02 Principles of Gyroscopic Instruments

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Principles of Gyroscopic

Nezih KAYA
Mechanical Gyros
• Jiroskop, uçaklarda yön ölçümü veya ayarlamasında kullanılır.
• Jiroskopik hareketin temeli fizik kurallarına ve açısal momentumun
korunumu ilkesine dayalıdır.
• Bisiklete binenler, bisiklet hızlı gittiğinde dengeyi kolayca sağlarlar.
• Bir topaç, dönme hızı büyükse, dik kalarak dönmeye devam eder.
• Yavaşladıkça yana yatmaya başlar ve sonunda devrilir.
• Her iki örnekte de, kararsız olan (yani kolayca düşebilecek olan) cisimler,
yeterli hızla hareket halinde oldukları vakit dik durabilmektedir.
• Bir defa bir düzleme dönmeye başlatılan bir cismin o düzlemde dönmeye
devam etmesi özelliğinden jiropusularda ve denizcilik ile havacılıkta
kullanılan başka çeşitli seyir yardımcılarında faydalanılır.
• Ağırlığının büyük bir kısmı dış kısımdaki tekerleklerde toplanmıştır.
• Bu cins ağır tekerleklerin hepsine jiroskop denir.
Mechanical Gyros
• Three of the most common flight instruments, the attitude
indicator, heading indicator, and turn needle of the turn-and
bank indicator, are controlled by gyroscopes.
• To understand how these instruments operate, knowledge of
gyroscopic principles and instrument power systems is required.
• A mechanical gyroscope, or gyro, is comprised of a wheel or
rotor with its mass concentrated around its perimeter.
• The rotor has bearings to enable it to spin at high speeds.
Mechanical Gyros
• Different mounting configurations are available for the rotor and axle, which
allow the rotor assembly to rotate about one or two axes perpendicular to its
axis of spin.
• To suspend the rotor for rotation, the axle is first mounted in a supporting ring.
[Figure 10-93B]
• If brackets are attached 90° around the supporting ring from where the spin axle
attached, the supporting ring and rotor can both move freely 360°.
Mechanical Gyros
• When in this configuration, the gyro is said to be a captive gyro.
• It can rotate about only one axis that is perpendicular to the axis of spin. [Figure 10-
• A gyroscope with this configuration, two rings plus the mounting bracket, is said to
be a free gyro because it is free to rotate about two axes that are both perpendicular
to the rotor’s spin axis. [Figure 10-93D]
• As a result, the supporting ring with spinning gyro mounted inside is free to turn 360°
inside the outer ring.
Mechanical Gyros
• Unless the rotor of a gyro is
spinning, it has no unusual
properties; it is simply a wheel
universally mounted.
• When the rotor is rotated at a
high speed, the gyro exhibits a
couple of unique characteristics.
• The first is called gyroscopic
rigidity, or rigidity in space.
• This means that the rotor of a
free gyro always points in the
same direction no matter which
way the base of the gyro is
positioned. [Figure 10-94]
Mechanical Gyros
• Gyroscopic rigidity depends upon several design factors:
– 1. Weight—for a given size, a heavy mass is more resistant to disturbing
forces than a light mass.
– 2. Angular velocity—the higher the rotational speed, the greater the
rigidity or resistance is to deflection.
– 3. Radius at which the weight is concentrated—maximum effect is
obtained from a mass when its principal weight is concentrated near the
rim, rotating at high speed.
– 4. Bearing friction—any friction applies a deflecting force to a gyro.
Minimum bearing friction keeps deflecting forces at a minimum.
• This characteristic of gyros to remain rigid in space is exploited in
the attitude-indicating instruments and the directional indicators
that use gyros.
Mechanical Gyros
• Precession is a second important characteristic of gyroscopes.
• By applying a force to the horizontal axis of the gyro, a unique phenomenon occurs.
• Instead of responding to the force by moving about the horizontal axis, the gyro
moves in response about its vertical axis.

• Stated another way, an applied force to the

axis of the spinning gyro does not cause the
axis to tilt.
• Rather, the gyro responds as though the force
was applied 90° around in the direction of
rotation of the gyro rotor.
• The gyro rotates rather than tilts. [Figure 10-
• This predictable controlled precession of a
gyroscope is utilized in a turn and bank
Mechanical Gyros
• Unless the rotor of a gyro is spinning, it
has no unusual properties; it is simply a
wheel universally mounted.
• When the rotor is rotated at a high
speed, the gyro exhibits a couple of
unique characteristics.
• The first is called gyroscopic rigidity, or
rigidity in space.
• This means that the rotor of a free gyro
always points in the same direction no
matter which way the base of the gyro
is positioned. [Figure 10-94]
• Attitude indikatörlerinde ve yön
indikatörlerinde, Gyroların uzayda
değişmez kalma (rigidity in space)
karakteristiklerinden yararlanılmaktadır.
Solid State Gyros and Related Systems
• Improved attitude and direction information is always a
goal in aviation.
• Modern aircraft make use of highly accurate solid state
attitude and directional devices with no moving parts.
• This results in very high reliability and low maintenance.
Solid State Gyros and Related
Ring Laser Gyros (RLG)
• The ring laser gyro (RLG) is widely used in
commercial aviation.
• The basis for RLG operation is that it takes time for
light to travel around a stationary, nonrotating
circular path.
• Light takes longer to complete the journey if the
path is rotating in the same direction as the light is
• And, it takes less time for the light to complete the
loop if the path is rotating in the direction
opposite to that of the light.
• Essentially, the path is made longer or shorter by
the rotation of the path. [Figure 10-96]
• This is known as the Sagnac effect.
Solid State Gyros and Related Systems
Ring Laser Gyros (RLG)
• A ring laser gyro produces laser beams that travel in opposite directions around a closed
triangular cavity.
• The wavelength of the light traveling around the loop is fixed.
• As the loop rotates, the path the lasers
must travel lengthens or shortens.
• The light wavelengths compress or expand
to complete travel around the loop as the
loop changes its effective length.
• As the wavelengths change, the
frequencies also change.
• By examining the difference in the
frequencies of the two counter rotating
beams of light, the rate at which the path
is rotating can be measured.
Solid State Gyros and Related Systems
Ring Laser Gyros (RLG)
• A piezoelectric dithering motor in the center of the unit vibrates to prevent lock-in of the
output signal at low rotational speeds.
• It causes units installed on aircraft to hum when operating. [Figure 10-97]
• An RLG is remotely mounted so the cavity
path rotates around one of the axes of
• The rate of frequency phase shift
detected between the counter rotating
lasers is proportional to the rate that the
aircraft is moving about that axis.
• On aircraft, an RLG is installed for each
axis of flight.
Solid State Gyros and Related Systems
Ring Laser Gyros (RLG)
• Output can be used in analog instrumentation and autopilot systems.
• It is also easily made compatible for use by digital display computers and
for digital autopilot computers.
• RLGs are very rugged and have a long
service life with virtually no
maintenance due to their lack of
moving parts.
• They measure movement about an
axis extremely quickly and provide
continuous output.
• They are extremely accurate and
generally are considered superior to
mechanical gyroscopes.
Microelectromechanical Based Attitude and
Directional Systems
• On aircraft, microelectromechanical systems (MEMS)
devices save space and weight.
• Through the use of solid-state MEMS devices, reliability is
increased primarily due to the lack of moving parts.
• The development of MEMS technology for use in aviation
instrumentation integrates with the use of ADCs.
• This newest improvement in technology is low cost and
promises to proliferate through all forms of aviation.
• MEMS for gyroscopic applications are used in small, general
aviation aircraft, as well as larger commercial aircraft.
Microelectromechanical Based Attitude and
Directional Systems
• Tiny vibration-based units with resistance and capacitance measuring pick-
offs are accurate and reliable and only a few millimeters in length and width.
• They are normally integrated into a complete micro-electronic solid-state chip
designed to yield an output after various conditioning processes are
• The chips, which are analogous to tiny circuit boards, can be packaged for
installation inside a dedicated computer or module that is installed on the
• While a large mechanical gyroscope spins in a plane, its rigidity in space is
used to observe and measure the movement of the aircraft.
• The basis of operation of many MEMS gyroscopes is the same despite their
tiny size.
• The difference is that a vibrating or oscillating piezoelectric device replaces
the spinning, weighted ring of the mechanical gyro.
Microelectromechanical Based Attitude and
Directional Systems
• Still, once set in motion, any out-of-plane motion is detectable by varying
microvoltages or capacitances detected through geometrically arranged pickups.
• Since piezoelectric substances have a relationship between movement and
electricity, microelectrical stimulation can set a piezoelectric gyro in motion and
the tiny voltages produced via the movement in the piezo can be extracted.

• They can be input as the

required variables needed
to compute attitude or
direction information.
[Figure 10-98]
Other Attitude and
Directional Systems
• Modern uçakta, durum yön ve referans sistemleri (Attitude Heading and
Reference Systems - AHRS) jiroskop ve diğer enstrumanların yerini
• MEMS cihazları sistemin durum bilgisinin ölçüm değerini sağlar.
• GPS, solid state manyetometreler, solid state accelerometreler, ve dijital
air data sinyallerinin hepsi hesaplanmak üzere bir AHRS’de toplanır.
• Hesaplanan bilgi
kokpit panelindeki
ekran için son derece
güvenilir bir çıkış

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