Solid Nodes Hollow Internodes: (Culm)

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Habit : Cultivated annual herb

solid nodes

hollow internodes

Simple,The leaf blade is thin lanceolate entire

acute and hairy with parallel venation
Erect simple herbaceous usually glabrous
cylindrical with 5-7 solid nodes and hollow internodes
The internodes are shorter at base and increasing
with height of the stem.
Adventitious and fibrous.
A thin membranous,
colorless and jagged
ligule present at inner
side of the junction of
leaf blade and leaf

two clamp shaped hairy

auricles at both
ends of the junction.

isobilateral and is divided into leaf sheath

and leaf blade
The leaf sheath is thick, fleshy and amplexicaul.

sheath pulvinus.
The terminal leaf, which
encloses the inflorescence,
is flag leaf.

Spike of spikelets

borne on
unbranched and
zigzagged rachis,

arranged in two
rows with a single
terminal spikelet.
Glume 1 Glume 2

It is composed of a minute rachilla, variable number of

florets (3-7) and boat shaped two empty glumes
Lower florets are fertile while
Floret upper florets are sterile.

Fertile floret consists of a

lemma, a palea and a flower.

Lemma is large, boat shaped

and awned.

Palea is small, thin and

Minute sessile bracteate incomplete
bisexual zygomorphic

irregular and hypogynous


The perianth is represented by 2 broad, thick, fleshy

and transparent lodicules, lies beneath the ovary.



Stamens-3 polyandrous (free) filament short and slender

anther large 2-lobed (dithecous) versatile





Carpel-1 (monocarpellary), ovary superior and unilocular

stigma bifurcated and feathery style reduced placentation- basal

Floral formula: Br. % O P 2 (lodicules) A 3 G 1
Family : Gramineae/ Poaceae
Identifying Characters:
i. Inflorescence spike of spikelets.
ii. Anther versatile and stigma plumose type.
iii. Fruit caryopsis.
iv Stem culm

Other related crops:

Rice: Oryza sativa
Sugarcane: Saccharum officinarum
Maize: Zea mays
Barley: Hordeum vulgare
Millet: Sorghum vulgare

 Inflorescence = Spike of spikelets

 Spikelet = 2 empty glumes + florets
 Floret = A lemma + a palea + a flower
 Flower = 2 lodicules + Androecium +
a gynoecium

 Fruit = Caryopsis

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