Seiso - Clean
(Keep things clean and polished; no trash or dirt in the workplace)
Seiketsu - Purity
(Maintain cleanliness after cleaning - perpetual cleaning)
Shitsuke - Commitment (Actually this is not a part of '4S', but a typical teaching and attitude towards
any undertaking to inspire pride and adherence to standards established for the four components)
Sorting - Systematic Organization - Shine
Standardize - Sustain
The 5S System for Workplace Organization helps you transform your operation in all of
these ways:
• Sort out unnecessary items, removing them to an area where they are needed, or
• Set in Order necessary items, placing them at hand, with defined locations
Organization and orderliness work best when they are implemented together.
"Set in order" means arranging needed items so that they are easy to use and
labeling them so that anyone can find them and put them away.
" Labeling is mostly for other people who need what is in the area, when the area
"owner" is away.
"Shine" - as the word implies - means
to thoroughly clean everything in
the work area.
Planning a cleanliness
campaign is a five-step process
including: cleanliness targets,
assignments, methods, tools,
and follow-up inspections.
The goal is threefold: 1) to turn
the workplace into a clean,
bright place where people enjoy
working, 2) to review the first
two Ss, and 3) to find the
source of dirt or litter and
eliminate it.
"Shine" should become so
deeply ingrained as a daily work
habit that tools are also kept in
top condition and are ready for
use at any time
The last "S," sustain, requires discipline. Without
discipline, it is impossible to maintain
consistent standards of quality, safety, clean
production, and process operation.