Topic 5 Directing
Topic 5 Directing
Topic 5 Directing
In addition to planning, organizing and staffing, every manager must also direct
his subordinates. It is an important management function next to organizing.
Directing is the managerial function that consists of those activities which are
concerned directly with influencing, guiding or supervising the subordinates in
their jobs.
If subordinates are not properly directed, nothing could be accomplished.
2. Unity of Direction
Another important principle of direction is that the order should be received by the
subordinates from only one superior in other words, there should not be dual
subordination. Dual subordination brings disorder, confusion, chaos and undermines
the authority and leads to instability
3. Appropriate Leadership style
Leadership is a process of influence exercised on group members by the leader in
the work environment. There is no one particular universally acceptable
leadership style. No single style is suitable for all situations. The style varies
with the situation, therefore manager should exhibit an appropriate leadership
style i.e. the style that is suitable to a given situation.
4. Use of Motivation Technique
Develop selective motivation techniques such as money, pay, status, promotion
etc. Productivity and quality of the products can be increased through
motivation. Motivation ensures higher job satisfaction
5. Use of Informal Organization
The manager should make use of informal groups so that the formal groups can
be strengthened.
6. Direct Supervision
Direct and personal contact with their subordinates and direct supervision make
the subordinates happy and boost their morale. Also ensures quick feedback on
necessary information.
7. Follow up
Directing is a never-ending process. It involves continuous supervision, advice,
counselling and assisting the subordinates in the performance of their job. It
required continuous feedback which is essential to make necessary modifications
in the activities of the management