Chapter 2-Conceptual Framework For Financial Reporting
Chapter 2-Conceptual Framework For Financial Reporting
Chapter 2-Conceptual Framework For Financial Reporting
Department of Accounting
Faculty of Management Studies and Commerce
University of Sri Jayewardenepura
ACC1370: Financial Accounting and Reporting Department of Accounting
Learning Outcomes
At the end of this chapter, you should be able to:
1. Explain what a conceptual framework is;
2. Explain what the conceptual framework for financial reporting is;
3. Explain the purpose of the conceptual framework for financial reporting;
4. Describe the evolution of the conceptual framework for financial reporting;
5. Outline the structure and components of the conceptual framework for financial
6. Explain the components of the conceptual framework for financial reporting;
7. Explain the benefits and limitations of the conceptual framework for financial reporting;
8. Discuss other guidelines and directives on financial reporting.
ACC1370: Financial Accounting and Reporting Department of Accounting
ACC1370: Financial Accounting and Reporting Department of Accounting
Glossary (Contd.)
ACC1370: Financial Accounting and Reporting Department of Accounting
What is a Conceptual Framework?
• A conceptual framework is usually considered as a set of guiding
principles that influence and direct decisions in a particular area.
Conceptual Framework for Modern Economics
Conceptual Framework for Public Health
ACC1370: Financial Accounting and Reporting Department of Accounting
Common Questions on Conceptual Framework (CF)
for Financial Reporting (FR)
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Relationship Between CF for FR and Accounting Standards
l General purpose
Framewor Accounting
Standards Financial
k Statements
ACC1370: Financial Accounting and Reporting Department of Accounting
What is the Purpose of a CF for FR? (Contd.)
• Without agreement on the below issues, accounting standards will be
developed in an ad hoc manner.
– what is financial reporting and what should be its scope?
– What is a reporting entity?
– what is the objective of financial reporting?
– what qualitative characteristics that financial information should possess?
– what are the elements of financial reporting?
– what recognition and measurement rule should be employed?
• CF for FR assists to maintain consistency among accounting standards.
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Evolution of CF
Year Description
1978 Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) CF Framework
1978 to 2002 Release of 7 Statements of Financial Accounting Concepts (SFACs) by FASB
1989 International Accounting Standards Board (IASB) CF
2005 to 2010 FASB and IASB Convergence Project-jointly worked towards a CF
2010 IASB CF Revised Framework in 2010 (Objectives and Qualitative
2013 Discussion Paper on other components of CF
2015 Exposure Draft on CF
2018 May Revised CF (Revisions in all components)
ACC1370: Financial Accounting and Reporting Department of Accounting
Evolution of IASB CF
ACC1370: Financial Accounting and Reporting Department of Accounting
The Structure and Components of the CF for FR
ACC1370: Financial Accounting and Reporting Department of Accounting
Objectives of General Purpose Financial Reporting
The objective of general purpose • Decisions involve in the provision of
financial reporting is: resources:
– buying, selling, or holding equity and
“to provide financial information debt instruments;
about the reporting entity that is – providing or settling loans and other
useful to existing and potential forms of credit; or
investors, lenders, and other – exercising rights to vote on, or
creditors in making decisions about otherwise influence, management’s
providing resources to the entity”. actions that affect the use of the
entity’s economic resources.
ACC1370: Financial Accounting and Reporting Department of Accounting
General Purpose Financial Statements
Statement of
Financial Position
resources and
claims Statement of Profit or
Loss and Other
Financial (Financial
Comprehensive Income
information Position)
about reporting
entity to users in Due to
making decisions Changes in financial
about providing economic performance
resources to the resources and Cash Flow
entity claims From other Statement
(Changes in events or
Financial transactions
Statement of
Changes in Equity 15
ACC1370: Financial Accounting and Reporting Department of Accounting
Activity 2.1
State whether the following statements about the CF are true or false.
a) The objective of financial reporting provides the foundation to develop
other components of the framework logically.
b) General purpose financial reports are most useful to company insiders
when making business strategic decisions.
c) Capital providers are the only users that benefit from general purpose
financial reporting.
ACC1370: Financial Accounting and Reporting Department of Accounting
Financial Statements and the Reporting Entity
• A reporting entity is defined as:
– A reporting entity is an entity that chooses or is required, to prepare general
purpose financial statements.
– A reporting entity is not necessarily a legal entity. It can comprise a portion of an
entity or two or more entities.
– Financial statements provide information about the assets, liabilities, equity, income
and expenses generated by the set of economic activities that lie within the
boundary of the reporting entity.
• Comparability
• Verifiability
• Timeliness
• Understandability
ACC1370: Financial Accounting and Reporting Department of Accounting
Fundamental Qualitative Characteristics
1. Relevance (page 7)
The information is considered ‘relevant’ if it is capable of making a difference in the decisions made
by users of information.
1.1. Predictive Value
Financial information has ‘predictive value’ if it can be used as an input to the processes employed by users to predict future outcomes.
Example - The investors interested in purchasing company shares may analyze its assets, liabilities, and current performance to predict the
amount, timing and uncertainty of its future cash flows.
2.2. Neutrality
It means that a company cannot select information to favour one set of interested parties over other.
Example - A company shouldn’t avoid disclosing information on lawsuits filed against it though such disclosure is damaging.
Example - The financial results of a motor vehicle trading company should be comparable
with another entity in the same industry. Similar, the year-to-year information of this
company should be comparable.
2. Verifiability (page 8)
It occurs when independent measures, using the same methods obtain similar results.
Example - The auditors of a company can compute the inventory value presented in the
financial statements based on the FIFO method.
ACC1370: Financial Accounting and Reporting Department of Accounting
Enhancing Qualitative Characteristics (Contd.)
3. Timeliness (page 8)
It means the availability of information to users before it loses its capacity to influence
Example - If the first quarter financial results of a company are presented after six months
from the quarter-end, their usefulness in decision-making is questionable.
4. Understandability (page 9)
It means classifying, characterizing and presenting information clearly and concisely make
the information presented in financial statements understandable.
Example - Investors of a company fail to understand why it has declared a low dividend
despite recording a significant amount of earnings and decide to sell their investments.
ACC1370: Financial Accounting and Reporting Department of Accounting
Activity 2.2
Discuss how qualitative characteristics of financial information are applicable in the
following situations.
a) Assets are revalued at their fair values and recognized in the financial statements.
b) Assets purchased under a lease are recognized in the lessee’s financial statements.
c) The valuation basis of year-end inventory is changed to the weighted average from
FIFO, which has been used in prior periods.
d) Assessment of the carrying amount of year-end inventory presented in financial
statements based on its cost.
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Elements of Financial Statements
Element Definition
Assets A present economic resource controlled by the entity as
a result of past events.
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What is an Economic Resource?
Right may arise in
Rights that Rights that do
A right that different forms:
correspond to an not correspond
has the • established by a
obligation of to an obligation
contract, legislation, or
another party potential to of another party similar means
produce • arise
Right over a from a
Rights to receive
economic physical object constructive obligation
Right to receive benefits. Rights to use of another party
goods or services intellectual
property • arise from legal
Rights to exchange
economic resources ownership of a physical
with another party object
on favorable terms
ACC1370: Financial Accounting and Reporting Department of Accounting
Elements of Financial Statements
Element Definition
Income Increases in assets or decreases in liabilities that result in
increases in equity, other than those relating to
contributions from holders of equity claims.
ACC1370: Financial Accounting and Reporting Department of Accounting
Activity 2.3
Identify the element or elements associated with the following items.
Transaction Element
a) Obligation to transfer resources arising due to obtaining a bank loan
b) Increase in ownership interest by issuance of shares
c) Declaration and payment of dividend to owners
d) Interest paid on a bank loan
e) Item with a service potential or future economic benefits
f) Interest received on a bank deposit
ACC1370: Financial Accounting and Reporting Department of Accounting
It is the process of incorporating in the Statement of Financial Position or in the Statement
of Profit or Loss and Other Comprehensive Income, an item that meets the definition of an
element of the financial statements and satisfies the criteria for recognition. Below are the
recognition criteria.
• In recognition, the cost of providing information in the financial statements must not
outweigh the benefit of that information to the users. 28
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• It is the process of determining the monetary amounts at which the
elements of the financial statements are to be recognized and carried in
the financial statements.
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Measurement (Contd.)
Value in Use
Fair Value and Fulfilment Current Cost
ACC1370: Financial Accounting and Reporting Department of Accounting
Measurement (Contd.)
Measurement Base Meaning
1. Historical Cost • Assets are recognized at the value of the costs incurred in acquiring or creating the asset,
comprising the consideration paid to acquire or create the asset plus transaction costs.
• Liabilities are recorded at the value of the consideration received to incur or take on the liability
minus transaction costs.
2. Current Value • Provides monetary information about assets, liabilities and related income and expenses using
information updated to reflect conditions at the measurement date.
2.1. Fair Value • Fair value is the price that would be received to sell an asset, or paid to transfer a liability, in an
orderly transaction between market participants at the measurement date.
2.2. Value in Use • Value in use is the present value of the cash flows or other economic benefits, that an entity
and Fulfilment expects to derive from the use of an asset and from its ultimate disposal.
Value • Fulfilment value is the present value of the cash, or other economic resources, that an entity
expects to be obliged to transfer as it fulfils a liability.
2.3. Current Cost • The current cost of an asset is the cost of an equivalent asset at the measurement date, comprising
the consideration that would be paid at the measurement date plus the transaction costs that
would be incurred at that date.
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Concept of Capital
How an entity
defines the capital
that it expects to Invested capital
Financial capital (Net
Invested purchasing
ACC1370: Financial Accounting and Reporting Department of Accounting
Capital Maintenance
Capital of an entity is
maintained if it has as much Financial capital
of the capital at the end of maintenance
the period as it had at the (financial amount of NA)
beginning of the period.
Capital Maintenance
Physical capital
Profit = NA at the end of the
year > NA at the beginning (Productive capacity/
year after excluding the operating capability of net
contributions from and assets)
distributions to owners
during the period
ACC1370: Financial Accounting and Reporting Department of Accounting
Benefits of CF for FR
• Development of consistent and logical accounting standards from an
orderly set of concepts.
• Increased international compatibility of accounting standards.
• Enhanced communication between standard-setters and their
• Development of accounting standards is more economical.
• Emphasis on the ‘decision usefulness’ role of financial reports.
• Reduction of the need for additional standards when CF cover a
particular issue.
ACC1370: Financial Accounting and Reporting Department of Accounting
Limitations of CF for FR
• Smaller organisations may feel overburdened by reporting requirements.
• Typically economic in focus, ignore transactions that have not involved
market transactions or exchange of property rights.
• Represent a codification of existing practice.
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Other Guidelines and Directives on Financial
Other than the conceptual framework for financial reporting and accounting
standards, there are other guidelines and directives on financial reporting issued
by the International Accounting Standards Board (IASB).
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Other Guidelines and Directives on Financial
Reporting |IFRIC Interpretations
• The IFRS Interpretations Committee is the interpretative body of the IASB.
• The Interpretations Committee responds to questions about the application of
the Accounting Standards and does other work at the request of the IASB.
• IFRIC Interpretations are developed by the IFRS Interpretations Committee and
are issued after approval by the IASB.
IFRIC 22 - Foreign Currency Transactions and Advance Consideration
IFRIC 23 - Uncertainty over Income Tax Treatments
ACC1370: Financial Accounting and Reporting Department of Accounting
Other Guidelines and Directives on Financial
Reporting |IFRS Practice Statement 1: Management Commentary
• It provides a broad, non-binding framework for the presentation of
management commentary that relates to financial statements that have
been prepared in accordance with IFRS Standards.
• Management commentary must provide users of financial statements with
integrated information providing a context for the related financial
• It also provides management with an opportunity to explain its objectives
and its strategies for achieving those objectives.
ACC1370: Financial Accounting and Reporting Department of Accounting
Other Guidelines and Directives on Financial
Reporting |IFRS Practice Statement 2: Making Materiality Judgements
• It provides companies with guidance on how to make materiality
judgements when preparing their general purpose financial statements
in accordance with IFRS standards.
• The need for materiality judgements is pervasive in the preparation of
financial statements.
• IFRS standards require companies to make materiality judgements in
decisions about recognition, measurement, presentation and disclosure.
• It is a non-mandatory document.
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ACC1370: Financial Accounting and Reporting Department of Accounting