Introduction To Computing

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Introduction to

Which one is the computer?

Rock Calculator Television

Modern Airplane Washing Machine Computer Workstation

Is it a Computer?

 What questions would

you ask?
 What experiments
would you run?
Is a rock a computer?
 Does not act or
 Takes no input and
produces no output

 Computers must be able to handle input and

Is a washing machine a computer?
 Input: dirty clothes
 Output: clean clothes
 Does not handle

 Computers input and output information

Is a television set a computer?
 Input: information from
cables or radio waves
 Output: information as
sound and picture
 Does not process

 Computers process information by computing

new results and answering queries
Is a modern airplane a computer?
 Input: information from
radio waves
 Output: manipulations
to the airplane
 Can only handle
specific information
necessary for flight
 Computers are general purpose because
they can perform many different tasks
Is an ordinary calculator a computer?
 Input: numbers and
mathematical operations
 Output: answer
 Handles any numeric task
 Cannot remember which
buttons are pressed

 Computers are programmable so they can

remember sequences of operations
Definition of a Computer

 a general purpose,
 programmable,
 information processor
 with input and output
Computing Agents

 Definition of computers does not cover all

that computer scientists study.
 Computing agent – is a device or an
organism that performs or process
something like numbers or data.
 Have some or all of the characteristics of a
Specialized Computing Devices and
Information Appliances
 Devices limited by set of operations or
 Calculators limited to operations described by
their buttons
 Global Positioning System (GPS) calculates
latitude and longitude from satellite signals
 Cell phone allows one to surf the web
 Information appliances – performs a single
job well
Embedded computers and robots

 Machines with full-fledged computers inside

 Washing machines, airplanes, ATMs, etc.
 Such machines require highly reliable,
predictable computer programs
 All physical mechanisms controlled by
computers are robotic devices
 Restrict definition to machines that are general
purpose and programmable
 Robotic arm or cart
Natural computing agents

 Living organisms process information in their

efforts to eat, survive, and reproduce
 1940s study showed frogs collect less visual
information than people
 Identify rapidly moving objects as food, slowly moving
objects as predators
 Study physical events in terms of information they
contain and process
 Chemical reactions, crystal formations, plant growth, etc.
What is a computer?

 Definition of a computer is narrow

 Definition of computing agent is broad
 Although many computer scientists focus on
the computer, some computer scientists deal
with computing agents
What can computers do – today?

 Business productivity managers

 Personal information managers
 Spreadsheets
 Database software
 Desktop publishing
 Multimedia encyclopedias
 Simulate the physical world
 Produce a music video
What might computers do – tomorrow?

 Diagnose diseases
 MYCIN captures medical knowledge in rules that
allowed a computer to identify an ailment based
on symptoms
 Control robots that walk, talk, and learn
 CMU created a program that drove a van from
Pittsburgh to D.C. using cameras for eyes
 Compose music and create art

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