Self Healing Concrete
Self Healing Concrete
Self Healing Concrete
healing concrete
Group # 03
Ruba Qammar 2018-AE-06
Ayesha Daar 2018-AE-07
M. Zeeshan Munir 2018-AE-39
Lyma Muzaffar 2018-AE-51
Repairing System Of Self Healing Concrete
Different repairing system of self healing concrete.
• Encapsulation in nanomaterials.
Some of the nanomaterials that have been used as bacterial carrier in self-healing concrete are
graphite nanoplatelets (gnp), granular activated carbon and iron oxide nanoparticles (ionp), in the
research study by khaliq et al. [9], b. Subtilis was immobilized in GNP by soaking the bacterial
carrier with bacterial solution for 24 hrs prior to concrete mixing. Laboratory investigations were
conducted for the following immobilized bacterial denoted as mix 4 (section 2.4.2). The
quantification study revealed that the maximum crack width healed for mix 4 was 0.81mm for 28
days of healing after 3 days of curing.
Crack-healing for different concrete mixes at different healing time. Top left: pre-cracked at 3
days, top-right: 14 days, bottom-left: 7 days, bottom-right:28 days
Encapsulation in special minerals
Diatomaceous earth (DE) is A type of silica-rich mineral compound formed from A
microorganism shell called diatoms. It has A highly porous structure, thus providing
immobilization capacity. DE was used as A bacterial carrier for the spores of bacillus spherics,
immobilization of the bacterial spores and nutrients were accomplished by mixing the bacterial
solution with DE through means of shaker. For the laboratory investigation, two series of mortar
mixtures were considered. These were - DE+BS (bacterial spores immobilized in DE) and DE ( no
bacterial spores in DE). Each series tested in two different types of immersion medium for 40
days of healing. These comprised of tap-water and the solution of deposition medium (DM)
consisting of urea and calcium nitrate. To understand the quantification of crack-healing,
visualization test by light microscopy was conducted. It was observed that the crack width in
the range of 0.15-0.17mm was completly healed by DE+BS in the deposition medium.
Light microscopy of cracks in concrete (DE immersed in tap water and in deposition medium respectively
bacteria immobilized DE in tap water and deposition medium respectively)
Encapsulation in cementitious materials
Geopolymer is A new green alternative to portland cement. Many geopolymer concrete have
shown better fire-resistance performance and heavy metal immobilization than portland
cement concrete. Nevertheless, geopolymer concrete is often more fragile, and therefore, the
self-healing of geopolymer concrete is highly desirable. In comparison to concrete, self-healing
by hydration of cement, leaching of ca2+ and carbonation of hydration products are not
feasible in geopolymer concrete, because geopolymer concrete does not contain un-hydrated
cement. Thus, MICP induced self-healing is A potential for geopolymer self-healing. Bacterial
spores from sproutarian pasteurian were incorporated in A geopolymer mix containing
metakaolin. From the optical microscopy analysis, A geopolymer matrix containing bacterial
spores achieved A crack sealing of 0.089mm in A healing medium containing urea and calcium
chloride . thus, cracks in bacteria-containing geopolymer concrete were sealed with caco3,
which suggests bacterial spores remain viable without immobilization for geopolymer mix.
Crack sealing by S. Pasteurian in a geopolymer mix kept in a healing medium containing urea and calcium chloride
Encapsulation in waste-derived biomass-biochar
Biochar is a rich resource of carbon derived from the pyrolysis of lignocellulosic biomass that can be used as a bio-
energy source, as a mitigation measure of global warming through carbon storage, soil improvement, precursor in
the production of composite materials and potential supporting materials in applications such as control, bio-
separation, and bio-catalysis.