Social Service: "The Best Way To Find Your Self Is To Lose Your Self in The Service of Others". - Mahatma Gandhi

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Social Service

And how can it benefit you and your community?

“The best way to find your self is to lose

your self in the service of others”.
- Mahatma Gandhi
What is Social Service?

Social services are a range

of public services intended
to provide support and
assistance towards particular
groups, which commonly
include the disadvantaged.
What is the Mission?

so c i al
s i o n of
h e m is m o te
T t o p r o
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work port
n d s up nd
a a l a
d i v i du e l l-
in nity w
m u
• Social Workers are not only
people who volunteer with no
expectations of return. They are
Who is A just some one who serves their
Society. Hence, the name social
social worker, they can be a doctor, a
police man, a firefighter a
soldier, etc.
worker? • Right now we will be talking
about environmental social
Why should we Serve?
Social workers help
relieve people's
suffering, fight for social ?
justice, and improve
lives and communities.
Most people think of
social workers when they
think of poverty
alleviation and child
How and Who benefits from social
• Social Service can provide a healthy
boost to your self-confidence, self-
esteem, and life satisfaction. You are
doing good for others and the community,
which provides a natural sense of
accomplishment. Your role as a Social
worker can also give you a sense of pride
and identity. The better you feel about
your self, the more likely you are to have a
positive view of your life and future goals.
• The Social Worker and the community
benefits from social work.
How can we serve the community?
• Donate Your Time.
• A Random Act of
• Participate in Fundraisers
and Charity Events.
• Plant a tree. ...
• Recycle your Plastic at a
local Recycling Center.
• In this week on Wednesday, we are going to clean the out side
as well as the inside i.e. corridors, classroom, labs, etc.
• On Thursday GO GREEN ACTIVITY will take place students will
bring their own plants(and something to dig also).
hy should we pick up trash?
• adding to the goodwill in
your community.
• Saves wild animals and fish
• A great way to get some
• Keeps toxins out of the
Why Should
we plant?

1. Trees hold soil in place

2. Trees produce oxygen
3. Trees are important for physical
and mental wellness
4. Sadqa-e-jariyah
Senior section of Hamdard
public school

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