CAR RENT - Revised

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Car Rental

Mobile App

P. K . R . S . P I T U WA L A

01 02 03
About the App Why I Initiated Challenges
this project

04 05 06
Solutions Explanations UI Case Study
for UI Screens
About The App
About The App
The Lux Car Rental mobile app is being developed for customers so that they can book their Cars from any part
of the world. This application collects information from the customers by requesting them to fill their details.

The registered customers of the mobile app has the facility to book a vehicle which he requires. The proposed
structure is completely integrated with online systems. It automates manual procedure in an effective and
efficient way.

This automated system facilitates the customers to fill up the details

according to their requirements. It includes type of vehicle they are trying to
hire and location. The purpose of this app is to develop a mobile app for the
people who can book their vehicles along with requirements from any part of
the world.
I Initiated?
Why I Initiated this Project & the Goal

Why I Initiated?

Mainly I initiated this project from my own experiences. The car rental system in Sri Lanka is not very
advanced. There are various problems that we all have faced while traveling.

Based on research done, some car rental companies still use desktop
applications and manual systems for their car rental services, which are
limited to many important features that are not available, unlike the mobile
app that has many features.

Also, some of the upcoming companies not only use these desktop apps but
also make phone call booking, many of the features required for this type of
system are not yet available.
Challenges & Solutions
 There is no such platform in Sri Lanka

 People who do not have a car are looking for such a


 Renting a car from a trading company is costly and


 In similar foreign examples, the interaction between the

customer and the car owner is low

 In similar foreign examples the visual appeal is low

 This app establishes direct communication between the customer and the car owner
through calls and chats.

 From the offered options, the customer can choose the most economical offer .

 From the options offered, the customer can choose the nearest car through the map.

 The customer does not have to go to the company to get the car, he can choose the
nearest address.

 The car does not need to be returned at the place of receipt.

 Reducing the effort to reserve a car for a conventional action party.

Explanations for
UI Screens
Splash & Onboarding
Onboarding screens that shows the user how to use
the apps and choose you log in or sign up.
Sign up , Login &
Forget Password

If the User have already an account, he can just login

using social media if he don’t have account he will
sign up. If you forget your password, you will be given
the opportunity to change your password again and
will be able to connect to the application.
Home & Filter
In home screen, the user can check the excusive deals and also see the available car and make
search and filter based on the brand of the car.
Car Details
In product details page, the user will know
everything that they need to know about the
car like renting cost per day and information
about the car and pick the dates he want to
rent in and choose the location where he will
get the car.
Search Car By Location
App provides great opportunity for
the fastest renting a car. You can find
a suitable car near you.
Payment & Details
After the user pick dates and choose the
location, user continues the process of renting
by adding additional personal information like
mobile number and uploading driving license.

Then choose payment method at the end the

user gets the conformation includes renting
days and rental location.
UI Case Study
UI Case Study
User research focuses on understanding user behavior, needs, and motivations through observation
techniques, task analysis, and other feedback methods. I have followed two research methods,
namely qualitative and quantitative analysis.
In this qualitative Analysis, I interviewed 5 people to understand the difficulties they face in booking
cars. In quantitative analysis, I conducted a survey of 20 people.
Quantitative Analysis for car information
Quantitative Analysis for login screen
Quantitative Analysis for choose car
Quantitative Analysis for OTP verification
Qualitative Analysis for All Screens
User Interview 01

User Interview 02
Analysis Summery

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