Lecture 3

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Health Promotion, Health Education

and Behavioural Science

Part -2

Dr Syeda Farzana
[email protected]
HP at schools
WHO definition: What is a health promoting school?

A health promoting school is one that constantly strengthens its capacity as a healthy
setting for living, learning and working.

A health promoting school should:

• Fosters health and learning
• Engages teachers, students, parents, health providers and community
leaders in efforts to make the school a healthy place.
• Strives to provide a healthy environment, school health education, and
school health services
• Implements policies and practices that respect an individual's well being
and opportunities for personal achievements.
• Strives to improve the health of school personnel, families and community members
and pupils
HP at schools
Steps in setting up a school HP initiative

• Establishing a School Health Team

• Assembling a Community Advisory Committee
• Team-Building and Networking.
• Reviewing current school health promotion efforts
• Assessing health problems
• Setting goals
• Defining objectives
• Developing the action plan
• showing progress
• Collecting information
• Obtaining training and technical assistance
• Linking local efforts to larger initiatives
HP with the communities
Health Promotion with the community can be described as the process
in which health promoter and a community or a group of people work
together to increase control over and to improve their own health and
well being

5 Phases of Community Health Promotion

1. Community Assessment
2. Community Organization
3. Programme Design and Implementation
4. Evaluation
5. Sustaining the Effort
HP with the communities
1. Community Assessment

• Define the Community (How large it is?, demographic

characteristics, leadership and opinion leaders, institutions and
• Collect or Review Data (morbidity, mortality, health status,
demography, etc.)
• Identify the risk factors
• Begin a public awareness campaign
• Formulate Initial Goal Statements.
HP with the communities
2. Community Organization

• Assemble a Core Planning Group

• Present and discuss data with the core group
• Identify target populations and likely successful interventions
• Develop a work plan
• Identify, recruit, train and divide responsibilities between
coalition members
HP with the communities
3. Programme Design and Implementation

• Determine the type of Programme (awareness raising, lifestyle

change, supportive environment)
• Determine the level of intensity of the program
• Identify resources needed to implement the proposed activity
• Determine potential obstacles and propose possible solutions
• Estimate total costs, develop a budget and consider funding options
• Set a timeline
HP with the communities
4. Evaluation

• Define the evaluation need

• Determine the information needed
• Develop the evaluation design
• Determine the data collection method
• Determine the sample
• Collect, organize and analyze the data
• Modify the programme
HP with the communities
5. Sustaining the effort

• Review the current status (should it continue?, Does it need

• Examine how the community stakeholders are viewing the
• Write new goal statement and objectives
• Determine a new timeline and implementation plan
• Inform media
• Continue the recruit, maintain and train the stakeholders
Role of civil society organizations in HP
Civil Society Organizations (CSOs)

• CSOs are broadly understood to be non-state, not-for-profit, voluntary

• individuals and groups organize themselves into civil society organizations
(CSOs) to pursue their collective interests and engage in activities of public
• CSOs emerged as reactions to centralized authority in state structures;
dissatisfaction with state performance on public services ; and
dissatisfaction with policy positions taken by the state on national and
international issues.
Role of civil society organizations in HP

Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) can:

• Advocate basic health rights

• Fill gaps in health service delivery
• Improve health service access
Role of civil society organizations in HP

Role of CSOs in HP

•Obtaining and disseminating health information

• Building informed public choice on health
• Implementing and using health research
• Helping to shift social attitudes; and
• Mobilizing and organizing people for better health
Thank You

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