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• Leaders influence the perception, motivation,

communication, personality and the overall behavior of

• Stogdill (1950) defined leadership as, “the process (act)

of influencing the activities of an organized group in its
efforts toward goal setting and goal achievement.”

• Drucker (1996) summarized the ideas on leadership in

one sentence, “the only definition of a leader is
someone that has followers”.
Leader VS Manager
Nature and Functions of Leadership

Nature of Leadership Functions of Leadership

1. Creation of followers 1. To develop team work

2. Common Goals Purpose 2. Act as a representative of
3. Ability to ensure actions the employees
4. Social Interaction 3. Be a counselor and guide
5Continuous Process for employees
6. Power Relationship 4. Proper use of power
5. Ensure effectiveness of
group efforts
Leadership Styles
1. Autocratic or Authoritarian Leadership Style:
An autocratic leadership is centered around the leader.
The decisions made by the leader do not have any inputs
from the team members. The authority and decision
making powers are concentrated with the leader and
there is no participation in decision making by the
members of the team.
2. Democratic Leadership/ Participative management:
Leaders following this style believe in consulting all team
members and make the management participative.
Work and tasks are allotted to members looking at their
strengths, availability and consent to take it up.
This style helps the team members develop a confidence
and prepares them to take up greater responsibilities in
course of their work.
Leadership Styles
• A democratic or participative leadership is appropriate when:
• a. The Vision, Mission, Goals and Strategic plan of the organization
are clearly communicated to all the employees of the organization.
• b. When rewards and employee engagement are central theme of
performance management.
• c. Where every team member is given an opportunity to present
their ideas and feasible ideas are accepted no matter what the
designation of the ideator is.
• d. When team members are experienced enough to take their

3. Free – Rein or Laissez Faire Leadership Style:

Laissez Faire is sometimes described as “no leadership” because a
direct leadership is not visible. Under this style; the authority of
taking decisions for a particular area is delegated to a particular
team member and this team member is accountable for the
consequences of these decisions.
Leadership Styles

The Free – Rein or Laissez Faire leadership style is effective

1. When employees of the organization are engaged on a high
level and are willing to take challenging tasks.
2. When the leaders are open to the idea of delegating not
only tasks but also decisions.
3. When the employees are trained and confident of taking
effective decisions.
4. When team members are used to being independent and do
not like being frequently instructed.
Leadership Styles

4. Bureaucratic Leadership
This is a style often found in government offices and is
defined by high degree of rules, regulations and minimum
degree of flexibility. The leadership is more of administration
and is categorized by routine actions.
5. Charismatic Leadership:
Charismatic leaders are leaders who inspire the team by their
charm and energy.
Charismatic leaders have very good oratory skills and an
ideological vision which they have an ability to translate into
goals for the team.
They have the ability to drive the team towards its target.
They have a great rapport with people because of their
interpersonal skills.
• Thank You.

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