02 Principles of Gyroscopic Instruments
02 Principles of Gyroscopic Instruments
02 Principles of Gyroscopic Instruments
Nezih KAYA
Mechanical Gyros
• Jiroskop, uçaklarda yön ölçümü veya ayarlamasında kullanılır.
• Jiroskopik hareketin temeli fizik kurallarına ve açısal momentumun
korunumu ilkesine dayalıdır.
• Bisiklete binenler, bisiklet hızlı gittiğinde dengeyi kolayca sağlarlar.
• Bir topaç, dönme hızı büyükse, dik kalarak dönmeye devam eder.
• Yavaşladıkça yana yatmaya başlar ve sonunda devrilir.
• Her iki örnekte de, kararsız olan (yani kolayca düşebilecek olan) cisimler,
yeterli hızla hareket halinde oldukları vakit dik durabilmektedir.
• Bir defa bir düzleme dönmeye başlatılan bir cismin o düzlemde dönmeye
devam etmesi özelliğinden jiropusularda ve denizcilik ile havacılıkta
kullanılan başka çeşitli seyir yardımcılarında faydalanılır.
• Ağırlığının büyük bir kısmı dış kısımdaki tekerleklerde toplanmıştır.
• Bu cins ağır tekerleklerin hepsine jiroskop denir.
Mechanical Gyros
• Three of the most common flight instruments, the attitude
indicator, heading indicator, and turn needle of the turn-and
bank indicator, are controlled by gyroscopes.
• To understand how these instruments operate, knowledge of
gyroscopic principles and instrument power systems is required.
• A mechanical gyroscope, or gyro, is comprised of a wheel or
rotor with its mass concentrated around its perimeter.
• The rotor has bearings to enable it to spin at high speeds.
Mechanical Gyros
• Different mounting configurations are available for the rotor and axle, which
allow the rotor assembly to rotate about one or two axes perpendicular to its
axis of spin.
• To suspend the rotor for rotation, the axle is first mounted in a supporting ring.
[Figure 10-93B]
• If brackets are attached 90° around the supporting ring from where the spin axle
attached, the supporting ring and rotor can both move freely 360°.
Mechanical Gyros
• When in this configuration, the gyro is said to be a captive gyro.
• It can rotate about only one axis that is perpendicular to the axis of spin. [Figure 10-
• A gyroscope with this configuration, two rings plus the mounting bracket, is said to
be a free gyro because it is free to rotate about two axes that are both perpendicular
to the rotor’s spin axis. [Figure 10-93D]
• As a result, the supporting ring with spinning gyro mounted inside is free to turn 360°
inside the outer ring.
Mechanical Gyros
• Unless the rotor of a gyro is
spinning, it has no unusual
properties; it is simply a wheel
universally mounted.
• When the rotor is rotated at a
high speed, the gyro exhibits a
couple of unique characteristics.
• The first is called gyroscopic
rigidity, or rigidity in space.
• This means that the rotor of a
free gyro always points in the
same direction no matter which
way the base of the gyro is
positioned. [Figure 10-94]
Mechanical Gyros
• Gyroscopic rigidity depends upon several design factors:
– 1. Weight—for a given size, a heavy mass is more resistant to disturbing
forces than a light mass.
– 2. Angular velocity—the higher the rotational speed, the greater the
rigidity or resistance is to deflection.
– 3. Radius at which the weight is concentrated—maximum effect is
obtained from a mass when its principal weight is concentrated near the
rim, rotating at high speed.
– 4. Bearing friction—any friction applies a deflecting force to a gyro.
Minimum bearing friction keeps deflecting forces at a minimum.
• This characteristic of gyros to remain rigid in space is exploited in
the attitude-indicating instruments and the directional indicators
that use gyros.
Mechanical Gyros
• Precession is a second important characteristic of gyroscopes.
• By applying a force to the horizontal axis of the gyro, a unique phenomenon occurs.
• Instead of responding to the force by moving about the horizontal axis, the gyro
moves in response about its vertical axis.