M.Sc. (Agri.) II Yr
Salient Findings
Remote Sensing
Source: N. Mohammad,2018
Remote Sensing
Active Passive
Active Sensing
The sensor emits radiation which is directed toward the target to be investigated.
The radiation reflected from that target is detected and measured by the sensor.
The sun prevides a very convenient source of energy for remote sensing.
The sun's energy is either reflected, or absorbed and then reemitted.
Remote sensing systems which measure energy that is naturally available
are called passive sensors.
Passive sensors can only be used to detect energy when the naturally
occurring energy is available.
Application of Remote Sensing in management of soil:
• GIS is extensively used for the production of soil fertility map of an area
that helps to understand the soil fertility status spatially and
temporally, which will be useful to formulate the site-specific
suggestions for application of appropriate quantity of fertilizers.
• Spatial variability maps of various micronutrients prepared with the
help of Kriging technique.
• Semi Variogram models are useful to characterize the spatial pattern of
continuous and categorical soil attributes. (Kambale et al., 2016)
• Jagadeeswari (2017) studied available Fe status of Dharmapuri
district of Tamil Nadu and made fertility map of available Fe for
Dharmapuri district.
Fig.10 Fertility Map of Soil Micronutrient
(Memic et al.,2018)
Salient Findings
• Vegetative Cover Index for Maharashtra State had been developed for
assessment of vegetative cover.
• Abiotic stress can be assessed and monitored with help of Remote
• Annual soil loss can be estimated with the help of RUSLE model.
• GIS had helped to develop soil fertility maps of micronutrients and
given site-specific suggestions for application of appropriate quantity
of fertilizers.
• GIS had helped to develop groundwater potential models using
thematic maps for estimating groundwater potential in given area.
• Crop yield can be monitored with the help of Remote sensing and