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Japanese - English – Urdu Translations

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Seiri - Put things in order
(remove what is not needed and keep what is needed)

Seiton - Proper Arrangement

(Place things in such a way that they can be easily reached whenever they are needed)

Seiso - Clean
(Keep things clean and polished; no trash or dirt in the workplace)

Seiketsu - Purity
(Maintain cleanliness after cleaning - perpetual cleaning)

Shitsuke - Commitment (Actually this is not a part of '4S', but a typical teaching and attitude towards
any undertaking to inspire pride and adherence to standards established for the four components)

Sorting - Systematic Organization - Shine

Standardize - Sustain

The 5S System for Workplace Organization helps you transform your operation in all of
these ways:

• Sort out unnecessary items, removing them to an area where they are needed, or

• Set in Order necessary items, placing them at hand, with defined locations

• Shine equipment by thoroughly cleaning and examining it regularly for early

detection of wear, leaks, and other precursors of major breakdowns

• Standardize organization and gain visual control throughout your operation,

simplifying training and rotation of personnel

• Sustain the gains through communication and discipline, achieving ongoing

improvements as employees embrace the changes and make them part of their daily
The goal and process of the first “S” is
The sort process distinguishes needed items
from unneeded items and removes the
This process forces people to remove all
items not currently needed for work, whether
they are in the factory or in the office. It is
initially the most difficult for people who are
afraid to let go of parts, machines, and data
"just in case" they may be needed in the
However, "red-tagging" items allows workers
to set aside and evaluate items and
information in terms of their usefulness and
frequency of use.
The items and information are returned,
stored elsewhere, sold, given away, or
thrown away. Red tagging is best done in
one target area at a time and within one or
two days.
When red tagging is completed, problems
and annoyances in the workflow are
reduced, communication between workers is
improved, product quality is increased, and
productivity is enhanced 6
"Set in order" organizes a work area for the maximum possible efficiency.

Organization and orderliness work best when they are implemented together.

"Set in order" means arranging needed items so that they are easy to use and
labeling them so that anyone can find them and put them away.

" Labeling is mostly for other people who need what is in the area, when the area
"owner" is away.

When orderliness is implemented, there is no wasted human energy or

excess inventory.

"Shine" - as the word implies - means
to thoroughly clean everything in
the work area.

Planning a cleanliness
campaign is a five-step process
including: cleanliness targets,
assignments, methods, tools,
and follow-up inspections.
The goal is threefold: 1) to turn
the workplace into a clean,
bright place where people enjoy
working, 2) to review the first
two Ss, and 3) to find the
source of dirt or litter and
eliminate it.
"Shine" should become so
deeply ingrained as a daily work
habit that tools are also kept in
top condition and are ready for
use at any time
The last "S," sustain, requires discipline. Without
discipline, it is impossible to maintain
consistent standards of quality, safety, clean
production, and process operation.

The more closely workers are able to

follow manufacturing standards,
procedures, and rules, the less likelihood
there is of errors, defects, waste, and

Implementation of 5S provides coaching

by getting the workers to do the simple
things right. "Buying in" to these basic
values is the essential starting point to
developing a "World Class" organization.
Empowering shop floor workers to take
control of their daily activities and their
work environment is the unifying principle
of 5S.
By taking an active role in designing and
maintaining their workplace, workers take
more pride in their work, leading to
greater satisfaction and higher
“We can only achieve continuous improvement if we change our
working style by adopting new lean improvement techniques”……


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