Electric Flux and Gauss

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Electric flux and

Gauss’s Law
Prepared by:


Teacher Intern

LC: Calculate electric flux

1. Learners will be able to identify the concept of relation ship of
Electric flux Gauss’s Law

2. Learners will be able measure the Electric charge distribution to

different surface area

3. Learners will be able to calculate the different problems involved

in Electric Flux and Gauss's Law
Passing through...
Objectives: At the end of the experiment, the learners
will be able to:

1. Describe the flow of electric forces to the Electric Flux

2. Determine the role of Electric flux to the Electric field

3. Distinguish the relationship of Electric flux, electric field and electric


Materials: ink chamber of a ball pen with the tip and paper

1. Suppose that the ink chamber of the ball pen is a Flux lines or
Electric force and the paper is the Electric Flux. Get a piece of

2. Cut the paper into different sizes(1/4, 1/2 and 1 whole)

3. Pin the ink chamber together with to the paper. The bigger the
paper, the more ink chamber you are going to on the paper.

4. Write your conclusion by answering the following questions:

Guide Question:

1. How do you explain the intensity of the Electric field based on the
number of Flux lines(ink chamber of the ball pen) that passes
through your Electric Flux(paper)?

2. Does it matter that Electric Flux are parallel to each other as it

passes through the Electric flux?

3. How is area or surface affects the intensity of the Electric force?

4. Write your conclusion/explanation to the experiment about

Electric Flux. (2-5 sentences)
Flux describes how much of something goes through
a given area. The flux of an electric field as a
measure of the number of electric field lines passing
through an area.The larger the area, the more field
lines go through it and, hence, the greater the flux;
similarly, the stronger the electric field is
(represented by a greater density of lines), the
greater the flux.

The formula is ɸ= E A cos θ

Gauss Law, which studies electric charge along with
a surface and the topic of electric flux.
Gauss’s law generalizes this result to the case of any
number of charges and any location of the charges in
the space inside the closed surface. According to
Gauss’s law, the flux of the electric field E⃗ through
any closed surface, also called a Gaussian surface,
is equal to the net charge enclosed (qenc) divided by
the permittivity of free space (ϵ0):

ΦClosedSurface =q enc/ ϵ0

1. A uniform electric field E=8000 N/C passing through a flat

square area A= 10m². Determine the Electric flux.

2.There are three charges q1, q2, and q3 having charge 6

C, 5 C and 3 C enclosed in a surface. Find the total flux
enclosed by the surface.

3. A uniform electric field E=5000 N/C passing through a flat

square area A= 2m². Determine the electric flux.

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