BSAB Students Financial Support in Relation To Their
BSAB Students Financial Support in Relation To Their
BSAB Students Financial Support in Relation To Their
“Povertymust not be a bar to learning, and learning must be an escape from poverty.” These words were
spoken by President Lyndon B. Johnson in his “Great Society” speech of 1964 (Johnson, 1964).
Education is perceived as a tool for socioeconomic and political developments and as such it is accorded the
necessary attention. It is added further that education is the most important instrument of change and that any
fundamental change in the intellectual and social outlook of any society has to be preceded by educational
Financial support, coming in the three major forms of grants, loan, and job. Is what makes higher education
affordable to the children of families who would otherwise be excluded by price. Financial support in all three
forms comes from a variety of sources, predominantly being institutional, state, and federal. Much research
has been investigating the impact of various forms of financial support on students social behaviors, needs
(housing, standard of living, feeding, clothing,), resources (books, and financial security), college entry,
eventual college graduation, and future earnings, yet not much has been done on students’ academic
performance outcomes both positive or negative.
This study looks to focus on financial support’s impact on academic performance. This research study
was prompted due to the variations in academic performances of students in tertiary institutions. The
tertiary institutions comprises of students from various social background/status, like those from a
wealthy family, those who sponsor themselves thorough part time jobs they acquire, and those from low
income (poor) family. It is known that students from low income family do perform better than students
from wealthy homes, and sometimes better than students assisted with financial support through
scholarship or loans. Students under the financial scheme programs are known to have everything i.e
books social needs, good houses, financial security, at their disposal, which thus support their academic
performance and study life. However, this cannot be said to be seen those from the low income family or
without financial support, buy yet, we find such students even doing better than their counterpart. The
researcher tends to determine the relationship between financial support to academic performance of
BSAB students in Central Philippines State University San Carlos Campus. Therefore, the research finds
it imperative to study if any, the impact of financial support on student’s academic performance.
Objectives or Statement of the Problem
This study aims to this following
1. What is the demographic profile of the respondents?
Monthly income
Allowance for
2. What is the level of parent’s capacity to support student financially?
3. What is the level of student’s academic performance?
4. Is there a significant relationship between financial support and academic performance?
there is a significant relation between financial support of students and their academic performance
that is affecting their grades.
Schematic diagram
Independent Variable
• Demographic Profile
Civil Status
Monthly Income
Allowance for
Significance of the study
This study is significant to determine BSAB students financial support in relation to their Academic
Performance of Central Philippines State University. The findings of this study can contribute to various
sectors of the society. This study will be beneficial to the following:
To Students: They can use this study to know the effects of their allowance on their academic
To Parents: This study will give them an idea of the effect of having a low or high allowance on the
academic performance of their child.
To Future Researchers: This study can be a reference for future researchers. It will serve as a guide for
those who will pursue research in the same field.
Scope and Delimitation
This study focuses mainly on the financial manage, budgeting and academic performance of the students
of BSAB 1st year to 3rd year college in CENTRAL PHILIPPINES STATE UNIVERSITY in San Carlos
In this study, the student’s daily allowance refers to their everyday academic performance from first to the
last semester. Students will mostly have the different expenses like transportation, daily meal and their
school supplies. The content and pedagogy as a sub-variable has sub-divided into the academic
performance and behavior and to their daily allowance in everyday studies. The common responses of the
students in BSAB it’s depends on their performance as the results of their final grades in every semester.
Our respondents is studying in CENTRAL PHILIPPINES STATE UNIVERSITY in San Carlos Campus.
Definition of terms
This study defined the terms below which the researchers includes
Student – are the respondents who are supplying a data for this study.
Financial support - means any form of financial support to an affiliate, including a loan to, a
guarantee of indebtedness of and an investment in the securities of the affiliate.
Academic performance - is the measurement of student achievement across various academic subjects.
Central Philippines State University – a university on where the respondents studied.
San Carlos City – a place of the campus and it is the location that this study conducted.
Chapter III
Research Design and Methodology
This chapter describes the research design, methods and procedures for data collection, study area, the
instrument for data collection and method for data analysis.
Research Design
This study will use the descriptive survey method to determine the BSAB students financial support in
relation to their academic performance in Central Philippines State University, San Carlos campus.
Descriptive research obtains facts about existing conditions in a phenomenon and describe and interprets
revailing condition or relationships that exist or do not exist, practices that prevail or do not, beliefs or points
of view or attitude that are help or not, processing that are going on or otherwise effects that are being felt, or
trends that are developing (Calderon, 2012).
Participants of the study
The respondents of the study will be the one hundred seventy five (175) BSAB students of Central Philippines
State University, San Carlos campus. Out of Three hundred ten (310) BSAB students. The researchers will use
the random and quota sampling, the population is first divided into two/ more mutually exclusive categories
base on your variable interest. Systematic random sampling follows specific steps and procedures in doing
random selection.
Presented in table 1 is the distribution id respondents using of the slovins formula
(n=N/1+Ne²) and ratio and proportion for each year.
Research Instrument
The main tool used in this study was a researcher made questionnaire - checklist. Set of
questionnaire-checklist was constructed for the student respondent. The questionnaire - checklist consisted
of the BSAB students financial support in relation to their academic performance, corresponding questions
in every financial support, profiles of the respondents and likert scale.
Data Gathering Procedure
The original title proposed by the researcher was checked, revised and rechecked by the researcher`s
advisers to maintain conformity on the subject of research. The questionnaire - checklist that aims to draw
out proper responses on objectives of this study was constructed. The questionnaire - checklist made by the
researcher and was presented to analyzed and checked by the research adviser to ensure the validity of
responses it without elicit.
Permit to conduct research and study will be secured of letter requesting permissions to the admin of
Central Philippines State University - San Carlos Campus to conduct the survey about the BSAB students
financial support in relation to their academic performance. After the researchers obtained the approval of
Mr. Ken Balogo the researchers will conduct the survey to the BSAB students during their vacant periods.
The questionnaire that had been validated by research adviser had been distributed to the respondents,
who answered the respective questions based on their knowledge, the researchers assuring the respondents
that the data gathered would be treated with utmost confidentially.
The results will be tallied and tabulated according to the frequency of the items checked by the
respondents. After the tabulation, results will be interpreted using various statistical tools.
Data Analysis
For the purpose of analysis and interpretation, the data will be tallied and tabulated subjected to the following statistical treatment. In
determining the BSAB students financial support in relation to their academic performance of Central Philippines State University -
San Carlos Campus, the likert scale has been used. It used a five - point scale; each point corresponding to a likert item.
5 4.3 – 5 Never
1 1 - 1.8 Always
1. Weighted Mean
= EWX / N
W = points (5,4,3,2, and 1)
X = numbers of respondents per weight
N = total number of respondents
The researchers in the study will use weighted mean technique. This will be in order to determine the
average responses of the different options in the questionnaire to analyzed the data to the respondent’s
Chapter IV
Data Analysis and Interpretation
Female 36 58.3 58.3 58.3
Male 24 40.0 40.0 98.3
Civil Status
Single 57 95.0 95.0
Married 2 3.3 3.3
98.3 Widow 1 1.7 1.7 100.0
Monthly Income
1,000 below 16 26.7 26.7 26.7
1,001- 5,000 27 45.0 45.0 71.7
5,001- 10,000 13 21.7 21.7 93.3
10,000 up 4 6.7 6.7 100.0
Total 60 100.0 100.0
The table above shows the percentage of the respondents according to their age. Frequency 28 representing 46.7% of the respondents 18 to 20 years, 30
represents 50.0 percent with the cumulative of 96.7% were between 21-22 years old, 2 which represent 3.3 percent with cumulative of 100% of the respondents
between 26-30 years old. The above mention data represent the total frequency and percentage according to their age.
Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent
Allowance for
I don’t feel worried about the payment in school 3.13 Moderate 1.241
My parents give extra money for my personal needs 3.43 Moderate 1.267
I set aside a specific amount and go into savings 3.73 High .918
I spend money on things I enjoy 3.20 Moderate 1.286
My parents can immediately give money whenever I ask 3.52 High 1.017
The table above shows the descriptive statistic of the 10 questions to the 60 respondents with the maximum of 5 of choices
which are always, often, sometimes, rarely,and never. The data describe the percentage of the average of the respondents
upon answering the questionnaire from 1 to 10 questions. Total minimum of 2.0 ,total maximum of 4.6,totl mean of 3.548
and standard deviation .5568.
The table above shows that the result of the 10 questions in regards with the relation of the students financial support to
their academic performance are majority of the respondents agreed that there is a relations between financial support and
academic performance of the students.
Table 3: The result of academic performance to the students (General weighted average).
The table above shows the GWA (General Weighted Average) of the 60 respondents. 24 represent the total number of
males got the mean (grades) of 86.4788 with the standard deviation of 2.53497. 36 represent the total number of
female having a mean (grades) 87.6553 and standard deviation of 2.71463. Total mean is equal to 87.1847, and
standard deviation of 2.68598 for both male and female.
Table 4. Correlation Grades Mean
Grades Pearson Correlation 1 -.334**
Sig. (2- tailed) .009
N 60 60
Mean Pearson Correlation -.334** 1
Sig. (2-tailed) .009
N 60 60
In the output we can see that Pearson correlation is -.334. So there is a modest relationship
between the two variables. The significance level is .0.01, which means the relationship is
highly significant (and therefore it is likely that there is a relationship between the two
variables in the population as well as the sample). The sign is negative, which means that there is
Chapter IV
This study investigated financial support in relation to students academic performance in University of Cpsu.
The descriptive survey research design was adopted in the study.A sample of 60,20 each respondents from first
to third year college of agribusiness. There are 35 females and 25 males. The age of 21-22 years old are the
highest frequency of 30,followed by 18-20 years old with the frequency of 28 and the last is 26-30 years old
with the frequency of 2.
The result shows the descriptive analysis that majority of the students agree that there is a relation of financial
support to their academic performances. The students are almost the same GWA with the average of
87.18,meaning the level of performance of the students according to their sex are almost the same and there is
significant difference.
A stratified random sampling was used in the selection where 60 students were randomly selected. A self
developed Like-rt-Scale titled “BSAB students financial support in relation to their academic performance
Questionnaire” thoroughly investigated by the project supervisor was used for data collection.
Based on the results obtained from the study, the researcher formulate their conclusion that
there is a difference between financial support when grouped according to their profile.
Furthermore, there is a significant difference between the students academic performance
when group according to their profile. Lastly, financial support was concluded as a significant
relation with the students academic.
In the light of the findings of the study, the following recommendations are made:
1. Students should be educated on how to properly manage and spend their allowance.
2. Students should monitor their daily expense and budget and only buy things that are relevant.
3. The students should make a balance on what they spent their money to.
4. Teachers should understand the economic capabilities of their students
5. Students should be more motivated and eager to learn new things despite their struggling in
financial support as it will be use in their future work.
6. Students must track the amount of money they have coming in every month, scholarships,
grants, or money given to you
7. Students should create a spreadsheet of your finances so you can see how much you have to
spend each month and advice to be smart with their food shopping.
8. This study can be use as reference for the future researchers