Week 3
Week 3
Week 3
A unilateral statement, however phrased or named , made
by a state, when signing , ratifying, accepting, approving or
acceding to a treaty, whereby it purports to exclude or
modify the legal effect of certain provisions of the treaty in
their application to the state.
What is a
Reservation ? The terms excluding could also mean omission to do
something . Whereas, the term modifying may mean the
understanding of something in certain way.
Reservations are different than other statements like unilateral
political statements, interpretative declarations that may be
specific or general in nature.
What is a
contracting states and other states entitled to become parties to
the treaty , as must acceptance and objection to reservations
Reservation ? In general, the reservations are deemed to have been accepted
by states that have raised no objections to them at the end of
a period of 12 months after notification of the reservation
or by the date on which the consent to be bound was
Reasons for 1. Universal Character of the UN
Acceptance of 2. The extensive participation envisaged under the UN Charter
Reservations 3, The principles underlying the Charter are general principles
already binding upon the state.
4. The Charter was adopted for humanitarian purposes, so
that the state parties do not have interests of their own but a
common interest.
Article 19 :- Reservation may be made when signing,
ratifying , accepting , approving but they cannot be made
where the reservation is prohibited by the treaty or when the
treaty provides that only specified reservations may be made
and those do not include the reservation in question or
Vienna Convention where the reservation is not compatible with the object and
Article 65 of the Statute recognizes that the Court has the power to decide whether the
circumstances of a particular case are such as to lead the Court to decline to reply to the
request for an Opinion
OPINION Article 68 of the Statute recognizes that the Court has the power to decide to what extent
the circumstances of each case must lead it to apply to advisory proceedings the
provisions of the Statute which apply in contentious cases
The object of this request for an Opinion is to guide the United Nations in respect of its
own action regarding the legal effects of reservations to that Convention and more
particularly the legal effects of objections to such reservations.
Another objection has been put forward to the exercise of the
Court's advisory jurisdiction: it is based on Article IX of the
Genocide Convention which provides that disputes relating to
the interpretation, application of fulfilment of that
I. Can the reserving State be regarded as being a party to the Convention while still maintaining its
reservation if the reservation is objected to by one or more of the parties to the Convention but not by
OPINION It is well established that in its treaty relations a State cannot be bound without its consent, and that
consequently no reservation can be effective against any State without its agreement thereto
Although, the existence of practices which go so far as to admit that the author of reservations which have
been rejected by certain contracting parties is nevertheless to be regarded as a party to the convention in
relation to those contracting parties that have accepted the reservations
What kind of reservations may be made and what kind of objections may be taken to
them. [On account of its abstract character, cannot be given an absolute answer. The
appraisal of a reservation and the effect of objections that might be made to it depend
upon the particular circumstances of each individual case.
the limits of the criterion of the object and purpose, consider the
reserving State to be a party to the Convention. In the ordinary
course of events, such a decision will only affect the relationship
between the State making the reservation and the objecting State .
The reserving State will have the effect that the Convention will
enter into force between them, except for the clauses affected by
the reservation.
'What would be the legal effect as regards the answer to
Question I if an objection to a reservation is made:
(a) By a signatory which has not yet ratified?
(b) By a State entitled to sign or accede but which has not yet
done so?’
OPINION has objected, the fact remains that the Convention does not
enter into force as between the reserving State and the
objecting State.
The question arises whether the States mentioned under (a) and
(b) of Question III are entitled to bring about such a result by
their objection.
The Court considers that signature constitutes a first step to
participation in the Convention.
It is evident that without ratification, signature does not make the
signatory State a party to the Convention; nevertheless, it
establishes a provisional status in favour of that State
But, both before and after the entry into force, this status would
justify more favourable treatment being meted out to signatory
States in respect of objections than to States which have neither
THIRD ensure that the states which are not members of the United Nations
act in accordance with these principles so far as may be
STATES [In case of granting the benefits to third states , their assent is
assumed in the absence of contrary provision]
The common aim is the revision of treaties
Amendment : It refers to formal alteration of treaty provisions
affecting all the parties to the particular agreement.
Modification:- It relates to variation of certain terms of the
treaty between the particular parties.[Not be prohibited by
AMENDMENT the Treaty and not affecting the rights and obligations of
AND parties]