Post Processing Phase
Post Processing Phase
Post Processing Phase
Evaluation of patterns
Finding interesting
A pattern is interesting if it has the following properties:
1. Easily understood by humans,
2. Valid on new or test data with some degree of certainty
3. potentially useful
4. novel
5.validates some hypothesis that a user seeks to confirm
Pattern evaluation
a b <-- classified as
7 2 | a = yes
3 2 | b = no
class "a" gets misclassified as "b" exactly twice, and class "b"
gets misclassified as "a" three times).
Pattern Evaluation: Statistical Evaluation measures
Precision Example
a b <-- classified as
7 2 | a = yes
3 2 | b = no
Precision for class yes=7/(7+3)=0.7
Precision for class no =2/(2+2)=0.5
a perfect precision score of 1.0 means that every item in
positive class was relevant
However, it says nothing about whether all relevant items
were classified in the positive class
Pattern Evaluation: Statistical Evaluation measures
The number of true positives(tp) divided by the total number
of elements that actually belong to the positive class (tp+fn).
Also called True positive rate.
Recall (R) = tp/(tp+fn)
It is the fraction of relevant instances that are retrieved.
A perfect recall score of 1.0 means that all relevant items were
classified in the positive class .
However, It says nothing about how many irrelevant items
were also included in the positive class.
Pattern Evaluation: Statistical Evaluation measures
Recall example
a b <-- classified as
7 2 | a = yes
3 2 | b = no
Precision vs Recall
A precision score of 1.0 for a class C means that every item
labelled as belonging to class C does indeed belong to class C
(but says nothing about the number of items from class C that
were not labelled correctly)
a recall of 1.0 means that every item from class C was
labelled as belonging to class C (but says nothing about how
many other items were incorrectly also labelled as belonging
to class C).
Pattern Evaluation: Statistical Evaluation measures
This is a combined measure for precision and recall.
The two measures are used together in the
f-measure) to provide a single measurement for a system.
It is computed as follows:
F-Measure= 2*Precision*Recall/(Precision+Recall)
Pattern Evaluation: Statistical Evaluation measures
For instance
A value near 0.5 means the lack of any statistical
Pattern Evaluation: Statistical Evaluation measures
ROC Area
The area under a ROC curve quantifies the overall ability of
the test to discriminate between those individuals with the
condition (TP) and those without the condition(TN).
A truly useless test : has an area of 0.5.
Meaning that it is not better at identifying true positives than
false postives.
A perfect test: Has zero false positives (FP)and zero false
negatives) has an area of 1.00.
Meaning that it is better at identifying true positives
The test has an area between these two values.
Pattern Evaluation: Statistical Evaluation measures
ROC area Example
Pattern Evaluation: Statistical Evaluation measures
ROC Area
The graph shows three ROC curves representing excellent,
good, and worthless tests plotted on the same graph.
The accuracy of the test depends on how well the test
separates the group being tested into those with and without
the condition in question.
Accuracy is measured by the area under the ROC curve.
An area of 1 represents a perfect test;
an area of 0.5 represents a worthless test.
Pattern Evaluation: Statistical Evaluation measures
ROC area
A rough guide for classifying the accuracy of a diagnostic test is
the traditional academic point system:
0.90-1 = excellent (A)
0.80-0.90 = good (B)
0.70-0.80 = fair (C)
0.60-0.70 = poor (D)
0.50-0.60 = fail (F)
A value near 0.5 means the lack of any statistical
Pattern Evaluation: Statistical Evaluation measures
ROC area Example
Pattern Evaluation: Statistical Evaluation measures
ROC area
ROC curves can also be constructed from clinical prediction rules.
The graphs shows how clinical findings predict strep throat . The
study compared patients in Virginia(VA) and Nebraska (NE) .
It was observed that the rule performed more accurately in
Virginia (VA) since area under the curve =0.78 compared to
Nebraska, whose area under the curve = 0.73
Pattern Evaluation: Statistical Evaluation measures
post processing
Visualization Techniques
Data Sources
Paper, Files, Information Providers, Database Systems,
Benefits of pattern Visualization
2. It can be misleading
Example of misleading visualization:
Year Sales
1999 2,110
2000 2,105 2500
2001 2,120 2000
1500 Sales
2002 2,121
2003 2,124
Visualization: Example
The data in previous slide can be visualized using as follows:
During visualization, C4.5 creates a threshold and then splits the list
into categories whose attribute value is above the threshold and those
that are less than or equal to it.
Interpretation of Patterns
This involves explain data mining results by describing patterns
produced during mining
This requires interaction with domain experts
Visualization makes interpretation easier
The tree in the previous slide shows that
There are 50 setosa in the original dataset without any
misclassification, so this was successful.
46 samples reached virginica leaf and 45 of them were
virginica, but 1 of the samples was not a virginica.
Knowledge usage
Interpretation Knowledge
Da & Evaluation
Tr g Knowledge
r m
Int & __ __ __
RawData Cl egra ec t
__ __ __
ea tio __ __ __
nin n
g & Rules
Target Data
Required effort for each KDD Step
Pattern Evaluation
Data Mining Engine edge-
Database or Data
Warehouse Server
If ID3 is disabled in the Explorer it is because your data
contains numeric attributes.
ID3 only operates on nominal attributes.
J48 operates both nominal and numeric attributes
Thank you