NorthStar Kick Off - Master
NorthStar Kick Off - Master
NorthStar Kick Off - Master
Kickoff – Princeton
March 13 2023
• 10:10 – 10:30: NorthStar Kick-off Introduction
• 10:30 – 11:15: NorthStar the Vision
• 11:45 – 12:25: OMD Business run-through, current state
• 12:35 – 13:20: Lunch
• 13:20 – 13:50: Agri Business run-through, current state
• 13:50 – 14:15: Portfolio technical strategy - production line and thin slices
• 14:15 – 15:00: Production line area 1 – Data Ingestion & Storage
• 15:00 – 16:00: Production line area 2 – Data Governance
• 16:00 – 17:00: Production line area 3 – Data Processing
• 09:30 – 10:00: Production line area 4 – Business Data Interaction
• 10:00 – 11:00: Production line area 5 – Delivery to Customers (R1, CI UI)
• 11:00 – 11:15: Final production line view
• 11:30 – 12:30: Data catalogue, taxonomy and ontology session
• 12:30 – 13:15: Lunch
• 13:15 – 14:15: Workshop – create the thin slices and SME assigning
• 14:15 – 14:45: Break
• 14:45 – 15:45: Workshop – Creating the data Gannt chart
• 16:00 – 17:00: Step examples through the pipeline
• 10:00 – 12:00: Readout and Q&A
• 12:00 – 17:00: Breakout sessions and follow up
NorthStar - The Vision
Fuels and Refining
North Star
Rationale / Goal
Accelerate revenue growth by aligning heritage OMD and Agri services, delivering on
client demand for a unified customer experience enabled by the merger
Deliver an integrated, intuitive solution with an enhanced UX and new deliverables,
improved & unified datasets and refreshed content layout (via PDP)
Migration and harmonization of h-ENR data and insights leverages h-Platts Technology
and Data framework
Full integration and delivery of Agri and OMD services through a single
intuitive UI.
S&P Global Commodity Insights 7
Why this is SO IMPORTANT!
Focus on operational
High impact, high visibility, big investment excellence,
technology and data
•Investment of $3.1m to deliver $14M rev over three years and
Fulfil the potential
a RR of $8m+ thereafter of the merger
Vitol asking for data feeds for their data scientists “The data lacks integration into a single
platform with user friendly and intuitive
Thai Oil needed 22 data feeds for an AI project using IBM Watson navigation and visualization. Most of the
BP have redesigned all data entry to API going forward products are still published in an excel
format and we expect more digitization
Equinor won’t buy new data unless there is an API and automation. Frankly, your competitors
are far more sophisticated from this
ADNOC (and several others) frustrated by the lack of an OMD API
standpoint” -- Schlumberger
Exxon are using APIs and Snowflake to support data
manipulation in ZEMA and MarketView
Diminishing patience for substandard platform experiences.
Integra called Platts On The Net a dinosaur that he would cancel
if he could. Users at Dow and Eastman report using competitors
because they couldn’t quickly find what they were looking for.
SABIC said PDFs are from the last century
Onyx Commodities: “It is critical to be notified on my phone
when something happens that impacts price”
Private & Confidential 12
Machine delivery is particularly important for traders
“We will see widespread automation of manual processes, “Humans have always played a vital role in
through deployment and uptake of industry-wide platforms trading and understanding futures markets,
built on technologies such as blockchain, machine learning, but we’re no longer relying on human brain
AI and analytics. This will not only speed up processes and power alone,”
remove human errors, but also enable companies to access
up-to-date information digitally.” Cargill CEO
Leigh Henson, Global Head of Commodities, Refinitiv “We want to be able to extract data
and put it into algorithms. We notice In the words of our
that the fundamentals and prices customers…….
Rather than focusing on analytics, some increasingly get out of balance in the
market with the increased volumes
data scientists and engineers are having to
executed by algos”
I need intelligent data
focus on harmonizing the platforms
before bringing on the data from different I need insight to cut
Philipp Büssenschütt, EDFT CCO
parts of the company. through the noise
Vitol CIO (Vitol CIO has increased his team to I need to be connected
more than 100 in the past three years, including
several data scientists)
“In agriculture, metals or energy, the traders everywhere and all the
are looking to gather data on a large
scale and run machine-learning algorithms
to find patterns linking fundamentals with I need clarity
price movements,” I need ease of use
Etienne Amic, chairman of Vortexa.
FCRS Agri case study
What they need to achieve:
• BASF internal business intelligence team constructing a visual database from various sources I need to join the dots across core crop markets and
S&P Global selected as the cornerstone information provider
Requirement to efficiently piece together a comprehensive market picture – immediate, short- & long- term
regions to directly input into short- and long-term strategic
planning sessions which help decide how we sell and
• Serve core stakeholder groups with interests from short to longer-term investment and portfolio decisions develop markets with different or new services
• Allow the same stakeholders to self-serve - benefit of increased capacity for the business intelligence team
• Connect, navigate and visualize our data and research across time-frames and across industries (ag Greg Heikes,
commodities, crop science, fertilizers) Head of Business Intelligence
What happened:
• S&P Global has multiple different ag commodity datasets across short- and long-term that have been
separate products and heritages.
• With no data, content or taxonomy integration between them it is impossible to interrogate and connect
both databases as one, nor compare data values for crops, regions and types against each other.
• S&P embarked upon a bespoke piece of work to attempt to navigate around these issues but without the
significant resource required. This was a large drain on commercial, product, research and data.
• Take a customer-centric approach to design and development • Be based on integrated models that eliminate model-to-model
• Provide insight across multiple time-frames to suit the needs
of different personas who need to take informed transactional, • Be built on a foundational layer of APIs facilitates delivery
operational, investment and strategic decisions over multiple delivery channels
• Enable customers to easily connect the dots between market • Provide a foundation for building on existing capabilities with
analysis of Crude, Refined Products, NGLs, Chemical coverage of emissions, energy transition, low-carbon marine and
Feedstocks, Ag Commodities & Food, Fertilizers, Crop Protection aviation fuels, chemical feedstocks, retail, sustainable food
& Seed, Animal Health, Biofuels (+ Chemicals, Shipping and production etc.
other CI datasets)
CSM 1.0 CSM+ Roll out in parallel, phased Supported Entitlements Supported Entitlements
hPlatts non-CSM migration CSM+ CSM+
hIHSM non-CSM • Crude Oil • Fertilizers CSM 1.0 CSM 1.0 TBD
• Fuels & Refining • Crop Science Non-CSM: hIHSM & hPlatts Non-CSM: hIHSM & hPlatts TBD
• Food & • Biofuels
Agriculture 20
Introduction to OMD Business
Multiple timeframe
Forecasting Across value chains
Multi-channel del’v Data
Assets, markets, co.
ExCo-3 leadership team in place and key team leaders identified
Expanding legacy structure to execute on integration and innovation, drive business growth and provide
research agenda focus
Head of OMD
Kurt Barrow
Near-term Crude Oil Fuels & Product Long-term Petchem
Midstream Alternative View
Forecasting Markets Refining Demand Forecasting Feedstock
Rick Joswick Jim Burkhard Darryl Rogers Daniel Evans Kang Wu Sandeep Sayal Shin Kim Ravi N.
F2F, curated
Executive meeting, curated content
Strategic Decision-maker/
Chief Economist
Rapid scenarios
Core Market & Industry Analysis & Views
Client-interactive deliverables
Trusted market/technical analysis and advice used
Business Development to make critical business decisions
Competitive Intel Integrated, technically sound, and easy access
Business/Strategy Planning
(working group) Access to experts
POV group
Data, data & more data
Quant Analysis
Quality, comprehensive - unique or “must-
Business/Trading Analyst have” in some cases
Where does our data come from?
Timeframes of forecasting
Why and for what purpose?
• Core monthly building block
• Seasonal
• Staple for LT view
• Annual
• Strategy view
• Cleaner by lags
Short-term (ST) / Long-term (LT) data alignment
• [can we find a small dataset example to place here? Something from IEA for Germany/Japan/US?]
Forecasting and insight creation approach
Current situation:
• Today, our forecasting is mostly “expertized” in nature
• Analysts collect and study a wide range of data, information and intel then synthesize it into a market analysis &
• Forecast is created from this historical/current perspective, antiicaptoin of future developments and drivers from
related forecasts (macro, vehicle trends, weather, feedstocks, etc.)
• Reference points (e.g. break-even economics or prior year levels) are used
• Key approach is analyst interpretation and judgment - limited automation
• Emphasis on a story or narrative that adds “life” to the data and forecast
• Our clients want our views, our certainties, our qualms, our considerations – but also the data/forecast tables.
Going forward:
• Current thinking is to maintain this expertized approach and automate later as team build confidence in new
OMD modeling overview for Supply/Demand
Crude Supply – Supply Stack Model
Integrated Balance Model Dynamic Demand Modeling
(Orionized as suitable)
Power CO2
Orion Modeling
NAM (DNA Model)
Crude Fuels
History Supply Stats
Oil Crude/ Refining Aromatics Demand Diesel
production – LN
Vantage Projects
(Unified PIMS)
Mobility Models
Gas NGL to Petchem
Processing LPG Sales
Gas Production Dry Gas
• US Refining STO
• Asia/China ASW Excel and PPT
• Brazil market profile
• [model example – L/H Naphtha model?]
• Spotlight/memo
Alt View Products on CI UI – rough sketch Illustrative only
*To be developed
• Arrow/scroll on website
• Search across all products • Each graphic fully visible on cell phone
Posts • Chartbooks downloadable into pdf Storyboard & Balances Storyboard & Balances
text details text
• Scroll through feeds No Russian
• No Russian losses in
2022 or 2023
details text details
• Too busy? • Dashboard of widgets? Workspace (Bbg launchpad)? • Just ideas; can we make it less like Instagram?
• Too much clicking?
Introduction to
1963 // 2010 2011 2012 2013 // 2016 2017 2018 2019 2022 2022
• Agra • Agrow • Portfolio • Fertecon • Phillips • IEG Vantage • IEG Vu launched • Phillips • July 2019 Transition to ‘Connect’ h-IHSM Agribusiness
formed and moved acquired McDougall launched (Public Ledger, McDougall acquisition by with descriptive and Platts
producing Animal online acquired replacing Dairy Markets & new online IHS Markit service offerings: Agriculture Analytics
Food News)
agriculture- Pharm only • Doyle legacy intelligence • Rebranding and • Crop Science merger
focused join the • Print Informa • Agrow and Animal service
Trading integration as • Animal Health
publications portfolio publications Economics Pharm new platform launched
Consultant ‘Agribusiness’ • Fertilizers
closed s acquired brand • Fertecon new • Completion • Addition of • Commodities
• Agribusiness platform of sales and ECR’s Ag P&P and Food
Intelligence • Agribusiness go-to-market Agri service
launched Consulting formed repositioning New products launched
resulting in double-digit
• IEG Policy launched
(Agra Europe, Issue revenue growth
Monitor, Food Chemical
News & EU Food Law)
Crop Protection
Natural Gas Fertilizers
Energy Transition
Mining Commodity Chemicals Refining
Biofuels hIHSM – OMD Snowflake Phoenix Platts Market Center
hIHSM – Agri (Licht)
Data viz: Tableau,
SQL Agri platform (F&ACE)
Infogram, Power BI,
Fertilizers* hIHSM - Agri
IHS Data Platform Licht Data (Pascal)
Crop Protection hIHSM - Agri
Elastic Search Licht Interactive Data
Animal Health hIHSM - Agri + more APIs & Feeds: Data Lake API
Agri platform API Connect NewsML feed
Connect API ‘Agra-net’ prices API
Connect Data Browser API F O Licht API
S&P Global Commodity Insights 41
*Fertilizers price assessments moved to MRTS, transitioning to hPlatts price
The NEW Biofuels Service — building on three leading services
NEW integrated Biofuels Service
Platts • News, prices fundamental analysis/
Integrated with insights, data, access to analyst's
refining, ET, price forecasts — 18 month and LT
Price, US
coverage • Global view, regional expertise
• Full coverage Fuel ethanol,
Long-term LPG
integrated with
refining • Ag and waste-based feedstock
analysis plus conventional and
CSM+ advanced 2G, 3G, biomass, biogas
FO Licht • Regulatory and credit market
historical &
outlook data. • Biofuels Margins Simulator
coverage • Close links and synergies retained
with OMD, Ag, ET and Consulting
Phil Solomon
Vice President,
Animal Health
The portfolio technology strategy is the “how” in regards to migrating business lines in the portfolio to the 11 layer cake.
We build frameworks to align the technology organisation across the portfolio and we fold all data, processes and
applications into the Layer Cake - powering the Single Pane of Glass (CI UI) and enable CMS Plus.
Capability Platforms
1000 +
ingestions Commodity Insights Web Delivery PLATFORM
Apps Desktop Delivery
Duplicated Benchmarks
Value Add
data flows Complex Content Creation CONTENT CREATION PLATFORM
Data Ingestion &
“systems” Excel Linking
Portfolio Technology Strategy
Regardless of the business line, the technology for the portfolio can be broken into five key areas:
Data Business/
Data Data Delivery to
ingestion & Data
governance processing customers
storage interaction
To execute the strategy we need to work through each key area like a production line.
The first thing we need to do is identity the “slice” that we are going to send through the production line. The slice should be
lowest manageable area that has SME knowledge. This may naturally select itself if we are executing an IMO project or a PRB
item from the product road map. If it is too broad we then need to break it down to manageable slices. For example: Agribusiness
– Commodities – Proteins – Pork
1. Work through projects as dictated by business and customer priorities (IMO & PRB)
3. Move the slice through the framework for each area like a production line
Production line area 1 – Data Ingestion & Storage
Portfolio Technology Strategy – Data ingestion & Storage
Target state: All external data is ingested through BICS or KAPOW & stored in ADW.
Data ingestion Where automation is not possible, standardised curation tooling will be used for
manual data collection and also stored in ADW
ingestion tools DBs
x VisualCron
APIs x
t t ADW
e e
r r
n n Curation tooling
a DBs a
l DBs l
a a
t Bespoke t
a Internal Apps a
Portfolio Technology Strategy – Data ingestion & Storage
Target state: All external data is ingested through BICS or KAPOW & stored in ADW.
Data ingestion Where automation is not possible, standardised curation tooling will be used for
manual data collection and also stored in ADW
Is it already Yes
automated It’s in ADW
Do we already
have the data
ingest Pass to
automated? BICS/KAPOW
No Yes
Can it be
Ingest through
curation tooling
Production line area 2 – Data Governance
Portfolio Technology Strategy – Data governance
Target state: Data is discoverable, described, validated.
Data governance Training paths provide a starting point for understanding and getting started with the data.
+ Fetch assets
User interface,
Correct and enhance source data API
Data mapping
Production line area 3 – Data Processing
Portfolio Technology Strategy – Data processing
Target state: All data processing is moved from Excel to ADW where possible. This
Data processing includes all modelling as well as the more basic calculations. All customer outputs
(tables and charts) will also be removed from Excel
Portfolio Technology Strategy – Data processing
Target state: All data processing is moved from Excel to ADW where possible. This
Data processing includes all modelling as well as the more basic calculations. All customer outputs
(tables and charts) will also be removed from Excel
ingestion &
Data Data
Delivery to Key Outcomes & Challenges:
governance processing customers
storage interaction
• Business continuity preserved
Problem: Eurostat API changes would require analyst to manually • Significant savings in manual effort on a
update 38 interconnected Excel files, with risk of not delivering go-forward
monthly reporting to clients
• Improved model outputs for price
Solution: Evolve research process to leverage CI technology
capabilities while preserving business-line continuity and aligning • Automated delivery via BI tooling (in
with CI overall technology strategy progress)
• How to support manual “massaging” of
Teams: BICS (Jason Holden), DS ADW (Tony Sweet), DO Genesis
(Suruchi Choudhary), FCRS Agri (Vasu Tripathi)
model result sets
• Excel functions not replicated exactly in
Approach: Apply tech strategy sequentially at high-frequency Python
iterations over solution • Business line SME input critical across all
Data Business/
Data Data Delivery to
ingestion & Data
governance processing customers
storage interaction
Data Business/
Data Data Delivery to
ingestion & Data
governance processing customers
storage interaction
BI published to Connect
Processing Modelling
ADW Tools
…. 61
Portfolio Technology Strategy – Business/Data interaction
Target state: Analysts/Researchers are able to view and edit data in ADW via
Business/Data standardised tools. This gives the ability to modify the output of models, work with the
interaction models or raw data that powers models and calculations. All internal tools are
consolidated into a single internal UI
Phoenix CCP ADW
Platform ADW CCP Phoenix
Portfolio Technology Strategy – Delivery to customers
Target state: All data and product is delivered through CI UI utilising CSM+. All
Delivery to previously manually created content is dynamically delivered through CI UI
Steps to execute:
Identify the feature gaps: Identify all feature gaps between PDP and Connect – as well as additional customer
Roadmap: Create a roadmap that shows when each feature will be delivered, allowing business lines to plan product
Deliver!: Deliver product in CI UI to plan
Schlumberger Tech Corp
(Sept 14th, 2022)
(July 26th, 2022)
While the info is useful, I I think the depth and breadth of the data is
still have to log on to excellent and I appreciate the level of expertise that
multiple portals. Wonder if exists in both IHS and S&P.
there are plans to However, the data lacks integration into a single
platform with user friendly and intuitive
consolidate further
navigation and visualization. Most of the products
are still published in an excel format and we expect
more digitization and automation. Frankly, your
competitors are far more sophisticated from this
EG Retail Netherlands
(Sept 16th, 2022)
What it is not:
• It does not aim to replicate or recreate legacy platforms
• It does not pursue perfection on Day 1……it evolves and enhances
quickly based on VOC
Understand the roadmap progress of CIUI projects to see what is in the critical path, which prompts discussion, informs
decisions and delivers value in an accelerated way to our customers.
(as of Feb 2023) Existing tools remain part of internal workflows with all resulting content being
surfaced through the ‘CIUI’ (Phoenix, PowerBI, Snowplow)
- Andy Winter (Development & Delivery Lead)
What about Connect and PDP? CIUI High-Level 2023 Roadmap (for internal use only)
Example 2: Content creation through Phoenix– showing continued delivery to Connect (during the
build, delivery and planned/phased transition to CIUI)
CIUI Internal Workflows – Example 3
Three examples of common h-ENR workflows to illustrate the power of the Single Pane of Glass CIUI and no changes to current internal workflows.
Example 3: Researcher driven APIs– showing continued delivery to Connect (during the build,
delivery and planned/phased transition to CIUI)
Final Production line view
End state
Data Data Data Delivery to
ingestion governance Processing Customers
x Data Governance
t CI UI Connect
e Data Storage
n Ingestion
Processing Modelling Content
l Creation
CCP Phoenix
a Standardised
ADW Tools Generic internal UI Interface
curation tooling