BVITSD-101-Foundation Course in English-1
BVITSD-101-Foundation Course in English-1
BVITSD-101-Foundation Course in English-1
The rule: Subjects and verbs must agree with one another in both number and person.
If the subject is singular, its verb must also be singular; however, if the subject is plural,
its verb must be plural.
▰ In this sentence the complete phrase- The singing of the birds will be considered
as the subject of the sentence.
▰ The verb ,however, will agree with “The Singing” which is what is being focused
▰ “of the birds” –gives us additional information about –the noun-singing
▰ So, when asked to underline the subject in such cases –the complete group of
words in the subject place would be underlined.
Subject-Object -Predicate
▰ Subject can thus be defined as any noun or pronoun in the sentence that performs
some action.
▰ Example of a subject with a pronoun: He takes a drink. Here the pronoun-
“He” is the subject of the sentence.
▰ In some sentences, however, the subject may not perform an action. Hence , the
subject can also be defined as a noun or pronoun about which something is being
told in the sentence.
▰ Example: He is very happy.
▰ David seems to be angry.
▰ She looks very beautiful
Object and Predicate
▰ Object is that part of the sentence that takes the action or is acted upon.
▰ Object can be a noun or a pronoun.
▰ Example: He is eating an apple-an apple is a noun here and also the object of
the sentence
▰ He is eating it.-> “It” is a pronoun here and also the object of the
▰ Predicate: Predicate is that part of the sentence which says something about the
subject. It is a group of words that includes the verb and occupies the same place
as occupied by the object of the sentence.
▰ Example: He is writing an essay.-> This part ->is writing an essay is the
predicate of the sentence.
Analysis of a few sentences