Floorplan Summary:: Checks Before Floorplan: Floorplan Steps: Constraints: Floorplan Check List

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Floorplan Summary:

Checks Before Floorplan:

Netlist Checks: (floating pins and nets , multi-driven nets , combinational loops ,unconstrained pins, mismatch
pin-count  between instances and references.
Floorplan Steps:
Define Size and shape of block -> Voltage Creation ->IO placement ->Add placement blockage -> Adding Power
switch -> Add Physical cells -> placing and qualifying pushdown cells ->creating bounds and regions
Constraints : 
Project.tcl (QRC Tech File, Core files ,Setup_lib.tcl , Setup analysis view ,Setup mmmc.tcl )
User_setting.tcl ( Tap cell , physical setting ,set max transition , Voltage area setting ,Placement blockage setting)
Floorplan Check list:
Lib_checks, FT_clock_check, Even Site roe ,First row MX, Sram Spacing ,Sram Finfetgrid , Hard blockage
spacing ,Tcic drc , Violation of endcap , MAPS error.
Placement Inputs: (netlist, logical and physical library ,Floorplan def, Design constraints, Timing
constraints , Scan def ,Technology file )
Placement Flow: 
Coarse Placement: Rough placement where tool place randomly all the cells in the design , the overlaps and
illeagal positions are ignored.
Legalization: The tool assigns legal location to all the cells and eliminates all the overlaps.
Detailed Placement: Iterative incremental optimization 
Scan-Chain Reordering : Inserting DFT scan-chain reordering  to improve  congestion and Timing.
HFNS: High Fanouts are buffered automatically by the tool 
Tie cell addition: To avoid gate-oxide damage , the tie cells connects Std cells directly to Power and Ground.
Placement Targets:
Congestion-Driven Placement 
Timing-Driven Placement
Power-Driven Placement
Placement Blockages: (hard ,soft and partial)
Fixes after Placement:
Legality Issue : Performs Refine Placement to check all the logics are legally placed and no overlaps. 
DRV FIx: Fixing max-transition along data path
Cell Delay : Depends on input transition and output load .
Checks after Placement:
Check Legalization
Check pg connections for all the cells
Check congestion ,Density screens and pin density over maps to make sure they are under control.
Check Min/max- Tran/cap violations
Check whether all Don't-touch cells/nets are preserved.
Check the total utilization of the design
Inputs of CTS :
Technology file (.tf) ,Netlist, SDC ,Library files (.lib & .lef) ,TLU+ file ,Placement DEF file 
Clock specification file which contains Insertion delay, skew, clock transition, clock cells, NDR, CTS tree type, CTS
exceptions, list of buffers/inverters etc...
Checks need to be done before CTS Check :
• Legality Check 
• Timing QOR (Setup should be under control) 
• Timing DRVs 
• High Fanout nets (like scan enable/any static signal) 
• Congestion (running CTS on congestion design / design with congestion hotspot can create more congestion and
other issues (Noise/IR) ) 
Types of clock tree structures (to minimize the skew). 
1. H-Tree
2. X-Tree
3. Method of Mean and Median
4. Geometric Matching Algorithms
5. Pi Configuration
6. RC-Tree
CTS Routing Rules ​
• Shielding ​(Techniques in order to avoid crosstalk.We can prevent crosstalk by shielding clock nets with ground wires)
• Non Default Rules (NDR):The user-defined Routing rules apart from the default Routing Rule
• NDRs make the Clock Routes less sensitive to CrossTalk or EM effects
• Double/ Triple Width for avoiding Electromigration
• Double/ Triple Spacing for avoiding Crosstalk
• NDRs will improve Insertion Delay
• Clock Source (The pin that a clock fans out from. (e.g., PLL))
• Clock Sink (All pins that receive the clock signal (FF, latch))
• Clock Tree (The root of a circuit graph for buffering)
• Skew Group (A subset of clock sinks to consider for skew balancing/analysis. By default, all the sinks of a clock tree are in the same
skew group)
• Stop Pins (A leaf pin of a clock tree.)
• Ignore Pins 
• Ignore pins are pins on the clock net that will not be considered a sink in any skew group.
• The clock net will be buffered up to the ignore pin but not beyond it.
• Exclude Pins 
• Exclude pins are similar to ignore pins, but the clock net will not be buffered up to an exclude pin.
• Through Pins 
• Through pins are pins, which would otherwise be considered stop pins, but we want the clock to propagate through them (for buffering
and adding pins to the skew group).

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