Anodic and Cyclic Voltammetry

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Stripping and Cyclic

Advantages and disadvantages
Stripping Voltammetry

Two step technique

Deposition Step
- Preconcentration step
- Involves the electrolytic
deposition of a small portion
of metal ions in solution into
an electrode
Stripping Step
- Measurement step
- Involves the dissolution
(stripping) of the deposit
• Deposition: a mercury electrode is held at a negative
potential to reduce metal ions in solution and form an
amalgam with the electrode. The solution is stirred to
carry as much of the analyte metal(s) to the electrode
as possible for concentration into the amalgam.

• Stripping: After reducing and accumulating the

analyte for some period of time, the potential on the
electrode is increased to reoxidize the analyte and
generate a current signal.
- Very sensitive for detection of trace metals

- Favorable signal to background ratio

- About four to six metals can be measured simultaneously
at levels as low as 10-10 M
- Low cost instrumentation
- Stable and selective
- There are different versions of stripping analysis
depending on the nature of the deposition and stripping
• Overlapping peaks- occurs if two metal ions with similar
redox potentials are present. Overcome by use of
complexing agents , careful selection of the deposition
potential and methametical calculations

• Formation of intermetallic compounds between metal and

Hg or two metals resulting in potential shifts

• Adsorption of unwanted organic which can affect peak


Solutions to overcome the above issues: short deposition

time to avoid high concentrations in Hg and modified
selective electrodes
Based on the mode of accumulation and stripping
Accumulation during deposition: Electrolytic and adsorptive
Stripping: In principle all waveforms linear or pulsed) can be
used for stripping. Practice DPV and SQWV are use due to
their low detection limits


reduction of ligand / metal complex / catalytic processes

Anodic Stripping Voltammetry (ASV)

-The most widely used stripping analysis

- Preconcentration is done by cathodic (REDUCTION)

deposition at controlled potential and time

- Metals are preconcentrated by electrodeposition into a

small-volume electrode (Hg (HME,TFME), Modified
electrodes ( Bi, other modified electrodes)

- Deposition potential is usually 0.3 – 0.5 V more negative

than Eo for the analyte metal ion
- Metal ions reach the electrode surface by diffusion
and convection

- Electrode rotation or solution stirring is employed to

achieve convection

- Metal ions are reduced and concentrated as

amalgams Mn+ + ne- + Hg → M(Hg)
- Stripping M(Hg) → Mn+ + ne- + Hg

CHg = concentration of metal in the amalgam

ilt d
C Hg  il = limiting current
nFVHg td = deposition period
VHg = volume of Hg electrode
Anodic Stripping Voltammetry (ASV)
- Stripping voltammogram is current-potential plot showing
peaks for metal ions present

- Peak potentials are used to identify metals in sample

- Hg film is more sensitive and more efficient in preconcentration

than Hg drop (due to higher surface: volume ratio)

- Hg film gives sharper peaks and improved resolution for mixtures

- Bismuth and gold electrodes may also be used

Peak currents equations:
Hg Film: 2 2 1/2
n F ν AlC Hg Hg drop: i p  2.72 x 10 5
n 3/2
AD1/2 1/2
ν C Hg
ip 

A = area of film l = thickness of film = scan rate during stripping

Cathodic Stripping Voltammetry (CSV)

- Mirror image of ASV

- Involves anodic deposition of analyte and subsequent

stripping by a potential scan in the negative direction

An- + Hg ↔ HgA + ne-

(Deposition to the right and stripping to the left)

- Useful for measuring organic and inorganic compounds

that form insoluble salts with Hg (thiols, penicillin,
halides, cyanides)
Potentiometric Stripping Voltammetry (PSV)

- Known as stripping potentiometry

- Potentiostatic control is disconnected following


- Concentrated metals are reoxidized by an oxidizing agent

present in the solution [O2, Hg(II)]

- Oxidation is facilitated by stirring during stripping

M(Hg) + oxidant → Mn+

Oxidation may also be carried out by passing a constant
anodic current through the electrode

- Variation of the working electrode potential is recorded

during oxidation

- Stripping voltamogram is then obtained

- Potential measurements are used to identify metals in

Adsorptive Stripping Voltammetry
-Involves the formation, adsorptive accumulation, and
reduction of a surface-active complex of the analyte
- Appropriate chelate agent (ligand) must be present in
Adsorbed species are measured by:
- Voltammetric stripping with negative potential scan
- Potentiometric stripping with constant cathodic current

Involves reduction of the metal in the adsorbed complex

- Response of surface-confined species is proportional to

surface concentration

- Detection limits as low as 10-10 – 10-12 M

- Used for measuring organic compounds

(anticancer drugs, nucleic acids, vitamins, pesticides
Abrasive Stripping Voltammetry

- Provides qualitative and quantitative analysis for

solid materials

- Involves mechanical transfer (by rubbing) of trace

amounts of a solid sample onto the electrode surface

- Electrode is usually paraffin-impregnated graphite


- Voltammetric measurement and stripping of the

transferred material follows
Abrasive Stripping Voltammetry

Used for studying

- Minerals, pigments, and pesticides
- Electrode processes of solid compounds
- Fingerprint identification of alloys

General Applications
- Analysis of gunshot residues, foodstuffs, beverages
- Screening for blood lead in children
- Monitoring trace metals in various water samples
Cyclic Voltammetry (CV)
• Primary usage
– Fundamental and diagnostic studies of
electrochemical reactions under various
– Characterisation of materials- determining
electrochemical activities
Cathodic reduction
Anodic oxidation
Cyclic voltammetry (CV)
1) Method used to look at mechanisms of redox
reactions in solution.
a) reversibility
b) kinetics
 )
c) electro activity (n,

2) Looks at i vs. E response of small, stationary

electrode in unstirred solution using triangular
waveform for excitation
Cyclic voltammetry
The Peak current (ip) for a
reversible couple At 25 oc is
given by Randles-Sevcik

Polarogram(CV) Where n- number of

electrons, A = electrode area
(Cm2), C =concentration, D =
the diffusion coefficient (Cm2S-
) and ν = Scan rate (Vs-1).
Randles-Sevcik equation

• Note that Current (ip)

• Directly proportional to
concentration and
electrode area
• Increases with the square
root of the scan rate and
square root of the
diffusion coefficient
• Characteristics of
Reverse reactions
Appearance of the polarogram
Depends on the
1. Reversibility of the
2. Supporting
3. Scan rate
4. Type of working
Iron cyanide electrochemistry

Cyclic voltammogram of 6mM K3Fe(CN)6 in 1M KNO3

Diagnostic test to decide the reversibility
of a redox reaction by CV
What type of reaction are represented by this CV’s?



• Which type of reaction is represented by

this polarogram


CV for Paranthion in 0.5M pH 5sodium acetate buffer in 50% ethanol on

HMDE Scan rate : 200MV

Interpret this voltamogram and explain how the

peaks are formed. (C H O) PSOC H NO
2 5 2 6 6 2
Supporting electrolyte- Complex
• Potential shifts and current increases
and reversibility of the reaction E1/2 – more –ve than M+
1.5 Can determine complex ion
Ce(IV)-EDDS and formation constant
Reverse reactions
I / mA

0 Mn+ + Hg + ne-   M(Hg)


Mn+ + xA-    MAx(n-x)+

500 700 900 1100 1300 1500
E /mV vs. Ag/AgCl
Effect of pH



-0.002 4.5
1000 500 E/mV 0 -500
Sketch the expected CV from this

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