Mte M3L1 Reporting GRP 2

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Productivity Software

Applications for
Mathematics and
Science Teaching and
Presented by:
Group 2
Today's classroom requires
integrating instructional technologies
to aid the teacher in facilitating the
attainment of the learning outcomes
that are meant for the students to

An essential element of these is
when it directly helps in attaining
the intended knowledge, skills, and
attitudes set for the students to
acquire. When the tools are
appropriately used, they can fully
make learning motivating, encouraging,
and meaningful.

Learning Outcomes:
Share experiences in using
Identify uses of productivity
productivity software
software applications in the
applications as a
teaching – learning of
mathematics or science
mathematics and science,
Explore samples of Report new open – ended
documents, presentations and tools or productivity software
spreadsheets that were used in applications that are
delivering learning plans for beneficial for mathematics
mathematics and the sciences, and science learning.
Open-ended Tools and their Uses in
Teaching and Learning Mathematics
or Science Skills
Open-ended tools or productivity
software applications are ICT tools, which
help the teachers and learners make their
learning together as concrete, efficient,

encouraging and meaningful as possible. As
described by Palmer (2015), teachers need to
demonstrate 21" Century characteristics to be
able to meet the demands of the 21st Century
1. Create a learner centered classroom and make instruction
personalized because learners have different personalities, goals, and
2. Facilitate learners' productivity skills by helping students produce
creative blogs, digital stories and movies that are helpful to enhance
their mathematics and science proficiency.
3. Learn new technologies since technology keeps on developing.
Learning a tool once is not an option for teachers.
4. Go global to allow students to learn mathematical and scientific
skills virtually.
5. Be smart and allow the use of devices as aids to mathematics or
science concept and skill acquisition.
6. Do blogging to give students real experience to see the value of
writing for real audience and establishing their digital presence.
7. Go digital to promote the advocacy and to help level up the
mathematics and science learning experience of the students
through digital discussions.
8. Collaborate with other educators and students. This will allow
the sharing of great ideas beyond a conversation and paper copy.
9. Use web chats to share research and ideas and stay updated in
the field.
10. Connect with like-minded individuals by using media tools
like the social media.

11. Introduce Project Based Learning to allow students
to develop their own driving questions, conduct
research, contact experts, and create their projects for
sharing with the use of devices present.
12. Build positive digital footprint that aims to model
appropriate use of social media, produce and publish
valuable content and create shareable resources.
13. Code as it is today's literacy. This will boost
students' writing skills as the feeling of writing a page
with HTML is amazing.
14. Innovate to expand your teaching
toolbox for the sake of your students,
engage social media for discussions and
announcements and use new formats like
TED talks in presenting your lessons.
15. Keep learning.

A. Using Word in Scaffolding Student
Learning in a Mathematics or Science

“ In education, scaffolding is used to

refer to various forms of support given
to assist, guide, or facilitate the
learning process (World Links, 2008).
Activity 1:
What will be the
importance of Word
Applications in
making lesson plans?

STEP1. Testing your knowledge of
Word Applications.
Types of Word Processing Application

Microsoft Word - One of the most well-

known and widely used word processing
applications on the market. Word can be
purchased as part of the Microsoft Office
suite of programs, which include Excel,
PowerPoint, Outlook and Publisher.
Types of Word Processing Application

Word Perfect - WordPerfect is a word processing

application from Corel Corp. It was popular in
the early 1990s. It is best for writing simple
essays and articles. It is also used for formatting
and laying out documents.

Types of Word Processing Application

Lotus Word Pro - This program works in concert

with Lotus applications to allow you to create
and distribute formatted text documents. Lotus
Word Pro is also compatible with Microsoft
Word and ideal for writing reports, memos and

Types of Word Processing Application

iWork Pages - Pages is a word processing

program offered by Apple Incorporated. Pages
allows you to perform basic word processing
functions--writing and formatting as well as
more complex graphical layout actions. You can
open and save Pages files in Microsoft Word.

STEP 2. Viewing the
essential parts of
Learning Pans
1. Intel Teach Unit Plan

1. Intel Teach Unit Plan

1. Intel Teach Unit Plan

2. Department of Education

2. Department of Education

3. Syllabus

3. Syllabus

STEP 3. Sharing the
Features of Word
Applications for
Scaffolding Student
By analyzing the special features of Word
Applications used in thesamples of learning
plans,answer the following discussion questions:

1. What are the advantages of developing learning plans

using a word processing software application?

2. Based on the example, what are the special features of

word application software that are beneficial in organizing
the information required in any learning documents?
By analyzing the special features of Word Applications
used in thesamples of learning plans,answer the following
discussion questions:
3. What additional features of word applications do you think
are beneficial in preparing the following in your mathematics or
science class:
a. pamphlets for learning equations;
b. brochures for the different mathematical or scientific skills;
c. charts and graphs for data interpretation and analysis;
d. worksheets for mathematics or science drills and
e. mathematics or science assessment tools?
Activity 2:
Preparing Process
Guides and Graphic
Organizers using Word
Processing Software

Step 1: The Relevance of Providing
Process Guides and Graphic Organizers in
Mathematics and Science Teaching

- Discuss the relevance of using process guides

and graphic organizers to allow students to
become more efficient and productive in
performing their learning tasks.
Step 2: Examples of Process Guides as
Scaffolds in Mathematics or Science
Teaching and Learning

- Brainstorm and analyze some examples of process

guides in mathematics or science teaching and

1. In a small group, select a leader and recorder.

2. Present the question or idea to be brainstormed.
3. Present the following sample steps of teaching
how to solve word problems and let the students
research and develop a guide for each step.
The steps are:
a. Teach how to identify the given.
b. Teach how to identify the unknown or required.
c. Teach how to be consistent with the units.
d. Teach how to choose equations or formulas to use.
e. Teach how to derive equations or formulas.
35 f. Teach how to check or recheck the answers.
4. To enhance the process guide, you
may consider completing the following
graphic organizers identified according to
different purpose:

Step 4: Presentation of the Process
Guides and or Graphic Organizers

Your brochure will be evaluated using the

brochure rubric (Rubistar, 2007) in the next

B. Basic
Instructional Design
in preparing Oral

1.) Setting up the presentation Class

2.) Organization of the presentation

3.) Presentation skills

4.) The use of visual aid

5.) Performing Self-Reflections

C. Using
spreadsheets in
Mathematics and
Science Learning

Spreadsheet are helpful in math
subjects in a way of teaching with
table and chart, making table and
graph and computing students'
Essential ideas may consider when using
spreadsheet in Math classroom;

1. Reinforce learning mathematics language in other

2. Add well-designed charts and tables to reports to
enhance students' nonverbal reading skills.
3. Allow students to create their own charts, graphs,
table, and the like, their computational and spatial skills
are enhanced.
4. Give students completed chart and see if they can
reconstruct underlying worksheet. This goes along way
toward helping them to understand the relationships
between the data and the chart.
5. Required that research papers contains some type of
chart to help support their findings. Encourage them to look
for samples from the world wide web.
6. Let students explore websites that have table
presentations for mathematics teaching and let them discuss
how these were used to facilitate the acquisitions of
mathematics competencies.
7. Let the students look for charts in
mathematics learning materials like textbook,
workbooks and others and discuss why these
were used.
8. Teach the principles of financial literacy
and management as it is also important to
learn these concepts in the context of life
9. Explain numerical concepts by showing
the relationships between numbers and their
concrete representation and charts and
graphs. As mathematics teachers this is
needed to understand mathematics
researchers with quantitative design.
10. Demonstrate how spreadsheets are useful
in preparing assessment and evaluation tools
for students' performance.
With the advent of web-based word
processing software and with the
exposure of a lot of students to new
innovative media tools, explore the
following online Microsoft Word
Alternatives (Investintech, 2020).
1. Drop Box Paper
Dropbox Paper is a free
online word processor
offered by the online cloud
storage provider. The
minimalist interface is very
intuitive, and its simplicity
allows you to focus on your
2. Office Online
For Microsoft Word and Office
aficionados, the best possible free online
alternative for their document editing
needs is definitely Word online, which
comes as part of the Office Online suite.
Although free MS Word web app is not
a full-fledged version of its paid
counterpart, it allows you to open, create
and edit Word documents online.
3. Google Docs
Google Docs allows you to create,
collaborate and share documents,
spreadsheets, presentations,
drawings and even forms. Google
Docs is packed with features,
which can be further extended
with various add-ons.

4. Etherpad

- EtherPad is reminiscent of Google

Docs, but it requires no login, and
is therefore easier to start using.

- An open source, highly

customizable tool for online
document collaboration with
friends, classmates or coworkers.
5. Zoho
- Zoho Writer is an online word
processor that allows you to write,
edit, and collaborate on
documents, as well as publish
them to multiple platforms.
- Zoho automatically saves the
document after typing and can
import or work to any type of file.
6. Open Office
- Is the top leading open-source office
software suite after Microsoft Office
for word processing, spreadsheets,
presentations, graphics, databases and
- The 6 applications are: Writer (word
processor), Calc (Spreadsheet), Impress
(Presentation), Draw (graphics), Base
(database manipulation), and Math
(mathematical equations).
7. AbiWord

- is a free word processing program

similar to Microsoft Word. It is
suitable for a wide variety of
word processing tasks.
- It has an advance document
layout capability and can-do mail
merge as well.
8. Jarte

Jarte is a free word processor for

Windows. Its purpose is to
provide a simple yet reliable tool
for creating and managing text
documents. It also aims to lessen
the complexity of dealing with
advanced word processing
9. WPS Office 2016 Free

WPS is an excellent alternative that has

come out to the ever-powerful Microsoft
office. The entire program, a suite, consists
of similar platforms to word, spreadsheets,
presentation, and even ads extra features that
Microsoft does not have, such as 1 GB of
free online storage. This storage platform,
called WPS cloud, can be used for sharing
and uploading files through the internet.

10. SoftMaker FreeOffice

SoftMaker FreeOffice is a free

office suite that includes a
spreadsheet, word processor, and
presentation program, making it a
suitable free Microsoft Office

Presented by:
Group 2

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