Poster Research

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Managing Obesity Through Diet, Medications, Exercise

and Bariatric Surgery

Mason Suchora, Michael Martin, Aaron Williams, Ryan Thompson

Introduction Research Question Conclusion

The purpose of this research In obese patients with a BMI greater than To summarize our topic, it can be a challenge
35, how effective is diet management and to not only lose weight but keeping it off. Most
poster is to identify effective ways
exercise in comparison to of the time, obesity is accompanied by many
to manage obesity. Some comorbidities that can be put into remission
pharmacological interventions and
modifications to control obesity bariatric surgery? through weight loss and maintenance and
include, Following strict diets, living a healthier lifestyle by decreasing
exercising more often, having consumption of modifiable risk factors. Not
only is it important to have a healthy diet, its
medications prescribed or having also a vital to eat at the right times, coupled
to get bariatric surgery. This paper with exercise. Exercise increases your odds of
follows the studies that have been putting a metabolic disease process in
completed to try to manage the remission. Medications, although still being
studied, have worked in some individuals.
ongoing problem of obesity.
Ultimately, the most effective way to combat
morbid obesity, although posing an increased
Background risk, is through bariatric surgery. For bariatric
Summary of Research Findings surgery to be effective for long term weight
Managing obesity in nursing practice is loss, behavior modifications usually play a
- Consistency with diet did correlate
important because of all the factors that large part.
with subjects losing weight
obesity can cause in patients. Obesity is a
- Exercise proved to show weight loss
disease that effects a large majority of
adults. This then leads to hyperlipidemia, and decreased chronic disease risk
hypertension, congestive heart failure, in younger and older adults
coronary artery diseases, diabetes, or - When compared to the placebo
being put at an increased risk of heart effect in the studies, medications
attack. These risk factors being some of showed a high success rate.
the leading causes of mortality in the world - Over 50% of patients in one study
we must learn to manage obesity. had greater than 10% body weight
loss on the medications.
- Obesity-associated mortality and References
co-morbidities such as type 2
diabetes, hypertension,
dyslipidemia, obstructive sleep References available upon request.
apnea, renal dysfunction, and
depression improve significantly with
bariatric surgery.

Bitonte College of Health and Human Services Centofanti School of Nursing

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