IB Psych Ethics Revision Notes
IB Psych Ethics Revision Notes
IB Psych Ethics Revision Notes
Explain why this is
Right to
What are the ethical withdraw
Debrief Deception
Protection from
Ethics committee
• The British Psychological Society (BPS) produces a code of conduct for
psychologists carrying out research. The aim of the guidelines is to
help psychologists carry out ethical research and to protect
participants. However, these guidelines have their limitations.
Right to withdraw
Psychology/physical harm
Participant Researcher
• All participants get informed • Participant’s know more about
consent and know what they’ll what the study’s about, which
be doing may lead to demand
characteristics that will lower
the internal validity of the
Participant Researcher
• Participants don’t fully know • Results aren’t subject to demand
what the study will be about as characteristics where
key bits of information are participants work out the aim of
withheld the study
Right to withdraw
Participant Researcher
• Participants have the right to • If participants do this, then the
withdraw their data from the data may be biased to only
study reflect a ‘certain type’ of person
Participant Researcher
• Participants are informed about • They might decide to withdraw
the aims of the study, which is their data. This could lead to
especially important if there was subject attrition, where people
any deception. Research checks who drop out are a ‘certain type’
if they’re okay and they have the of person, and this may bias the
right to withdraw their data results, lowering the internal
validity :9
Participant Researcher
• Participant’s personal • Other researchers who want to
information is not shared with investigate a similar thing aren’t
anyone else able to use the same
participants, unless consent has
been obtained for this. This can
make collecting your sample
more time consuming.
Participant Researcher
• No identifying information is • Researchers may still reveal too
released and their identity is much information e.g. an IB
protected secondary school in Sevenoaks,
• Participants may be more likely makes it pretty obvious which
to provide honest and accurate school it is.
Psychological harm
Participant Researcher
• Participants don’t come under • Researchers can’t fully investigate
any more harm than everyday what they want to
Participant Researcher
• Protected and not observed • Lack of rich data. If you’re only
where they wouldn’t expect to allowed to observe them where
be they might expect to be seen by
others, this could lead to
demand characteristics (which
would lower the internal validity
of the results)
• In groups answer the question above assigned to you.
Ethics essay’s
• Explain one ethical consideration
in one study in the sociocultural
• Explain one ethical consideration
in one study investigating the
individual and the group
• Explain one ethical consideration
in one study investigating cultural
origins of behaviour or cognition
• Explain one ethical consideration
in one study investigating cultural
influences on individual attitudes,
You will never be asked to explain an ethical identity and behaviours
consideration in related to something specific e.g.
acculturation or stereotypes
and Gifford
Revise the
looked at in
Kulkosky socio
Odden and
Lueck and
Ethics essay’s
• Explain one ethical consideration in one
study in the cognitive approach
• Discuss two ethical considerations in research
in the cognitive approach
• Explain one ethical consideration in one
study investigating cognitive processes
• Discuss two ethical considerations in research
investigating cognitive processes
• Explain one ethical consideration in one
study investigating the reliability of cognitive
• Discuss two ethical considerations in research
investigating the reliability of cognitive
• Explain one ethical consideration in one
You will never be asked to explain an ethical study investigating emotion and cognition
consideration into something specific e.g. • Discuss two ethical considerations in research
reconstructive memory investigating emotion and cognition
Can you get a question
• Discuss one or more ethical considerations in neurotransmitters
• Discuss two ethical considerations in hormones and behaviour
• Explain one ethical consideration in one study investigating cultural origins
of behaviour or cognition
• Outline one ethical consideration investigating acculturation
MAOA gene
Ethics essay’s
• Discuss one or more ethical
considerations in research
investigating abnormal
• Discuss one or more ethical
considerations when
investigating the etiology of
abnormal psychology
• Discuss one or more ethical
considerations when
You will never be asked to explain an ethical
investigating treatments of
consideration in related to something specific e.g. disorders
biological treatments
Take a look
at the ‘3.
ethics in each
Pick 2 studies
that have
s to talk
about. These
could be the
same as your
We’re going to
look at how to
write an ethics 9
marker first
Although you can get 9 markers
in bio and cog for ethics, we’ll
look at it in relation to socio
Pre-plan which study and
consideration you’d talk
about for each subsection
9 marker – Explain one ethical consideration in
research relating to the sociocultural approach
Needs of researchers vs. needs of participants.
Explain the BPS and its role in ethics
- Give the assumptions of sociocultural approach
e.g. humans are social animals with a need to belong
- Focus in on the sociocultural approach to say which section your study will focus
on e.g. social identify theory
Quick definition of social identity theory
- Refer to the commend term (focusing in on one ethical consideration)
• Ethics are the researchers needs vs the participants needs. There is an
organisation called the British Psychological Society whose job it is to
approve research based on whether or not it is ethical.
• The sociocultural approach is based on the idea that humans are social
animals with a need to belong, and culture influences our behaviour.
• A specific part of the approach which focuses on the individual and the
group is called social identity theory. This is the idea that our sense of self
comes from membership to a group (otherwise known as our ingroup).
• The essay will explain the ethical consideration of psychological harm in
relation to Tajfel’s study investigating social identify theory
9 marker – Explain one ethical consideration in
research relating to the sociocultural approach
Main body
Right to
What are the ethical withdraw
Debrief Deception
Protection from
Because we’re going to 22 mark level now, we’re going to look at some deeper
ethical considerations too
However, from the researchers’ perspective, the more information that is given in
the consent form, the more the participants might start to work out the aims of the
study, leading to demand characteristics. Therefore the participants wouldn’t have
been told that there was a critical question ‘how fast were the cars going when they
________.’ that would be hidden in amongst filler questions.
Loftus and Palmer
However, from the researchers’ perspective, the more information that is given in
the consent form, the more the participants might start to work out the aims of the
study, leading to demand characteristics. Therefore the participants wouldn’t have
been told that there was a critical question ‘how fast were the cars going when they
________.’ that would be hidden in amongst filler questions.
But then if the researcher does withhold information in the consent form to reduce
demand characteristics, does this really mean the participants know what they’re
giving consent for?
Loftus and Palmer
However, the mild deception the researchers used in the consent form in this case
was no more than that which would be experience in everyday life and so it could be
argued that the study was ethical.
Choose a study in the cog approach and
an ethical consideration to go with it.
Make your own back and forth chain.
Stamps for the team which makes the longest chain
There are prompts on the next slide if you’re stuck
• HM obtained consent from his mother which was good
• However when his mother died___________________________
• Although this is bad, if this didn’t happen then _______________
• In Yuille and Cutshall’s study, there may have been some psychological
harm because _________________
• However, if you weren’t allowed to cause any psychological harm in
this study then ______________________________
Structure 22 marker
1. Intro: state the two considerations you’re focusing on and refer to command term
2. Describe the first ethical consideration and explain it (theory) We will look at
the implications
3. Link it to a relevant study. Keep the study brief as it’s more about explaining the ethical
consideration in relation to that study
more on the
next slide
4. Critical thinking: Discuss this ethical considerations – why was it good/bad for the researcher. Why
was it good/bad for the participant? What were the implications of this ethical consideration
5. Critical thinking: You may discuss how the consideration you’ve chosen is linked to other
considerations e.g. deception by omission will mean the participant hasn’t given full consent to
everything in the study. This could lead to undue stress/harm if they find out, and so it’s important
they are offered the right to withdraw.
6. Repeat points 2, 3, 4, and 5 for a 2nd consideration and study.
Then include a final discussion paragraph talking about the ethics of investigating the particular
subtopic in the question. This is points deeper than just the piece of research you’ve mentioned e.g.
implications of this research, whether it could be socially sensitive research, ethical issues in applying
the findings (info on slide 53 and 54).
Let’s discuss some general ethical considerations for
each of the subtopics (not necessary for socio which
is at 9 marker level)
• Brain and behaviour • Cognitive processes • Personal relationships
• Hormones and • Reliability of cognitive • Social responsibility
behaviour processes
• Genetics and • Emotion and cognition
• Etiology of abnormal
• Treatments of
Quick fire
I am going to put up a study and tell me
which ethical consideration you would link
to it
Read the example essay and
highlight any information that you
think counts as critical thinking
You’re looking for where the ethical
considerations have been ‘discussed’
• Replace the use of animals with alternative techniques, or avoid the use of animals
But invasive techniques can’t be used on humans
Reduce the number of animals used to a minimum, to obtain information from fewer
animals or more information from the same number of animals.
The more animals that are tested and demonstrate the same findings, the more we can
demonstrate cause and effect and know that the behaviour is not a one off finding. So it is
rarely the case the one animal is used.
• Refine the way experiments are carried out, to make sure animals suffer as little as
possible. This includes better housing and improvements to procedures which minimize
pain and suffering and/or improve animal welfare.
Sometimes this will mean you can’t test what you want to test. E.G. Rosensweig and Bennet
needed a rat isolated on it’s own. You can’t test neuroplasticity otherwise
Is it relevant to talk about ethics
considerations like consent, right to
withdraw, debrief in relation to animal
Ethics essay plan
- What are animal models? What are ethics (needs of the researchers
vs protection of the animals). Refer to the command term. Identify
the debate: are the developments we get from animal models worth
the possible harm the is caused to the animal
Ethics essay plan
• Alternatively, another
way to protect animals
is with the 3R’s
framework. Explain this
but then discuss this
using the red points
• Little intro about animal
• Little intro
about animal
• Identified the
debate and
• Ethics in the
animal study
• Psychological
• Ethics in the
animal study
• Psychological
• Analysis of
the ethics
• Why it was
good/why it
was bad
• General ethics of using
You could
defend an
animal study
by referring to
the human
study and how
it provided
insight, thus
the negative
ethics were
by the value
of the study
You could
defend an
animal study
by referring to
the human
study and how
it provided
insight, thus
the negative
ethics were
by the value
of the study
You could defend an unethical animal study by referring to the human
study and how it provided insight, thus the negative ethics were
outweighed by the value of the study
Don’t need to
talk about
‘typical’ ethical
Discussion of
general ethical
Discussion of
general ethical
Discussion of
general ethical
Answer the questions with which
studies/ethical considerations you’d use
• Explain one ethical consideration when investigating the role of emotion on
• Discuss ethical considerations in investigating social responsibility
• Discuss two ethical considerations in research investigating the brain and
• Discuss ethical considerations in animal research investigating the brain and
Complete the question
practice for RM and ethics