Chapter 4 MS-EXCEL/
What is
MS-excel are an other application program commonly
used for calculation budgets and other finance-related tasks.
Each excel file is a work book that can hold many work sheets.
Work book:- When excel starts it creates a new empty work
book called Book1.
Inside the work book are sheets called worksheet. Each
sheet name appears on a sheet tab at the bottom of the
work book. Ex sheet1, sheet2, sheet3 etc
Title Bar
Menu bar
Standard Toolbar
Formatting Toolbar
Formula Bar
Active Cell Ad-
Worksheet Area
Scroll Bars
Status Bar
in use
Menu Bar - General headings for accessing com-
Standard Toolbar - Quick access to basic features of
Excel Formatting
Formula Bar - Indicates active cell address and dis-
plays cell contents
Scroll Bars - Allows quick movement around the
Active Cell - Position to insert information
Status Bar - Displays information about the selected
command and to the right, the state of certain keys e.g.
CAPS, NUM, etc.
The Worksheet Window
Active cell
The diagram shows a workbook, that has had more
sheets added, the default is 3.
Excel stores information in Workbooks. Each work-
book contains 3 worksheets by default, but can con-
tain up to 255.
Each worksheet has 256 columns and 65536 rows.
The columns are denoted by letters, A, B, C, and the
rows are denoted by numbers 1, 2, 3, .. These letters
and numbers are shown in the Row and Column
Headings on the worksheet.
The point where a column and row intersect is known
as a Cell. Each cell is identified by the column letter
and row number which form the intersection, e.g. the
cell formed by the intersection of column D and row 8
is known as cell D8.
There are Scroll bars at the right and bot-
tom edges of the worksheet which are used
to display different areas of the worksheet.
Each worksheet in the workbook has a
name. At the moment they are named
Sheet1, Sheet2, Sheet3. Each one has a
Sheet Tab.
There are buttons to the left of Sheet1
that are used to display sheets when there
are more in the workbook than can be dis-
played in the space.
Active Cell
Formatting Numbers
Number formats can be applying currency sign, commas (or
thousand separators), percent symbol etc.
To format numbers
1. Select cell(s) that contain number or numeric values.
2. Choose Format, Cells
Format Cells dialog box will be displayed
1.Click on Number tabs. In the listed category select the
number type or format you want.
2.Click on OK.
To remove Number Formatting
1. Choose Format, Cells, Number tab
2. Select General format
3. Click on OK.
To calculate Total
1. Click on G2
2. Click Symbol
3. Click SUM
4. It shows active Press Enter key
on keyboard
5. To show others total click on 1st
and drag when the pointer
like +
To calculate Average
1. Click on H2
2. Click Symbol
3. Click Average
4. Select Total
5. It shows =AVERAGE(G2:G4) and
write / 3 and Press Enter key on
6. To show others average click on 1st
and drag when the pointer like +
To Give Comment
1. If average
2. If Average >=50 Say “Pass”
3. Average <50 say “Fail”
The formula to perform this
Click on I2=If (H2>=50,”Pass”,”Fail”)
Press enter key from keyboard
To add Rows
1. Select when you want to add
2. Click insert
3. Click Rows
To delete columns
1. Select when you want to
2.Right Click on it
3.Click delete
4.Click ok
To delete Rows
5.Select when you want to
6.Right Click on it
7.Click delete
8.Click ok
To add Work sheet
9. Click insert menu
10.Click work sheet
To Rename Work sheet
1. Right Click on the sheet
2. Click Rename
Quick Tip
To exit Excel click on the Close