Mbarara University of Science and Technology Institute of Computer Science

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Mbarara University of Science and Technology

Institute of Computer Science





Ms.Najjobyo Josephine
[email protected]
Lecture overview
Introduction to communication and
Importance of communication
Types of communication
The communication model
Levels of communication
Introduction to communication
Communication is the transmission
and reception of message or idea from
one party to another in such a fashion
that is mutually understandable.
Key terms in communication skills cont---
 Communication is a process by which information
is exchanged between individuals through a system
of symbols, signs or behavior.
 Skills: is defined as a learned power of doing
something competently and something that is a
developed aptitude or ability.
 Communication Skills: can be learned and used to
effectively deliver your message. Polishing your
communication skills can take several avenues.
According to the definition we can note that
communication is considered effective only if it :
 achieves the desired reaction or response from the
 Involves people ( a receiver and a sender)
 Involves sharing a meaning
 Involves a message
Importance of Communication
 Essential ingredient in management – employee
A link in an organization
 Over comes human problems
 Reduces friction between interested parties
 Shapes organization’s behavior
Types of Communication
1. Oral / verbal communication

2. Written communication

3. Non verbal communication

(1) Oral communication

Oral communication is known as face – to –
face communication and may be in form of
direct talk and conversation or the public
address, meeting of two or more people.
It also includes telephone calls or talking on
intercom systems
Advantages of oral communication

 It makes possible speedy interchange with

immediate feed back.
 People can make questions and clarify points.
 It is direct, simple, time saving and least expensive
form of communication.
 It helps in avoiding delays, red tape and other
 It conveys personal warmth and friendliness.
 Any misunderstandings can be cleared immediately.
Disadvantages of oral communication
 There is no formal record of transaction.
 The meetings can be costly in terms of time and
 Spontaneous responses may not be carefully
 Lengthy and distant communication cannot be
conveyed verbally.
 Distortions can occur during the communication
 The spirit of authority cannot be transmitted
(2) Written communication

Definition .
This is any idea, message that is
conveyed between two or more people
through writings or documentations.
A written communication is generally in
form of instructions, letters, memos,
formal reports, rules, and regulations,
policy manuals, information bulletins etc.
Advantages of written communication

 Provides records, references, and legal defenses.

 Written messages can be stored and retrieved at a late
 it can be stored for a long time.
 It can give allowance for detailed feed back.
Disadvantages of written communication

 It can be very time consuming for lengthy reports.

 There is no feedback opportunity.
 Written material may leak out before time causing
disruption in its business
 It leads to excessive formality in personal relations.
(3) Non – verbal communication


It is basically any form or style that conveys a message

between two or more people without using words. E.g.
facial expressions, tones of voice, gestures, eye
contact and cultural differences.
Advantages of non – verbal communication

Can present a major portion of our mental

It is independent of verbal messages.
Information is perceived by all senses.
It supports the verbal communication.
Disadvantages of non – verbal communication

Subjective (no audience)
Can not be stored
No consistency
No immediate feed back
Highly influenced by personality
Relationship between verbal and non – verbal




Communication model


sender encoding Message Receiver


Feed back
The Sender/ Encoder
The person who initiates the communication
process, and is normally referred to as the sender.
From his personal data bank he selects ideas,
encode and finally transmits them to the receiver.
The entire burden of communication then rests
upon the sender or encoder.
Communication begins with the sender, who may
want to communicate his ideas, needs, intentions
or other pieces of information.
This is the process inside the human mind
in the form of motor skills, muscles
system or sensory skills that instruct the
ideas to be conveyed into a series of
symbols or gestures or some other format
of expression

A message is the physical form of the

thought, which can be experienced and
understood by one or more senses of the
receiver. It could be inform of hearing,
reading or physical gestures.
A message is the encoded idea transmitted
by the sender.
Message cont---

The formulation of the message is very

important, for an incorrect patterning can
turn the receiver hostile or make him lose
interest. At this point the sender must be
extremely cautious. What is the order in
which he/she would like to present his
ideas? The order should be based on the
requirements of the listener so that its
significance is immediately grasped.
The message is sent to the receiver using a
selected channel. The receiver converts the
message into a thought. This is done in the
same manner as encoding by motor skills,
muscle system or sensory skills and he/she
interprets the message being
communicated for the meaning.
The receiver/ Decoder
The receiver is the person for whom the message is
meant for.
He has to be ready for the message so that it can be
decoded in thought. The decoding of the message is
done in almost entirely the same terms as were
intended by the sender.
It is the response from the receiver to the sender
indicating that he/she received the message. This is
the most important component of communication.
Effective communication takes place????
The errors and flaws that are bound in business
situations are a result of lack of feedback.
Let us take a look at the typical responses of
people involved in miscommunication. “This is not
what I meant” or “this is not what I said” or “That is
not my intention”…
If feedback is solicited on all occasions,
this error can be minimized or even
completely done away with.
A feedback determines whether the
message was clearly understood and the
required action taken.
Feedback therefore completes the
communication loop.

Noise is anything that distracts and distorts information.

E.g A noisy environment may hinder the development
of a clear thought, Noise may lead to inaccurate
reception which may be caused by intention or
accident. Hence decoding too may be faulty because
the wrong meaning may be attached to words and
other symbols.
Levels of Communication
Levels of Communication describe Applications
of Communication for Professional or Other use

1)Intrapersonal (Within a person)

2)Interpersonal (Face to face)
3)Group communication
4)Mass communication
5)Organizational (intra/inter)
Communication & the Organisation

Understanding communication process is critical

to management of the organization. Managers
should understand that communication is rarely
understood as it should be. The distortion of
the message can happen at any of the stages in
communication process-sender, receiver,
encoding, decoding, channel, message and

Prof.Appalayya Meesala, Professor of Management in Deccan School of Management
What makes a good communicator?
What makes a good communicator?

Oral Written
Academic Writing
Revision and editing
Audience Awareness
Critical Reading
Critical Listening
Presentation of Data
Body Language

Audience Awareness
Personal Presentation
Body Language
What makes a good communicator?

In other words...
 An active listener

 An effective presenter

 A quick thinker

 A win-win negotiator

We will be examining each of these areas in detail over the coming weeks
Next Lecture
Lecture 3&4 Shall Focus on the
Communication Network.
We shall Look Into;
1)Define Your Understanding of Effective
2)Effective communication in an Organisation
3)The 7C’s of Effective communication
4)Barriers to Communication
5)Communication Patterns
The End
Thanks for your attention and contribution

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