Lecture 22012

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CE 374K Hydrology, Lecture 2

Hydrologic Systems

• Setting the context in Brushy Creek

• Hydrologic systems and hydrologic models
• Reynolds Transport Theorem
• Continuity equation

• Reading for next Tuesday – Applied Hydrology,

Sections 2.3 to 2.8
Capital Area Counties
Floodplains in Williamson County

Area of County = 1135 mile2

13% of county in floodplain
Area of floodplain = 147 mile2
Floodplain Zones

1% chance
< 0.2% chance

Main zone of water flow

Flow with a Sloping Water Surface

Flood Control Dams

Dam 13A

Flow with a Horizontal Water Surface

Watershed – Drainage area of a point on a stream



Connecting rainfall input with streamflow output

HUC-12 Watersheds for Brushy Creek
Hydrologic Unit Code

12 – 07 – 02 – 05 – 04 – 01 12-digit identifier
Tropical Storm Hermine,
Sept 7-8, 2010
Hydrologic System

We need to understand how all these components function together


Reservoirs Channels
Hydrologic System

Take a watershed and extrude it vertically into the atmosphere

and subsurface, Applied Hydrology, p.7- 8

A hydrologic system is “a structure or volume in space surrounded by a

boundary, that accepts water and other inputs, operates on them
internally, and produces them as outputs”
System Transformation
Inputs, I(t) Outputs, Q(t)
Transformation Equation
Q(t) =  I(t)

A hydrologic system transforms inputs to outputs

Hydrologic Processes
I(t), Q(t)
Hydrologic conditions

I(t) (Precip)
Physical environment

Q(t) (Streamflow)
Stochastic transformation
Inputs, I(t) Outputs, Q(t)
System transformation
f(randomness, space, time)

Hydrologic Processes
I(t), Q(t)
How do we characterize
uncertain inputs, outputs Hydrologic conditions
and system transformations?

Physical environment

Ref: Figure 1.4.1 Applied Hydrology

System = f(randomness, space, time)




Five dimensional problem but at most we can deal with only two or three
dimensions, so which ones do we choose?
Deterministic, Lumped Steady Flow Model


e.g. Steady flow in an open channel

Deterministic, Lumped Unsteady Flow Model

dS/dt = I - Q

e.g. Unsteady flow through a watershed, reservoir or river channel

Deterministic, Distributed, Unsteady Flow Model

Stream Cross-section

e.g. Floodplain mapping

Stochastic, time-independent model

1% chance
< 0.2% chance

e.g. One hundred year flood discharge estimate at a point on a river channel
Views of Motion
• Eulerian view (for fluids • Lagrangian view (for
– e is next to f in the solids)

Fluid flows through a control volume Follow the motion of a solid body
Reynolds Transport Theorem
• A method for applying physical laws to fluid
systems flowing through a control volume
• B = Extensive property (quantity depends on
amount of mass)
• b = Intensive property (B per unit mass)
dB d
  d    v.dA
dt dt cv cs
Total rate of Rate of change Outflow of B
change of B in fluid of B stored across the Control
system (single within the Surface
phase) Control Volume
Mass, Momentum Energy
Mass Momentum Energy

B m mv 1
E  Eu  mv 2  mgz
1 2
b = dB/dm 1 v eu  v  gz

d dE dH dW
dB/dt 0  F  dt mv   
dt dt dt

Conservation Newton’s First Law of

Physical Law of mass Second Law of Thermodynamics
dB d
  d    v.dA
dt dt cv cs
Reynolds Transport Theorem

dB d
  d    v.dA
dt dt cv cs
Total rate of Rate of change Net outflow of B
change of B of B stored in across the
in the fluid the control control surface
system volume
Continuity Equation
dB d
  d    v.dA
dt dt cv cs
B = m; b = dB/dm = dm/dm = 1; dB/dt = 0 (conservation of mass)
0   d    v.dA
dt cv cs
r = constant for water
0   d   v.dA
dt cv cs
dS dS
hence 0  Q  I  or  I Q
dt dt
Continuity equation for a watershed
Hydrologic systems are nearly always
open systems, which means that it is
I(t) (Precip)
difficult to do material balances on them

What time period do we choose

to do material balances for?

dS/dt = I(t) – Q(t) Q(t) (Streamflow)

 

Closed system if
 I (t )dt   Q(t )dt
 
Continuous and Discrete time data
Figure 2.3.1, p. 28 Applied Hydrology

Continuous time representation

j-1 j
Sampled or Instantaneous data
truthful for rate, volume is interpolated

Can we close a discrete-time water balance?

Pulse or Interval data

truthful for depth, rate is interpolated
Ij Continuity Equation, dS/dt = I – Q
Qj applied in a discrete time interval
[(j-1)Dt, jDt]

DSj = Ij - Qj
j-1 j

𝑆 𝑗 =𝑆 0+ ∑ ( 𝐼 𝑗 −𝑄 𝑗 )
𝑖 =1

Sj = Sj-1 + DSj

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