Ekologi Restorasi Danau
Ekologi Restorasi Danau
Ekologi Restorasi Danau
• Total Suspended Solids
– Suspended sediments
– Particulate Organic Matter
– Phytoplankton
1 2 3 4
Trophic Algae/Plants zooplankto Planktivorous Piscivorous Fish
level: n Fish
Nutrient enrichment or Eutrophication
• Disrupts the food web and
– Periphyton mats
– Phytoplankton blooms
– Toxic algae
– Pathogenic bacteria
Fish kills
• Fish kills occur due mainly to low oxygen levels,
high ammonia levels and or high suspended solids
•Aeration is insurance against fish kills!
• Must have a start up schedule
Circulating the Water
1. Algal cells will be mixed to deeper, darker lake
areas, decreasing the cells time in the sunlight and
there by reducing their growth rate.
2. Some algae species that tend to sink quickly and
need mixing currents to remain suspended
(e.g., diatoms) may be favored over more
buoyant species such as the more noxious blue-
3. mixing of algae-eating zooplankton into deeper,
darker waters reduces their chances of being eaten
by sight-feeding fish; hence, if more zooplankton
survive, their consumption of algae cells also may
Increasing oxygen Changes the
1. Helps control internal nutrients cycling
=less algal growth
2. Changes in the lake’s water chemistry (pH,
carbon dioxide, alkalinity) brought about
by higher DO levels can lead to shifts from
blue-green to less noxious green algae or
Aeration and
1. Increases the loading capacity
– Expanding habitat range