and Network Security / A.Kowshika / IT 4/11
Diffie Hellman - Analogy
Public Key
Private Keys
04/11/2023 Diffie Hellman Key Exchange / CS8792 - Cryptography and Network Security / A.Kowshika / IT 5/11
Come let’s play with colours.
• Let me have some volunteers 3 to 4
• One each can act as Sender, receiver and
• Let’s play the Diffie Hellman Key
exchange analogy in reality ….
• I will give you a common color for sender
and Receiver and let each one can pick
one color from pool of colors.
• Let the attacker/audience find the colors
04/11/2023 Diffie Hellman Key Exchange / CS8792 - Cryptography and Network Security / A.Kowshika / IT 6/11
Conclusion of Activity
Difficult to find it !
• Paint is easy to mix
• Paint is hard to unmix
04/11/2023 Diffie Hellman Key Exchange / CS8792 - Cryptography and Network Security / A.Kowshika / IT 7/11
• Global parameters:
• large prime integer or
polynomial q Shared session key for users A & B is K:
• α a primitive root mod q
• User A : •K=y
mod q
• Choose a secret Key xA < q
• Compute public key yA = α
(which B can compute)
mod q
• User B : xA
• Choose a secret Key xB < q •K=y B mod q
• Compute public key yB = α
mod q (which A can compute)
04/11/2023 Diffie Hellman Key Exchange / CS8792 - Cryptography and Network Security / A.Kowshika / IT 8/11
04/11/2023 Diffie Hellman Key Exchange / CS8792 - Cryptography and Network Security / A.Kowshika / IT 9/11
Users Alice and Bob use the Diffie-Hellman key exchange technique with a
common prime q=83 and primitive root α=5.
• If Alice has a private key Xa=6,what is Alice’s public keyYA?
• If Bob has a private key Xb=10, what is Bob’s public key YB?
• What is the shared secret key?
04/11/2023 Diffie Hellman Key Exchange / CS8792 - Cryptography and Network Security / A.Kowshika / IT 10/11
• William Stallings, Cryptography and Network Security: Principles and Practice, PHI
3rd Edition, 2006.
• Behrouz A. Foruzan, Cryptography and Network Security, Tata McGraw Hill 2007.
04/11/2023 Diffie Hellman Key Exchange / CS8792 - Cryptography and Network Security / A.Kowshika / IT 11/11