Foreignn Policy
Foreignn Policy
Foreignn Policy
Foreign Policy
Jannah and Laila
What we 'l l di sc us s
u m m a r y
e r ie s S
• S to k n o w
T h i ng s
• 1 ?
• 9 / 1
n t e r r o r
h e w a r o
• T u ss io n
• D is c
Netflix Series
Turning Point:9/11 and the War on Terror
9/11 attacks
History of Afghanistan
US relations with other nations
20 years of war
Important things to know
• Afghanistan
• Taliban and Osama bin Laden
• Foreign policy
• US Presidents
• History:
Cold War
Things to know
Where is Afghanistan?
Things to know
Who are the Taliban? Who is Osama bin Laden?
Terrorist organization that are mainly
associated with Afghanistan Violent terrorist and mass murderer
After the 1979 soviet invasion of Afghanistan Born in 1957 in Saudi Arabia
Origin of Taliban: training in religious schools
Founder of the Al Qaeda
in Pakistan and being taught radical forms of
Islam organization
Control over most of Afghanistan Organizer of the 9/11 attacks
Very strict set of rules and imposed very strict Was on the Most Wanted Terrorist
laws on women List
2021: Taliban had been on their most deadly Killed on May 2nd under
and successful offensive since 2001 orders from Obama
Foreign policy:
Policy: a law, guideline, principle or strategy used to solve a
The strategy that the government uses in dealing with other
Main goals:
1. The protection of its citizens when they’re home and abroad
2. The protection of the country’s allies
3. Protects the country from international threats and dangers
4 Presidents, 20 years War
Cold War and Afghanistan
Ongoing political rivalry between the U.S. and the Soviet Union
Both superpowers dominated world affairs
U.S. became the world’s sole superpower after the dissolution of the Soviet Un
History of Afghanistan
1953:modernize Afghanistan
King Mohammed Zahir Shah
Lacks expertise
Recruitment of economic and political expertise
International aid: Soviet Union and USA
Soviets training Afghani military
Spread of communist ideology
Resign of prime minister
1973: modernization & liberalization
Force exile of king
of Afghanistan
1978: Nur Mohammed Zaki President
Kamal Amin prime minister
Rise of the Mujahedeen
1979 Amin taking power
Soviets invaded 1979
America support through Pakistan
History of Afghanistan
1992: Mujahideen and other rebel groups storm the capital Kabul and oust Najibullah
1995: - Newly formed Islamic militia - The Taliban -Afghans suffer from famine and war
1997: Taliban publicly executes Najibullah
1998: President Clinton orders cruise missile attacks against Bin Laden’s training camps in
2000: U.S searches for Osama bin Laden as he’s officially considered an international terrorist
March 2001: International protests against Taliban
September 11th 2001: - 9/11 Attacks - Osama bin Laden is the prime suspect in the attack
September 11th, 2001 FLIGHT 11 and 175
American Airlines Flight 11 got hijacked, crashed into the north tower of
the World Trade Center in NYC
Impact: burning hole near the 80th floor of the 110-story skyscraper
Instantly killed hundreds of people and trapped hundreds in higher
18 minutes later United Airlines Flight 175 crashed into the south tower
near the 60th floor
9/11 FLIGHT 77 and 93
American Airlines Flight 77 circled over downtown D.C and crashed into the west
side of the Pentagon military headquarters
Impact: caused around 200 deaths
United Airlines Flight 93 flipped over after the passengers tried to fight off the
hijackers and crashed in a field near Shanksville in western Pennsylvania
9/11 Who were the hijackers?
Islamic terrorists from Saudi Arabia and several other Arab nations
Reportedly financed by Al Qaeda ( Osama bin Laden )
How many people died at the 9/11 Attacks?
Economic impact of 9/11:
Immediate negative effects on the U.S. economy
The market fell 7.1%
Loss of 143.000 Jobs and 2.8 billion dollar wages in the first 3 months
World Trade Center damage: 60 billion dollars
Declare War on Terror after attacks
“either you are with us or against us”
Suspect Osama bin Laden
Taliban protecting bin Laden
Northern Alliance
Chasing out Taliban
Reconstruction of Afghanistan
2002: Iran, Iraq, North Korea “axis of
2002 Invasion of Iraq
Weapons of mass destruction
Saddam Hussein helping bin Laden
Troops attacked
Iraq had become a haven for Islamist
terrorists, which it hadn’t been before the
Ability to wiretap and spy on Americans
5000 arrested
Guantanamo bay Cuba
Foreign Policy OBAMA
Obama administration was from 2009- 2017
Relied on: Hillary Clinton, John Kerry and Vice
President Joe Biden
Inherited wars that began during the Bush
Increased the U.S military presence in
Afghanistan during his first term
Guided the draw down of U.S soldiers in
Ran a mission that led to the death of Osama bin
Targeted the alleged Al Qaeda leaders using drone
strikes in Pakistan
2017 expand American presence in Afghanistan
Play into the hands of terrorists
Risk the safety of US
Deployed 3000 US troops
February 2020 signed Doha agreement with
Withdrawal of troops in 14 months
“it is time to bring US soldiers back home”
release 5000 Taliban members
Without government of Afghanistan
Foreign Policy BIDEN
Joe Biden’s administration started in 2021
Guided the complete U.S. troop withdrawal by
Called the Taliban takeover as “not inevitable”
What went wrong during Afghan War?