Class-14 - Plasma Lipoproteins - Enzymes
Class-14 - Plasma Lipoproteins - Enzymes
Class-14 - Plasma Lipoproteins - Enzymes
(BCH 220)
Objectives for this lecture
Substrate Their substrates are always Their substrates are absent from
present in plasma plasma
Examples Clotting factors e.g. Prothrombin ALT, AST, CK, LDH, alkaline
Lipoprotein lipase, phosphatase, acid phosphatase
Pseudocholinesterase and lipase
Small amounts of intracellular
enzymes are present in the
blood as a result of normal cell
'Normal' plasma enzyme levels
reflect the balance between the
rate of synthesis and release
into plasma during cell
turnover, and the rate of
clearance from the circulation.
The presence of elevated
enzyme activity in the plasma
may indicate tissue damage
that is accompanied by
increased release of
intracellular enzymes
Source of non functional enzymes
Cell damage with the release of its content of enzymes
into blood e.g. Myocardial infarction and viral hepatitis
Obstruction of normal pathways e.g. Obstruction of
bile duct increases alkaline phosphatase
Increase of the enzyme synthesis e.g. bilirubin
increases the rate of synthesis of alkaline phosphatase
in obstructive liver disease
Increased permeability of cell membrane as in hypoxia
Medical importance of non
functional enzymes
Measurement of non functional enzymes is
important for:
1. Diagnosis of diseases as disease of different
organs cause elevation of different plasma
2. Prognosis of the disease we can follow up of
the treatment by measuring plasma enzymes
before and after treatment
Disadvantages of enzyme assays
Abnormal plasma enzyme activities
Gamma-glutamyl-transferase (GGT)
CH 3 CH 3
p y ru v a te la c ta te
In healthy individuals
– LD-2 is in highest quantity then LD-1, LD-3, LD-4
and LD-5
Heart problems:
– If problem is not MI, both LD1 and LD2 rise,
with LD2 being greater than LD1
– If problem is MI, LD1 is greater than LD2.
Diagnostic Significance
It is highly elevated in acute pancreatitis
and this persists for 7-14 days. Thus, lipase
remains elevated longer than amylase.
Enzymes as Tumor Markers
Enzyme Disease
Serum acid phosphatase Prostrate cancer
Serum Alkaline phosphatase Metastasis in liver, jaundice due
to carcinoma head of pancreas,
osteoblastic metastasis in bones
Serum LDH Advanced malignancies and
β- Glucuronidase Cancer of urinary bladder
Leucine Amino Peptidase (LAP) Liver cell carcinoma
Neuron specific Enolase Malignancies of nervous tissue
and brain
Major Enzymes of Clinical
Disease Enzyme
Cardiac Disorders AST-LDH1-CK
Hepatocellular Disorders
Viral hepatitis: Hepatitis B & Hepatitis C.
Toxic hepatitis: caused by chemicals &
Skeletal Muscle Disorders CK-AST
Biliary tract disorders ALP- GGT
Bone Disorders ALP
Acute Pancreatitis Lipase-AMS
Salivary Gland Inflammation AMS