Introduction To Radiations: Dr. Mohammad Khairul Azhar Abdul Razab
Introduction To Radiations: Dr. Mohammad Khairul Azhar Abdul Razab
Introduction To Radiations: Dr. Mohammad Khairul Azhar Abdul Razab
Medical Radiations Program
School of Health Science
Universiti Sains Malaysia Health Campus
16150 Kubang Kerian, Kelantan, Malaysia
Kami Memimpin We Lead
Course Learning Outcomes (CLO’s)
Lecture Contents
1. Electromagnetic spectrum: Ionizing & non-ionizing radiations: characteristics
and classifications; Definitions of radiation: wave-particle duality
3. Natural occuring and background radiations: Food, water, air, soil, stone,
cosmic rays, radon gas.
The electric field vector (solid line) is vibrating up and down in the plane of the
paper, while the magnetic field vector (dashed line) is vibrating in and out of the
plane of the paper.
E = hƒ = hc/λ
Where h is Planck’s constant (6.626 x 10-34 J - seconds), c is speed of light
3.00 x 108 m/s, is λ wavelength (m), and ƒ is frequency in Hz
Field – any physical quantity that has different values at different positions
in space.
Source: National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (NIEHS): EMF Questions and Answers: Electric and
Magnetic Fields Associated with Electric Power. NIEHS, 2002.
1. Activity
2. Exposure
3. Absorbed dose
4. Dose equivalent vs Equivalent dose
5. Effective dose
The unit for the activity of a radioactive source was named after Becquerel
(abbreviated Bq) and is defined as:
1 Bq = 1 disintegration per second
In some countries, the old unit, the curie (abbreviated Ci) is still used.
The curie unit was defined as the activity in one gram of radium.
The relation between the curie and the Becquerel is given by:
1 Ci = 3.7 x 1010 Bq
The SI unit for exposure is Ckg-1 (Coulomb per kilogram). 1 roentgen is equal
to 2.58 x 10-4 Ckg-1.
Kami Memimpin We Lead
Absorbed Dose, D
Exposure does not describe the energy imparted to an irradiated
material and cannot be used to specify the radiation energy
absorbed by a patient.
This quantity is the dose equivalent, H and its conventional unit is the
rem (rad equivalent man).
The SI unit of dose equivalent is the Sievert (Sv). The Sievert is related to the
Gray as follows:
Sievert = Gray x WR
where WR is a radiation weighting factor.
1 Sv = 100 rem
1 mSv = 100 mrem
Radiation biological effects depend not only on the type and energy
of the radiation but also on the type of tissue or organ that has been
Late effects are biological responses that are only observed after a
substantial amount of time has passed.
1,200 pCi/liter
• The gas will interact with lung tissues and release the alpha particles during
respiration process.
• Alpha particles with high linear energy transfer (LET) with 20 weighting
radiations factor (WR) will give adverse effect to the lung tissues.
• Adverse effects will occur if the lung tissues have tiny wounds, where alpha
particles can go depth into the subcell layers.
Boiling point: Half life:
- 61.7 C° 3.82 days
Existed as from U-238
GAS decay
Energy resource, factories, oil & gas industries and home/building instruments
Kami Memimpin We Lead
Radiations burning due to improper radiation protection (acute radiation
syndrome) – usually in industries: oil & gas/nuclear power plant