Taxonomies of Reading Comprehension - (Literacy Strategy Guide)
Taxonomies of Reading Comprehension - (Literacy Strategy Guide)
Taxonomies of Reading Comprehension - (Literacy Strategy Guide)
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Literacy Compendium Kit
Reader-Text Interaction
Taxonomies o f
Reading Comprehension
The creation of m eaning in r eading This guide describes
results f r om t he int er action between t h e taxonomies of reading
r eader a n d t he text. Comprehension comprehension which
c a n vary based o n text a n d quest ion can be the bases for
types. High er o r d er cognitive skills, the types of questions
including, t he ability t o make inferences reachers ask about text.
a n d t o p lan a n d organize
information, c o n t r i b u t e t o
compr ehension o f more complex text
a n d question types a n d are i m p o r t a n t
c om p one n t s of reading. Teachers
gu ide reader-text interactions t h r o u g h
inst r uct ional strategies t h a t they use
a n d r eading g ui da nc e t h a t they
Table o f Contents:
Background/Research Base 2
Purpose/Benefits 3
Description/Procedure 3
How Teachers Can Make
t h e Strategy Work 6
Applications Across
t he Cur riculum 6
Reader-Text Interaction
Taxonomies of
Reading Comprehension
taxonomy are reflected
Higher-Order Thinking
in the models of
C rea t i n g
reading comprehension
developed by several
Increasing Difficulty
LEVEL V Creative
Interpretation LEVEL I
Literal Comprehension
Dimensions of Reading Comprehension
(Based on t he Gray, Gates, Smith & B arret t models)
The following example shows the questions under the different dimensions
of reading comprehension based on the John Saxe’s “The Blind Men and
the Elephant (Hermosa, 2002). The questions are not exhaustive for a
thorough discussion of the text, but are shown as examples for each
dimension of the Gray-Gates-Smith-Barrett dimensions of reading
I. It was six men of Indostan V. The Fourth reached o u t his eager hand,
To learning m uc h inclined, A nd felt a b o u t the knee.
Who went t o see the Elephant "What most this wondrous beast is like Is
(Though all of them were blind), m ighty plain," q u o t h he;
That each by observation "'It is clear enough the Elephant Is
M igh t satisfy his mind. very like a tree!"
II. The First app ro ach ed the Elephant, VI. The Fifth, who c hanced t o t o u c h the ear,
A nd hap pen ing t o fall Said: "E'en the blindest m a n
Against his b r o a d a n d sturdy side, At Can tell what this resembles most;
once b ega n t o bawl: Deny the fact who can,
"God bless m e ! — b u t the Elephant Is This marvel of a n Elephant Is
very like a wall!" very like a fan!"
III. The Second, feeling of the tusk, VII. The Sixth n o sooner h a d begun Cried:
"Ho!—what have we here A bo ut the beast t o grope,
So very r o un d a n d s mooth a n d sharp? Than, seizing o n the swinging
tail To me 't is mighty clear T hat fell within his scope,
This wonder of a n Elephant "I see," q u o t h he, "the
Is very like a spear!" Is very like a rope!"
IV. The Third ap pro ac he d the animal, VIII. And so these men of Indostan
A nd hap pen ing t o take Disputed loud a n d long,
The squirming tr un k within his hands, Each in his own opinion
Thus boldly u p a n d spake: Exceeding stiff a n d strong,
"I see," q u o t h he, "the Elephant Is Though each was partly in the right,
very like a snake!" And all were in the wrong!
Dimension IV (Integration)
In what ways ca n people be like the men of Indostan? Explain.
What must people d o before making a conclusion o r decision?
1. Explain in 1-2 p ara gra ph s how communicat ions Rubin, S. (1982). Diagnosis a n d
technology (such as smartphones a n d sensors) correction in reading instruction.
NY: Holt, Rinehart & Winston.
could help improve tr ans p ort ati on in the future.
Sup p ort your answer using information from t he Saxe, J.D. (n.d.). Blind men an d the
passage. elephant. Retrieved February 2019
2. Choose one of the solutions proposed by Golden f or
current tra ns po rtat io n problems. Show the org/blind-men-and-the-elephant.htm
problem a n d the solution t h ro u g h illustrations o r a
problem- solution graphic organizer Smith, N.B. (1969). The many faces of
reading comprehension. In The
Reading Teacher, vol 23, December
2969. 249-59, 291.