The Economic Environment: Course: ECON6017003 - ECONOMICS THEORY Effective Period: Even Semester 2022
The Economic Environment: Course: ECON6017003 - ECONOMICS THEORY Effective Period: Even Semester 2022
The Economic Environment: Course: ECON6017003 - ECONOMICS THEORY Effective Period: Even Semester 2022
The business environment has been somewhat uncertain over the past
decade, with many economic and political changes occurring.
The business environment has been somewhat uncertain over the past
decade, with many economic and political changes occurring.
What is more, the world economy has undergone many other changes in
recent decades, and these changes have had profound effects on
businesses across the world.
What are the core economic concepts that are necessary to
understand the economic choices (continued-1)
A consequence has been the growth This has also contributed towards an
of multinational businesses seeking increasing interdependence
the best market opportunities and between nations, which has both
the cheapest sources of supply. good and bad consequences,
What are the core economic concepts that are necessary to
understand the economic choices (continued-2)
Its investment in customer service clearly achieved its goal, helping John Lewis to rank as the best
company in the 2009 UK Customer Satisfaction Survey.
It has maintained good customer service since then, for example, winning awards for Customer
Satisfaction in 2014 and 2015.
In the Global Data Customer Satisfaction Awards 2018, it won Best Multichannel Retailer and the Best
Clothing and Furniture Retailer.
Production and employment
Workers typically be involved
in decisions given the nature of
Being a profitable business the organizational structure,
This means choosing the most
depends not just on being able but these enforced job cuts
appropriate technology and
to sell a product, but on how came as a shock, especially
deploying the Labour force in
efficiently the product can be given the good Christmas
the best way.
produced. trading when sales were 13 per
cent up on the same period the
previous year.
Typically, owners of firms will seek to maximize profits. With large companies,
however, there is a divorce of ownership from control. Control is by managers,
who might pursue goals other than profit.
The problem of managers not pursuing the same goals as the owners is an
example of the principal–agent problem. Agents (the managers) may not
always carry out the wishes of their principals (the owners). Because of
asymmetric information, managers can pursue their own aims, if they produce
results that satisfy the owners. The solution for owners is for there to be a
better means of monitoring the performance of managers, and incentives for
the managers to behave in the owners’ interests.
It has to accept the market price as given. If the firm attempts to raise the price above the
market price, it will simply be unable to sell its product; it will lose all its sales to its
Take the case of farmers selling wheat. They must accept the price as dictated by the
market. If individually they try to sell above the market price, no one will buy from them.
Competitive markets also imply that consumers are price takers. In fact, this is typically the
case when you buy things, whether the seller is operating in a competitive market.
For example, when you get to the checkout at a supermarket, you don’t start negotiating
with the member of staff over the price of the products in your trolley. Instead, you take the
prices as given.
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