Earth Science Reviewer Grade 11
Earth Science Reviewer Grade 11
Earth Science Reviewer Grade 11
The Scientific method is a method of testing and Ideas that we fully accept today may be rejected or
evaluation by which hypotheses becomes Theory, and modified in light of new evidence discovered tomorrow.
then Scientific Law. Despite the fact that they are subject to change,
scientific ideas are reliable. The ideas that have gained
Observations and Measurements (Qualitative data) scientific acceptance have done so because they are
supported by many lines of evidence.
Hypothesis (a possible explanation)
These scientific explanations continually generate
Experiments (Testing a hypothesis) expectations that hold true, allowing us to figure out
how entities in the natural world are likely to behave
Theory (a well-tested explanation)
(e.g. how likely it is that a child will inhrit a particular
genetic disease) and how we can harness that
Law (describes a fundamental relationship of nature)
understandin to solve problems (e.g. how electricity,
wire, glass, and various compounds can be foashined
into a working light bulb).
Hypothesis – And Educated guess
Theory – A Hypothesis that has withstood initial testing
and evaluation. It is intended to be further investigated 1. Shipmen, James T. et. al. “An Introduction to Physical
by experiment. If the theory does not withstand further Science”
experimentation, it must be modified, replaced, or
rejected Scientists use models as tools to advance their 2. Glencoc Science: National Geographic. “An
theories. Introduction to Physical Science”
Model – It is a miniature representation of a real thing. 3. Young and Freedman “ University Physics with
Modern Physics”
Branches of Science
4. Brown et. al. “Chemistry: The Central Science”
Biological Sciences Physical Sciences
5. Silverio, Angelina, Exploring Life through Science;
Physics: Phoenix Publishing
Biology Chemistry
6. Hewitt, Paul G. Conceptual Physics, 11th Edition, San
Francisco: Pearson, 2010.
Zoology Physics
Lesson 1: IN THE BEGINNING (Big Bang Theory)
Astronomy Cosmology –this is a branch of astronomy that involves
and etc...
the origin and evolution of the universe, from the Big
Bang to today and on into the future.
3 Cosmic Stages
(through which specific groups of elements were
Part of its proof is the amount of Hydrogen and Helium - As the Universe coold, protons and neutrons can fuse
we have in the universe today. to form heavier atomic nuclei. E.g., Picture 1.6
Chief nuclear
reactions responsible
for the relative
Stages of the Big Bang Theory: abundances of light atomic nuclei observed throughtout
the universe.
Singularity – This is a point in space and/or a moment in
time where they universe was infinitely hot and dense. Recombination – This refers to the epoch at which
charged electrons and protons first became bound to
form electrically neutral hydrogen atoms.
Life-Supporting Orbits
Stability is critical
-Greater e, greater temperature
-Living organisms can only withstand certain
-Complex organisms have greater temperature
Earth Has 4 main systems that interact: itself has been around pretty much as long as
the earth has!
The Atmosphere
When the first fish swam in the ocean, your
The Hydrosphere
glass of water was part of that ocean. When the
-All of Earth’s water, whether in the
Brontosaurus walked through lakes feeding on
atmosphere, glaciers, oceans, lakes or rivers.
plants, your glass of water was part of those
The Biosphere lakes
The Geosphere When kings and princesses, knights and squires
took a drink from their wells, your glass of
water was part of those wells. And you thought
your parents were OLD
– Physical Properties:
• outermost layer
• thinnest layer (5-70km thick)
• Surface temperature
• 1% of Earth’s mass
The Greenhouse Effect on Earth • where we live
• touches the atmosphere
Earth’s atmosphere is slightly warmer than what it
– Composition:
should be due to direct solar heating because of a mild •consists of loose rocks
case of greenhouse effect...
& soil
The ground is heated by visible and (some)
infrared light from the Sun.
2 Types of Crust: Mesosphere Bottom Mantle
• Continental Crust:dry land, granite ess dense strong, lower part of the mantle
layer between asthenosphere and core
Oceanic Crust: ocean floor,Basalt, thinner
than cont. crust The Core Outer and Inner
• The core is divided into two parts
– Outer Core:
–Physical Properties:
• Liquid iron and nickel that’s spinning
• thickest layer (2900km thick)
• 1600-4000 F – Inner Core:
• 66% of earth’s mass
• flowing • Solid iron and nickel
– Composition: •Solid because of all the pressure of the rest of the
• Molten rock Earth surrounding it.
• rigid
Middle Mantle
• composed of solid flowing
•layer on which pieces of lithosphere move on top
(solid rock that flows)