2022-04-07 #7 Data Governance (MDM) - 1

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u ha v ea

Data Governance
Data and Analytics (D&A) are required by People to make Decisions
DAMA Chapter 3

1. Most Pictures/Graphs/Tables for course have been sourced from the Internet.
2. Many of the slides and text have been taken from:
Henderson, D. (Ed). (2017). DAMA-DMBOK, Second Edition. DAMA International, Basking Ridge, NJ
Learning Objectives Analyse
Apply 2

• Cedric is Scribe
• Understand the DAMA Wheel with Data Governance in the centre
• Understand the Scope and focus of DG program
Chapter 3
• Understand how to adopt Data Governance
• Understand the drivers of Data Governance
• Understand the goals and principles of Data Governance
• Understand the B-I-T Sequence
• Understand the DGI Governance Framework
• Follow a real example of the Data Analysis Process
Governance 3

• Governance – process of exercising power to define and enforce

• The World Bank defines governance as: the manner in which power is
exercised in the management of a country's economic and social
resources for development
• Governance is different from politics – politics is the debate/art of
governance, of how to make decisions in groups, and form power
• Governance is the system by which an organisation is controlled and
operates, and the mechanisms by which it, and its people, are held
to account
Data Governance 4
DAMA Wheel with DG in Centre 5

The DAMA Wheel defines the 11 Data Management

Knowledge Areas, with DG in the centre
Data Governance (DG) is at the centre of data
management activities, since governance is required for
consistency within and balance between all the functions

Data Governance (DG) is defined as the exercise of

authority and control (planning, monitoring, and
enforcement) over the management of data assets

All organizations make decisions about data, regardless of

whether they have a formal Data Governance function.
Those that establish a formal Data Governance program
exercise authority and control with greater intentionality
DG (strategic) & MDM (tactical) 6

• Data governance (DG) is the process of managing the availability, usability, integrity and
security of the data in enterprise systems, based on internal data standards and policies
that also control data usage.
• Data governance is a set of principles and practices that ensure high quality through
the complete lifecycle of data.
• Effective data governance ensures that data is consistent and trustworthy and doesn't get
• Data governance is not a one-time thing.
• Governing data requires an ongoing program focused on ensuring that an organization
gets value from its data and reduces risks related to data.
• Data Governance is the strategic approach – Master Data Management (MDM) is the
tactical execution. 
• Well-governed bad data is still bad data – MDM ensures good quality data. 
Essential concepts 7

• Data governance ensures data

is properly managed without
directly executing data DG MDM
management #18
• Data governance represents an
inherent separation of duty
between oversight and
• Data Stewards manage data
assets on behalf of others and
in the best interests of the
• Data Stewards are accountable
and responsible for data
governance activities
• Stewards take care of things
Scope and focus of DG program – “it depends” 8

• Scope & focus of a DG program depends on organizational needs, but most include:
• Strategy: Defining, communicating, and driving execution of Data Strategy and DG Strategy
• Policy: Setting and enforcing policies related to data and Metadata management, access, usage,
security, and quality
• Standards and quality: Setting and enforcing Data Quality and Data Architecture standards
• Oversight: Providing hands-on observation, audit, and correction in key areas of quality, policy,
and data management (often referred to as stewardship)
• Compliance: Ensuring the organization can meet data-related regulatory compliance requirements
• Issue management: Identifying, defining, escalating, and resolving issues related to data security,
data access, data quality, regulatory compliance, data ownership, policy, standards, terminology,
or data governance procedures
• Data management projects: Sponsoring efforts to improve data management practices
• Data asset valuation: Setting standards and processes to consistently define the business value of
data assets
Adopting Data Governance 9

• Adopting Data Governance requires sponsorship from a C-level executive, the

support of organizational change management, and data stewards
• To benefit from data as a corporate asset, the organizational culture must learn to
value data and data management activities.
• Even with the best data strategy, data governance and data management plans will
not succeed unless the organization accepts and manages change.
• For many organizations, cultural change is a major challenge.
• One of the foundational tenets of change management is that organizational change
requires individual change
• Data Stewards (or data champions) who make sure that the data policies and data
standards are adhered to in daily business. Often subject matter experts for a data
entity and/or a set of data attributes. Data stewards are either the ones responsible
for taking care of the data as an asset or the ones consulted in how to do that
Context Diagram 10
One in most Modules

• A Context diagram is a high-level view of a

• A Context diagram defines a system, the
boundary between the system, and its
environment, showing the entities that
interact with it.

• Definition, Goals
• Inputs, Activities (mostly P-Planning for
DG), Deliverables (Outputs)
• Suppliers, Participants, Consumers (users)
• Technical Techniques, Tools & Metrics
Drivers for DG 11

• Regulatory compliance, especially for heavily regulated industries, such as

financial services and healthcare
• Responding to evolving legislation
• Advanced Analytics and Data Science
• Business needs such as Master Data Management (MDM)
• Major data problems such as need to analyse Customer data
• Reducing risk – to finances & reputation, data security, privacy (control of
• Improving processes - ability to respond efficiently and consistently to
regulatory requirements, data quality improvement, metadata management,
improved project management
Benefits of DG 12

• A well-managed data governance framework will underpin the business transformation toward
operating on a digital platform at many levels within an organization:
• Management: For top-management DG will ensure the oversight of corporate data assets, their
value and their impact in the changing business operations and market opportunities
• Finance: For finance DG will safeguard consistent and accurate reporting
• Sales: For sales and marketing DG will enable trustworthy insight into customer preferences and
• Procurement: For procurement and supply chain management DG will fortify cost reduction and
operational efficiency initiatives based on exploiting data and business ecosystem collaboration
• Production: For production DG will be essential in deploying automation
• Legal: For legal and compliance DG will be the only way to meet increasing regulation requirements

Data governance means better, leaner, cleaner data, which means better analytics, which means
better business decisions, which means better business results, better market positioning, better
reputation, and better profits
Goals & Principles 13

• Goal of DG is to enable an organization to manage data as an asset to make

better business decisions
• DG provides the principles, policy, processes, framework, metrics, and oversight
to manage data as an asset and to guide data management activities at all levels
• DG program must be Sustainable (Sticky), Embedded (not add on) & Measured
• Six Principles of DG
• Leadership & Strategy – vision & committed leadership, driven by business strategy
• Business Driven – DG is a business program must govern business interactions with data
• Shared responsibility – between data stewards and technical professionals
• Multi-layered – occurs at all levels of organisation
• Framework based – DG activities cross functional areas, so need a framework that defines
accountabilities and interactions
• Principle based – need guiding principles to mitigate potential resistance and disputes
The B-I-T Sequence Bus. Q> Data/Info > (SW>HW) 14

The Data Governance Institute (DGI) B-I‐T© Sequence states that

Business (B) needs drive
Information (I) needs, which drive
Technology (T) strategies and approaches
• IT exists to meet the information needs of the business.
• To succeed IT must understand businesses information needs
• IT must understand the policies, standards, and rules they’re
expected to adhere to as they build, maintain, and enhance
• Business & IT need Data Governance
• One of the purposes of a DG program is to serve as advocate
for the information needs of the business. Data Governance
• DG helps sort out and align overlapping accountabilities for Plus Master Data Management, Data Architecture,
Change Control, Metadata Management, Records
meeting those needs. Management, Document Management, Privacy
Protection, Access Management, etc.
DGI Governance Framework 15

The DGI Governance Framework

is organized using the familiar
WHEN pattern.
The framework clarifies:
1. WHY specific program should
2. WHAT it will be accomplishing
3-6 HOW they will be working
together to provide value to
7-9 WHO will be involved, along
with their specific accountabilities
10 WHEN they will performing
specific processes
DGI Governance Framework 16

Another way to look at Framework is

along three dimensions of:
Rules and Rules of Engagement
1. Mission and Vision
2. Goals, Governance Metrics and
Success Measures, & Funding Strategies
3. Data Rules and Definitions
4. Decision Rights
5. Accountabilities
6. Controls
People and Organizational Bodies
7. Data Stakeholders
8. A Data Governance Office (DGO)
9. Data Stewards
10. Proactive, Reactive, & Ongoing
Data Governance Processes
Move Away From One-Size-Fits-All Governance 17

• One-size-fits-all approaches to data governance cannot deliver the value, scale

and speed that digital business demands
• Adaptive governance enables leaders to flexibly select different governance
styles for differing business scenarios
Data Analysis Process
Used in Workshop #6, CASE &

1. ASK. Define questions—What problem(s) (business or social) are you trying to solve?
Frame it as questions to help you focus on finding clear answers
2. ACQUIRE. Collect data—Create a strategy for collecting data. Which data sources 1 st, 2nd
, 3rd party) are most likely to help you solve your business problem?
3. APPRAISE. Clean/filter data—Explore, scrub, tidy, de-duplicate, and structure your data
as needed. Remove unwanted data, fill in major gaps.
4. ANALYZE the data—Carry analyses to obtain insights. Four types of data analysis:
descriptive (what), diagnostic (why), predictive, and prescriptive. Build models with
free tools – Watson, Tableau, Adobe Hadoop, MongoDB, Pentaho, AWS, Power BI.
Validate results —Test if results are valid.
5. ANSWER. Share and interpret your results—How best can you share your insights and
recommendations? A combination of visualization tools and communication is key. Why
results matter, how can they be leveraged, next steps, predictions. Answer questions
6. ASSESS. Evaluate & Monitor response.
A real Example of the Data Analysis Process
for an International Cosmetic Company (ICC) 19

• This is based on Consulting work I did in 2020 for a real company

• ICC is an International Cosmetics Company (name changed)
• Company has award-winning products
• Some industry leading products
• Good supply chain
• Few product recalls
• Business is booming - have a strong ROI
• BUT, CEO felts executives not working as a team
• Wanted to know what issues are and how to resolve?
Step 1 – ASK, & Step 2 - ACQUIRE 20

1. ASK. How do leaders see themselves, and how do they see each other?
2. ACQUIRE. What kind of   This leader in MOST SITUATIONS: Actual
Desired Actual
data could help? A list Q1
Seeks insight on personal leadership style
Seeks input from others for support in personal growth
Sometimes Generally
Generally Generally
Almost Never Generally
Almost Never Generally
of 32 questions with Q3
Integrates new personal insights into practical applications Generally Generally
Engages with others that builds self-confidence Generally Generally
Sometimes Generally
Sometimes Generally
Actual & Desired for Q5 Q6
Seeks the best from others Generally Generally
Shows empathetic understanding in others in all engagements Generally Generally
Generally Almost Always
Sometimes Almost Always
each leader developed.Q7 Takes full responsibility for all personal decisions made Sometimes Generally Sometimes Almost Always
Q8 Adapts creatively to overcome challenges and threats Sometimes Generally Generally Almost Always
• Answer each question as ……..
Q24 Monitors Team stress levels to ensure high delivery Generally Generally Sometimes Generally
Almost never, Sometimes, Q25 Gives others enough authority to be effective in delivery Generally Generally Generally Almost Always
Generally, Almost Always, Q26
Provides constructive feedback early & appropriately
Negotiates with others to realise aligned commitment
Sometimes Almost AlwaysSometimes Generally
Sometimes Generally Sometimes Generally
Always. Q28 Is openly receptive to feedback seeking clarity & suggestions Sometimes Generally Almost Never Generally
Q29 Demonstrates strong clarity & articulation of strategic intent Sometimes Generally Sometimes Generally
• Questionnaires approved, Q30 Is fair and consistent in all feedback situations Sometimes Generally Sometimes Almost Always
Q31 Adjusts to changes with flexibility Generally Generally Sometimes Almost Always
Confidentiality guaranteed. Q32 Builds on prior lessons learnt with people Sometimes Generally Sometimes Almost Always
• Questionnaires sent out Q33 Do you have any suggestions for this person going forward?    
• Q33 – Open Question
• Questionnaires collected
Step 3 – APPRAISE. Clean/Filter data 21

• 3. APPRAISE. Clean/filter data—Explore, scrub, tidy, de-duplicate, and structure

data as needed. Was no unwanted data, and no major gaps – one gap was 1
person did not answer Q33.
• Converted “Almost never, Sometimes,…. Always” to 1, 2, 3, 4 & 5
• =IF(C3="Almost never";2;IF(C3="Sometimes";4;IF(C3="Generally";6;IF(C3="Almost
• Created Summary Sheet to aggregate all other sheets
Step 4 – ANALYSE (“If you torture the data long
enough, it will confess to anything” Ronald. H. Coase) 22
GRAND TOTALS of ALL Leaders Brian Kathy
Actual Desired Actual Desired
Q1 Seeks insight on personal leadership style 3,27 7,45 4,36 6,73
Q2 Seeks input from others for support in personal growth 4,55 6,36 3,64 6,55
Q3 Integrates new personal insights into practical applications 5,45 7,64 6,73 8,00
Q4 Engages with others that builds self-confidence 5,45 7,64 5,27 8,00
Q5 Seeks the best from others 6,00 8,73 6,91 8,18
Q6 Shows empathetic understanding in others in all engagements 6,36 7,82 5,64 7,45
Q7 Takes full responsibility for all personal decisions made 4,91 9,09 6,55 9,09
Q8 Adapts creatively to overcome challenges and threats 5,45 8,36 7,45 8,36
Q25 Gives others enough authority to be effective in delivery 7,27 8,36 6,36 8,55
Q26 Provides constructive feedback early and appropriately to the individual 5,09 8,36 5,09 7,64
Q27 Negotiates with others to realise aligned commitment 5,82 7,82 6,00 7,82
Q28 Is openly receptive to feedback seeking clarity and suggestions 6,55 8,18 5,45 8,18
Q29 Demonstrates strong clarity and articulation of strategic intent 4,91 8,18 8,55 9,09
Q30 Is fair and consistent in all feedback situations 5,45 8,55 6,73 8,55
Q31 Adjusts to changes with flexibility 6,36 7,45 5,27 7,82
Q32 Builds on prior lessons learnt with people 5,64 8,00 6,73 8,00

• =AVERAGE(Brian!C43;Kathy!C43;……….;Zak!C43)
• Answers themed into groups of 8, and sub-groups of 4
Step 5 – ANSWER. Share Results 23

• For each Leader created 3 charts (how see self and how team sees person) and
one WordCloud of team suggestions for the individual (Open Q33)
• Compare how see self
& how teams sees one –
similar gaps
• How to reduce gaps?


Step 5 – ASSESS 24

• We were paid 
• CEO was happy with results – said learned something about self as well as about
• Several Leaders were surprised at how seen by team and suggestions
• CEO suggested team members critically reflect on results
• The HOW part was difficult – HOW does one close the gap?
Summary 25

• We recalled the DAMA Wheel with Data Governance in the centre

• We introduced the Scope and focus of DG program
• We introduced how to adopt Data Governance
• We introduced the drivers of Data Governance
• We introduced the goals and principles of Data Governance
• We recalled and expanded on the the B-I-T Sequence
• We introduced the DGI Governance Framework
• We followed a real example of the Data Analysis Process
Alberto’s Video 26

* How recent is the information? Is from 8 years, but I

don't think it matters since is more a concept explanation
than a current subject ongoing
* What kind of information is included, and is it
meaningful/useful for peers? Yes, I find it like a start to
the subject where it explains the basics of how to
understand it.
* Who is the creator or author (Source)? What is their
expertise/credentials/reputation? (Authority) Is a
youtube channel specialized in videos that simplify
complex topics in the Data Warehousing, Business
Intelligence, and Data Management spaces. Maybe it
isn't famous but apparently, they know a lot about the
Currency:… All encouraged to bring subject.
Relevance:… real experiences into * Is it primarily facts or opinion? If it’s an opinion is it
balanced? Is it trying to sell something? (Purpose) They
Authority:… lectures, and may add a talk about the necessity of these systems and they invite
Purpose:…. slide you to hire them as consultants in the subject
Pascal’s Video 27

Currency: Released 8
months ago
Reliability: She refers to
her experience as a data
governance coach (2
decades experince)
Authority: She addresses
Purpose: Bit critical here
because at the end she
tries to lure us to her
website. But I guess it is
fine if you are aware of
that and keep that in mind
while watching. Thought it
was a very good video non
the less
Any Questions? 28

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