Lecture 1-IOT

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Internet of Things

The Word Economic Forum says:

 We stand on the brink of a technological
revolution that will fundamentally alter the
way we live, work, and relate to one another.
 In its scale, scope, and complexity, the
transformation will be unlike anything
humankind has experienced before.
Manufacturing Revolution
– From Industry 1.0 to Industry 4.0
Industry 1.0 Industry 2.0 Industry 3.0 Industry 4.0
Industrial Revolution Industrial Revolution Industrial Revolution Industrial Revolution
Key Change:
Key Change: Key Change: Introduction of IoT and
Key Change: Introduction of mass Introduction of
Introduction of Cyber-Physical Systems
Manufacturing Production Electronics, PLC Devices, driven by Augmented Reality
Mechanical Production lines powered by Electric Robots and IT to automate
Equipment driven by & Real Time Intelligence
Energy Production
Water and Stream Power

Level Of Complexity
Augmented Reality Driven CPS
PLC Driven Robots

18th Century Mechanical Loom Vintage Electric Conveyor Belt

End of 18th Century End of 19th Century Q4 of 20th Century Start of 21th Century
• Revolutions have triggered profound changes
in economic systems and social structures.

age of

momentous change profound and systemic change

Technologies Driving

Internet of Things
Artificial Intelligence (AI)
Data Analytics
Virtual reality
Quantum computations

(IoT) Blockchain
What is Internet of Things?

• Enabling every electronic device to be

connected to each other and the Internet.
• Value in IoT is data processing in the cloud
• Includes smartphones, consumer
electronics, cars, lights, clothes, sensors,
medical devices.
History of IoT
The concept of the Internet of Things first became popular in 1999,
through the Auto-ID Center at MIT and related market-analysis
Radio-frequency identification (RFID) was seen as a prerequisite for
the IoT at that point. If all objects and people in daily life were
equipped with identifiers, computers could manage and inventory
them. Besides using RFID, the tagging of things may be achieved
through such technologies as near field communication, barcodes, QR
codes, bluetooth, and digital watermarking.
How IoT Works?
Internet of Things is not the result of a single novel technology; instead, several
complementary technical developments provide capabilities that taken together help to
bridge the gap between the virtual and physical world. These capabilities include:
 Communication and cooperation
 Addressability
 Identification
 Sensing
 Actuation
 Embedded information processing
 Localization
 User interfaces
How IoT Works?

Smart Tech Nano Tech

RFID Sensor

To enhance the
To identify To collect and power of the To make the
and track the process the network by smaller and
data of data to detect devolving smaller things
things the changes in processing have the ability
the physical capabilities to to connect and
different part of the
status of things network.

Internet of Things - Evolution
a s
A re
pl i
Current Status of IoT

“Change is the only thing permanent in this world” 12

• Aims
– To develop skills in IoT system development
– To apply the same in real life applications.
Course Outcomes:
1. Understand the IoT fundamentals and architecture modelling
2. Understand the smart things in IoT and functional blocks
(Understand: K2)
3. Understand the communication networks and protocols used in IoT.
(Understand: K2)
4. Understand the cloud resources, data analysis and applications.
(Apply: K3)
5. Apply the IoT processes in embedded applications. (Apply: K3)
Text Books
• Vijay Madisetti and ArshdeepBahga, “Internet of Things (A Hands-on-
Approach)”, 1st Edition, VPT, 2014 ( Module1,2,4)
• David Hanes, Gonzalo Salgueiro, Patrick Grossetete, Rob Barton and Jerome
Henry, ―IoT Fundamentals: Networking Technologies, Protocols and Use Cases
for Internet of Things, Cisco Press, 2017. (Module2,3,5)
• Rajkamal, “Internet of Things : Architecture and Design Principles”, McGraw Hill
(India) Private Limited.
• Raspberry Pi Cookbook, Software and Hardware Problems and solutions,
SimonMonk, O'Reilly (SPD), 2016, ISBN.
Course Level Assessment Questions
CO1: Understand the IoT fundamentals and
architecture modelling

1. What is the definition of IoT and different

characteristics of IoT?
2. Define the architectural view of IoT and
functional blocks.
3. What are the different levels of IoT?
Module I: Introduction to IoT technology
• Definitions and Characteristics of IoT
• IoT Architectural View
• Physical Design of IOT
• Logical Design of IoT
• IoT Functional blocks
• IoT communication models
• IoT Enabling Technologies
• IoT Levels & Deployment Templates.
CO2: Understand the smart things in IoT and
functional blocks

1. What are the different smart things in IoT?

2. How the communication is established
among nodes and nodes and cloud?
3. What are the protocols that are used in IoT?
Module 2: IoT and M2M, Smart Objects,
The “Things” in IoT, Sensor Networks
• M2M-Difference between IoT and M2M
• SDN and NFV for IoT,
• Smart Objects
• Sensors, Actuators, and Smart Objects
• Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs)
• Communication Protocols for Wireless Sensor Networks
• Connecting Smart Objects- Communication Criteria.
CO3: To understand the communication networks and
protocols used in IoT.
1. Differentiate between IEEE standard
2. Explain the advantages of next generation IP
based protocols used in IoT.
3. Define different layers used in embedded
Module 3: Unified Data Standards
• Protocols –IEEE 802.15.4-The Physical Layer, The Media-Access Control Layer,
Uses of 802.15.4, The Future of 802.15.4: 802.15.4e and 802.15.4g
• Modbus
• ZigBee- Architecture
• LoRaWAN –Standardization and Alliances, Physical Layer, MAC Layer, Topology,
• Network layer -The next generation: IP-based protocols - LoWPAN and RPL,
Overview of the 6LoWPAN Adaptation Layer .
CO4: To understand the cloud resources, data analysis
and applications.
1. Explain how data is stored in IoT environment and
2. How to use cloud resources and different options
3. How end devices can be used to control input and
output devices?
Module 4: Data Collection, storage and
computing Using a Cloud Platform
• Introduction
• Cloud Computing
• Paradigm for Data Collection, Storage and Computing
• Cloud Computing Paradigm
• Cloud Deployment Models
• Everything as a Service and Cloud Service Models-SaaS, PaaS,
IaaS, DaaS.
• Cloud based platforms-XIVELY, NIMBITS.
For assignments and projects
• IoT Physical Devices & Endpoints-IoT Device-Building blocks
• Raspberry-Pi -Board-Linux on Raspberry-Pi, Raspberry-Pi Interfaces
(serial, SPI, I2C).
• Raspberry Pi interfacing and programming examples using python (LED,
switch, sensor, serial, SPI, I2C devices).
• Controlling GPIO outputs and displaying sensor readings using web
(Python programming is for assignments and projects required only and
not for examinations. Other end nodes and platforms can also be used).
CO5: To apply the IoT processes in embedded
1. What are the security and privacy concerns of IoT ?
2. Explain the typical applications of IoT.
3. Describe the processes involved in implementing a
smart city.
Module 5: IoT privacy, security and vulnerabilities
solutions, Smart and Connected Cities
• IoT privacy, security and vulnerabilities solutions, vulnerabilities, security
requirements, threat analysis, security tomography, layered attacker model,
Identity management, access control, secure message communication.
• Smart and Connected Cities- An IoT Strategy for Smarter Cities-Vertical IoT Needs
for Smarter Cities, Global vs. Siloed Strategies
• Smart City IoT Architecture-Street Layer, City Layer, Data Center Layer, Services
• Smart City Security Architecture - Smart City Use-Case Examples
• Street lighting, smart parking, smart traffic and air pollution monitoring
Simulation Assignments:
• At least one assignment should be programming examples (python or any other
language) using Raspberry pi (Other options like arduino, node mcu etc. can also
be used) Include I/O interfacing, SPI, I2C, serial, sensor interfacing and web
• Another assignment shall be an IoT system implementation of mini project
consisting of a sensor, processing device, communication device and cloud
storage (This can be individual or group projects).
• Mini project is essential for understanding the concepts of IoT.
• Mini project can be done in the following areas.
• a) Smart city (b) Weather monitoring system (c) air pollution monitoring (d)
Smart parking (e) smart traffic (f) any other application/s where
sensors/actuators devices are used.

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