CGCR 501 - Lecture 4
CGCR 501 - Lecture 4
CGCR 501 - Lecture 4
Follow more,
Write down any key words or concepts that may be of interest to you.
Could these terms help be used to form a more focused research topic?
Be aware of overused ideas when deciding a topic.
Guidelines for Critical Thinking
Ask questions
Distinguish between facts and opinions
Examine the evidence
Analyse assumptions and biases
Avoid emotional reasoning
Do not overgeneralise
Consider other interpretations
Facts vs Opinions
Opinions are personal ideas which are subjective and might result from personal bias.
The best-tasting tomatoes come from farms.
The best-tasting tomatoes come from backyards.
An opinion may be valid, but it represents a personal interpretation and is, therefore, a weak
support for an argument.
“To analyse” is to break information into its
elements. ‘To be critical’ is to make careful
judgements about information and to evaluate its
Facts vs Opinions
Keep track of the words that are used to describe your topic.
Look for words that best describe your topic
Look for them in when reading encyclopedia or review articles and
background and general information
Find broader and narrower terms, synonyms, key concepts for key
words to widen your search capabilities
Make note of these words and use them later when searching
databases and catalogs
Step 5: Be Flexible
It is common to modify your topic during the
research process. You can never be sure of what
you may find. You may find too much and need to
narrow your focus, or too little and need to
broaden your focus.
This is a normal part of the research process.
When researching, you may not wish to change
your topic, but you may decide that some other
aspect of the topic is more interesting or
Step 6: Define Your Topic as a Focused Research
You will often begin with a word, develop a more focused interest in an aspect
of something relating to that word, then begin to have questions about the
For example:
Ideas = Frank Lloyd Wright or modern architecture
Research Question = How has Frank Lloyd Wright influenced modern
Focused Research Question = What design principles used by Frank Lloyd
Wright are common in contemporary homes?
Step 7: Research and Read More About Your
Use the key words you have gathered to research in
the catalogue, article databases, and Internet search engines.
Find more information to help you answer your research