The document summarizes key characteristics of the phylum Echinodermata. It describes their internal skeletons, water vascular system, pentameral symmetry, abundance in the fossil record, and classification into subphyla and classes including crinoids, starfish, sea urchins, and sea cucumbers. It provides details on morphology and life habits of sea urchins in the class Echinoida.
The document summarizes key characteristics of the phylum Echinodermata. It describes their internal skeletons, water vascular system, pentameral symmetry, abundance in the fossil record, and classification into subphyla and classes including crinoids, starfish, sea urchins, and sea cucumbers. It provides details on morphology and life habits of sea urchins in the class Echinoida.
The document summarizes key characteristics of the phylum Echinodermata. It describes their internal skeletons, water vascular system, pentameral symmetry, abundance in the fossil record, and classification into subphyla and classes including crinoids, starfish, sea urchins, and sea cucumbers. It provides details on morphology and life habits of sea urchins in the class Echinoida.
The document summarizes key characteristics of the phylum Echinodermata. It describes their internal skeletons, water vascular system, pentameral symmetry, abundance in the fossil record, and classification into subphyla and classes including crinoids, starfish, sea urchins, and sea cucumbers. It provides details on morphology and life habits of sea urchins in the class Echinoida.
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• The echinoderms (Cambrian – Recent)
• They are bottom living marine animals generally only a few inches in size. • At the present day, the majority of echinoderms are free – living, but many fossil forms were fixed and it is commonly supposed that the phylum is descended from sedentary ancestors. • Echinoderms of all kinds (e.g. starfish and sea – urchins) are characterized Characteristics • Echinoderms of all kinds (e.g. starfish and sea – urchins) are characterized by: • Internal mesodermal skeletons of porous calcite plates (ossicles) which are normally fitted together into a rigid or flexible test, and which are normally spiny and covered outside and in by a thin protoplasmic skin. • Each ossicle is made of a single calcite crystal and shows the typical calcite cleavage when broken; echinoderm-plates are therefore very easily recognized in rocks. • Another important feature of echinoderms is the water- vascular system: a complex internal apparatus of tubes and bladders containing fluid. This has extensions which emerge through the skeleton to the outside as the tube –feet or podia. Tube-feet have various functions, especially locomotion, respiration and feeding. • The main part of the body is generally rounded, but in several groups it bears a ring of projecting arms, usually five in number. Fixed forms are often raised on a flexible stalk of many ossicles. Although there is no head, it is generally possible to distinguish an oral surface containing the mouth and an opposite aboral surface. In fixed forms the oral surface faces upwards, in free forms it faces downwards. • Normally the skeletons have a five – rayed or pentameral symmetry, superimposed on a fundamental bilateral symmetry. • Echinoderms are very abundant in the fossil record because of their calcitic skeleton, and often their remains have greatly contributed to carbonate sediments. • Thus crinoidal limestones, composed largely of the stem fragments of sea – lilies and are very common in some rocks, notably the Carboniferous. In such rocks the porous plates have often been impregnanted with diagenetic calcium carbonate. Echinoderms are stenohaline, and their remains are only found in sediments of fully marine origin. CLASSIFICATION OF ECHINODERMATA • The Echinodermata can be classified into two subphyla, containing altogether seven classes: Subphylum pelmatozoa and Subphylum Eleutherozoa (Echinozoa) (1) Subphylum pelmatozoa: • Fixed forms generally mounted on a stalk with the oral surface uppermost. • The body or theca often has projecting arms. • Ambulacral food-grooves extend over the theca and along the arms. Classes under pelmatozoa: (a)Cystoidea (Cambrian – Carboniferous) • Primitive stalked echinoderms with very imperfect radial symmetry • The ossicles of the theca are irregularly arranged and the number of arms varies from one to five. (b) Crinoidea (Cambrian – Recent) • Stalked echinoderms with five simple or branching arms. • Echinoderms with a globular calyx with mouth central to the upper surface, surrounded by a series of arms; mostly attached to the substrate through a stem.
(c)Blastoidea (Silurian – Permian)
• Small stalked echinoderms without arms or Echinoderms with a globular calyx with small arms (brachioles) mounted on specialised ambulacral areas; mostly attached to the substrate through a stem. • (d) Edrioasteroidea (Ordovician – Carboniferous) • Echinoderms with food grooves but generally no stalk.
(2)Subphylum Eleutherozoa (Echinozoa)
• Free living forms with the oral surface facing downwards and the anus generally aboral. • Tube feet are generally well developed and there are no food grooves. Classes under subphylum Eleutherozoa (a) Stelleroidea (Asteroidea) (Ordovician – Recent) • Star-shaped echinoderms ,'lith five arms bearing ambulacral grooves, with the mouth on the lower surface. Forms with five arms e.g. the starfish (b)Holothuroidea (Cambrian – Recent) • Echinoderms with a cylindrical body with skeleton reduced to widely separated plates (sclerites) • Cylindrical forms with the mouth anterior e.g. sea – cucumbers. • The ossicles are not united into a solid test but are isolated in the skin. (c) Echinoidea (Ordovician – Recent) • Echinoderms with globular to flattened tests without arms or stalks, and having numerous plates displaying pentameral symmetry, some with superimposed bilateral symmetry. Globular or heart shaped forms e.g. the sea – urchins and heart - urchins. Class Crinoidea (Cambrian – Recent) • The crinoidea is the most important division of the Pelmatozoa and is the only division represented by living forms. • The present day crinoids (sea lilies) live in groves, in clear and moderately deep water. • The majority are raised on stalks which may be tens of meters long. • In the Paleozoic and early Mesozoic, crinoids were very numerous and their loose stem ossicles occasionally piled up to form Crinoidal limestone. • Crinoids have three main parts – the stem, the theca, and the arms (fig. 1) • The stem is usually made of a line of single ossicles, each pierced by a central hole containing a strand of living tissue. • Root-like branches near the base may anchor the animal to the sea – bottom, • but in some crinoids the stem is tapering, coiled or even absent; these forms are not permanently fixed, but can attach themselves temporarily by twining the stem around other objects or by clinging with claw-like projections or cirri. • The theca consists of a cup of regularly arranged plates rising from the stem and bearing the arms at its upper margin, and a cover or tegmen closing in the space above the level of the arms. The actual arrangement of the plates differs from one group to another. The cup always contains two circlets of ossicles, five being the normal number in each circle. • - The cover or tegmen which completes the theca is in modern crinoids a flexible membrane containing many small plates. • In some Paleozoic genera the tegmen was a firm dome covering in the mouth, and the bases of the food – grooves. • The anus opens on the tegmen and its position may be marked by a special plate or tube. • The flexible arms are normally five in number and may remain unbranched (e.g. Cupressocrinus) or may bifurcate repeatedly; they are often fringed with small pinnules. CLASS: ECHINOIDEA, Morphology & life habit: • Test globular, 10cm in diameter, slightly flattened at the poles. • In life, test is covered with short spines (1-2cm): • If these are removed the plating structure is visible. • On the upper (aboral or adapical) surface there is a central apical disc: a double ring of plates surrounding a central hole or periproct, which contains the anus (fig. 2) • The apical disc is formed of two types of plates: the larger genital plates and the smaller ocular plates. Each is perforated by a pore. • The genital pores are the outlets of the gonads, and the ocular pores are part of the water-vascular system. • One genital plate (the madreporite) is the larger than the others. It has numerous tiny perforations which lead into the water– vascular system below • The test is divided into ten radial segments extending from the apical disc to the peristome which surrounds the mouth on the lower (adoral) surface. • The five narrower segments are the ambulacra (ambs) which connects with the ocular plates, whereas the broader interambulacra (interambs) terminate against the genital plates. • Both ambulacra and interambulacra consist of double columns of elongated plates which meet along a central suture in a zigzag pattern (per- radial suture). • The interambulacral plates are large and tubercular, without perforations, but the ambulacra plates each have three sets of paired pores near the outer edge of the plate. • These pore pairs are the sites where the tube – feet emerge through the test from the internal part of the water vascular system. • The ambulacra and interabulacra are widest at the ambitus, which is the edge of the specimen when seen from above or below. • The peristome is a large adoral area, covered in life by a flexible plated membrane, which contains the mouth centrally. In fossil specimens however, the membrane has normally gone, leaving a large circular or pentagonal cavity (fig. 3) • Five pairs of gill notches are found where the interambulacra abut the edge of the peristome and from these; project feathery bunches of gills which provide surfaces for respiratory exchange additional to those of the tube feet. Regular And Irregular echinoid • Echinus is a regular echinoid: one in which the periproct opens in the center of the apical disc. • Such regular echinoids are common today and in the fossil record and they live either on the sea floor or like stronglylocentrotus, in cavities in rocks which they may have excavated themselves. • Regular echinoids are normally illustrated according to a conventional orientation • The madreporite is always shown at the right anterior and with its dependent interambulacrum is numbered 2 • The numbering proceeds anticlockwise (as seen from the adapical pole) so that genital 5 is always posterior. Roman numerals designate the oculars and ambulacra. • The same system is used in numbering the plates of irregular echinoids: those with a dominant bilateral symmetry and the periproct are no longer placed in the center of the apical system. • The periproct migrates backward into one of the interambulacral spaces and may reach a position at or near the circumference of the test. • The mouth may remain central or may migrate forward in the ambulacrum diametrically opposite the periproct. Echinoid test modifications • The shape of the test is modified in various ways. The oral (adoral) surface is generally flattened, to rest smoothly on the sea-bed as in Conulus; the entire test may be flattened, so that the animal is unlikely to be rolled over (e.g. Clypeus) or in burrowing echinoids, it may become heart-shaped and develop a deep groove in the position of the anterior ambulacrum (e.g. Micraster, Echinocardium).