Fracture Femur

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Presented by dr. Elvina Prisila, Sp. Rad

Introduction 03

Standard Radiographic Techniques 05

Classification 06

Treatment 11

Case Presentation 12

Presentation Outline Discussion 13

Conclusion 14

References 15

Fracture Femur dr. Elvina Prisila, Sp. Rad


• Hip joint is based on articulation of the femoral head and the acetabulum of pelvis,
and it is a synovial ball-and-socket type joint.
• More than 70% of all hip dislocation are due to motor vehicle accidents. Femoral
head fracture are seen approximately in 15 – 15% of posterior hip dislocations and
are thought to occur due to either (a) mechanical shearing of the femoral head on
the wall of the acetabulum or (b) avulsion of the ligamentum.

Fracture Femur dr. Elvina Prisila, Sp. Rad


• Delays in appropriate surgical treatment are associated with increased

complication and mortality rates.
• Suboptimal treatment of hip fractures may result in debilitating complications
such as avascular necrosis (AVN), fracture nonunion or malunion, or fixation
hardware failure.
• Diagnosing and correctly treating these injuries to avoid long-term sequelae of
avascular necrosis and osteoarthritis is imperative.

Fracture Femur dr. Elvina Prisila, Sp. Rad

Standard Radiographic Techniques

• The fracture pattern is an important consideration when deciding upon treatment for femoral head fractures.
• There are multiple imaging techniques for lateral hip radiography including the
frog-leg lateral view, Lowenstein view, and cross-table lateral view.

Fracture Femur dr. Elvina Prisila, Sp. Rad


• Multiple classification systems for proximal femoral fracture-dislocations have been

described in the literature, but the morphologic system classifies femoral proposed
by Pipkin that relatively simple from a radiographic standpoint.
• In 1957, Garret Pipkin, an orthopedic surgeon from Kansas City, developed this
calssification system based on lohis obeservation of 24 patients with 25 fractures.

Fracture Femur dr. Elvina Prisila, Sp. Rad


Type 1 is defined as a hip dislocation with a femoral head

fracture caudal to the fovea central or capitis femoris, no
acetabular fracture, no femoral neck fracture, and small other
fracture fragments are seen within the hip joint.
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Fracture Femur dr. Elvina Prisila, Sp. Rad


Type 2 of Pipkin Classification fractures that extend superior to

the fovea centralis and defined as a hip dislocation with femoral
head fracture cephalad to the fovea capitis femoris and
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ligamentum teres often remains attached to the fracture


Fracture Femur dr. Elvina Prisila, Sp. Rad


Type 3 fractures are a type 1 or 2 femoral head fracture with an

associated femoral neck fracture.
This type is characterized by high risk of vascular necrosis of
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the femoral head.

Fracture Femur dr. Elvina Prisila, Sp. Rad


Type 4 fractures combine a type 1 or 2 femoral head fracture

with an acetabular posterior wall fractures and management
depends on their size and location. This type is believed to have
poorer prognosis because there are several surgical approaches
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for the treatment of Pipkin type 4

Fracture Femur dr. Elvina Prisila, Sp. Rad


Nonoperative treatment Operative treatment

Nonsurgical treatment of a femoral head Most fractures of the femoral head are
fracture is acceptablen when anatomic treated surgically, given the tendency for
reduction is achieved and the hip joint is these fracture to have displacement and joint
stable or if the fracture is inferior to the incongruity.
fovea and not problematic.

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Case Presentation

A 19-year-old man, reported to the orthopedic department that he

had complains of pain and difficult movements of two months
duration with his right lower limb. He had got tibial operation after
vehicle injury. Vital sign of patient is normal. No fever. The
orthopedist sent him to radiology department to get examination of x
ray pelvis.

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Case Presentation

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Case Presentation

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The femoral head necrosis occurs due to lack of bloody supply resulred from prolonged dislocation of
the hip joint and accelerates if the femoral head ligament is cut in operation to deteriorate the blood
Surgical treatment for injuries involving the hip joint are generally complex duet to it is deep
location, massive soft tissues in situ, and vulnerable femoral head vascularity.
Anatomically and biomechanically fragments of the femoral head are pushec anteriorly during hip
injury in sitting position duet o the backward forces of the femur.

Fracture Femur dr. Elvina Prisila, Sp. Rad



• Femoral head fractures caudal to the fovea centralis are Pipkin 2 lesions and involve the weight-
bearing portion of the femoral head.
• This CT scan is not only important for assessing the femoral head fracture pattern (size, location,
comminution), but also to evaluate the congruity of the hip joint and determine the presence or
absence of intra-articular loose fragments.

Fracture Femur dr. Elvina Prisila, Sp. Rad


• Gammons, M. 2018. Hip Dislocation. Medscape [Internet].

• Ross, James R., Michael J. Gardner. 2012. Femoral Head Fractures. Curr Rev Musculoskelet Med. 5(3): 199–205.
• Simunovic, Nicole, PJ Devereaux, Mohit Bhandari. 2011. Surgery for Hip Fractures: Does Surgical Delay Affect
Outcomes. Indian J Orthop. 45(1):27–32.
• Peng, Shih-Hui, et al. 2020. Surgical Treatment of Femoral Head Fractures. Biomed Journal. 43(5): 451–7.
• Zhao, Bei MD, et al. 2017. Pipkin Type Iii Femoral Head Fracture-Dislocation Combined with Complicated Acetabular
Fracture: A Rare Case Report And Literature Review. Medicine. 96(50): 2021.
• Luijkx, Tim, Jeremy Jones, et al. Proximal Femoral Fractures. Radiopaedia Articles [Internet].
• Yu, Xiao, Qing-Jiang Pang, Xian-Jun Chen. 2017. Clinical Results of Femoral Head Fracture-Dislocation Treated
According to the Pipkin Classification. Pakistan J Med Sci. 33(3): 650–653.
• Lim, Seung-Jae, Yoo-Soo Park. 2015. Plain Radiography of the Hip: A Review of Radiographic Techniques and Image
Features. Hip Pelvis. 27(3): 125-133

Fracture Femur dr. Elvina Prisila, Sp. Rad

• Sam, Richard, Yu Chen Y, Nahid Tayebi, Ellen Sidransky. 2020. Generating Pluripotent Stem-Cell Derived Organoids to
Model Gaucher Disease Type 2. Molecular Genetics and Metabolism.132(2): S94.
• Charkhand, Behshad, et al. 2019. Effect Of Ambroxol Chaperone Therapy on Glucosylsphingosine (Lyso-Gb1) Levels in
Two Canadian Patients With Type 3 Gaucher Disease. Molecular Genetics and Metabolism Reports. 20: 1–2.
• Oguri, Masayoshi, et al. 2020. High-Frequency Component in Flash Visual Evoked Potentials in Type 3 Gaucher Disease.
Brain & Development. 42(1): 19–27.
• Genetics Home Reference. 2020. Gaucher Disease. Medline Plus [Internet]. [Download thn bulan tgl]; volume (terbitan):
Available on : -link web-.
• Sidransky, Ellen. 2018. Gaucher Disease Workup. Medscape [Internet]. [Download thn bulan tgl]; volume (terbitan):
Available on : -link web-.
• Vancauwenberghe, Thomas, et al. 2015. Imaging of The Spleen: What The Clinician Needs To Know. Singapore Med J.
56(3) :133–44.
• Sanofi Genzyme. 2017. Taking Charge of Your Care : Seven Tests That Are Important For People Living With Gaucher
Disease Type 1. Amerika Serikat (US): Genzyme Coorporation.

Fracture Femur dr. Elvina Prisila, Sp. Rad


Thank You
Fracture Femur dr. Elvina Prisila, Sp. Rad

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