English-Rhyming Words
English-Rhyming Words
English-Rhyming Words
_____1. A. Good morning!
B. Hi!
C. Goodnight!
D. Good afternoon!
_____2. A. Hello!
B. Goodbye!
C. Goodnight!
D. Good afternoon!
Review Look at the picture and choose the proper polite expression to
_____3. A. Good for you.
B. Thank you!
C. I’m sorry!
D. You’re welcome!
A. May I come in?
B. Excuse me, May I pass?
C. Hey! I’m going.
D. Will you please get out of
my way?
Review Look at the picture and choose the proper polite expression to
A. Goodbye!
B. May I help you?
C. Hi!
D. Good day!
P re s e n t a t i o n Read the following words from the rhyme.
Muffet- tuffet
spider - her
whey - away
What can you notice on the
following pair of words?
Jack and Jill went up the ____
To fetch a pail of water
Jack fell down and
broke his ______
And Jill came tumbling ____
A. mountain
B. fall
C. pen
D. house
Evaluation Multiple Choice. Write the letter of the
best answer.
A. Pillow C. bed
B. crib D. blanket
Evaluation Multiple Choice. Write the letter of the
best answer.
A. Yes C. maybe
B. No D. I don’t know
Evaluation Multiple Choice. Write the letter of the
best answer.
A. yes C. no
B. maybe D. I don’t know
Evaluation Multiple Choice. Write the letter of the
best answer.
A. Cat
B. Horse
C. House
D. shoes
Assignment Read the poem and write the rhyming words inside
the star.
All About Me
Ten little fingers
Ten little toes
Two little ears
And one little nose.
Two little eyes
That shine so bright.
Two little lips
To kiss you good night.