Lecture Dependencies
Lecture Dependencies
Lecture Dependencies
A dependency occurs in a
database when information
stored in the same database
table uniquely determines
other information stored in
the same table.
Functional Dependency
The functional dependency is a relationship that exists
between two attributes. It typically exists between the
primary key and non-key attribute within a table.
Given a relation R, a set of attributes X in R is said to
functionally determine another attribute Y, also in R,
(written X → Y) if and only if each X value is associated with
at most one Y value.
An attribute is functionally dependent on another if we
can use the value of one attribute to determine the
value of another.
We use the arrow symbol → to indicate a functional
dependency. X → Y is read X functionally determines Y
X is the determinant set and Y is the dependent
attribute. Thus, given a tuple and the values of the
attributes in X, one can determine the corresponding
value of the Y attribute.
Types of Functional Dependency
Trivial functional dependency
Employee_Id is a subset of {Employee_Id, Employee_Na
Non-trivial functional dependency